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VQ02 - Predetermined City Placement

I'd leave our lone forest unchopped.... maybe we can get lucky and have it grow some for the extra health!

Too bad our first city didn't found just south and west so that it would be on the river. Rivers will be some of the only defense bonus we'll have in this game. Of course in our scenario rules... its now just luck of the draw.

Any chance of being able to build Cow Archers?
Erm ... how many turns are we doing each in the first round? Without the capability of chop-rushing and a low hammer count, the initial centuries would simply fly by without much to accomplish.

EDIT: oh... I saw Maquis post in the first page stating 15 turns per tunrset for the 1st round, my bad ... :crazyeye:

Without forest, I actually won't go for bronze working so early until we can hook up the copper (earliest is I guess with our sixth city :wow:). Would go for AH first ... ... oh wait a minute, we don't know where copper is without researching BW. So I guess BW first is the correct path ...

In any case, without the ability to chop rush settler, it is gonna take a while to get to our second and third city, not to mention the sixth :sad:

EDIT2: Must be :smoke:ing ,,, confused plains and grasslands ... ignore text below

The river might easily be our main source of production (read: watermills). But that will come in late, so, in the mean time it should be mixed farms and cottages. Also, some specialist will bring hammers to the city, so perhaps our best approach is to convert most of our all-plains cities int o specialist farms.

On hindsight, great plains is not that great a map for our particular variant ... but what the heck, I'm always up for a good challenge :D

how about catapults that hurl cows instead of boulders?

RUN AWAY!!! - What if we built a large....

IIRC, cows are 3 hammers/3 food when improved. While the wheat will help that city, any city with only cows and will not be able to run more than like one specialist - we will need to specialize!!

One benefit of this variant, is that distance cost shouldn't be too bad at first because of our requirements. The problem is that I don't see a lot of commerce anywhere - cottages on plains stink because they're one food. Our capital can run (I think) 6 cottaged plains if grass is irrigated - but with 6 it will stagnate (until biology).
Oh ... I looked at the saved and relaized that I keep confusing plains and grassland :crazyeye: :hammer2:

my previous analysis about no hammers and specialist farm was based on a hypothetical Great Grassland map rather than the actual Great Plains map ... :smoke: :blush:

Forget about everything I said in that post, please ... :p
Yes, we really got an interesting start. I thought about re-rolling, but I figured we might want to play this out, just to see how we can fare.

To be truthful, this was the second start I tried. The first one I rolled put us in the south-eastern corner, and we could not expand south, and only 1 city east (remember there is no world wrap in great plains map). I just couldn't take that given our variant. So instead we have settled in the middle of North Dakota!

As for city placement, I would lean toward east even before the south. Our eastern city is going to have to be our main production city for the early game... hopefully there will be some food in that city or we're going to be majorly screwed.

I am going to re-open the save and post a quick dot map of the Tier 1 cities.
Okay, some new observations after telling myself "its plains not grasslands" 27 times:

I counted 11 irrigatable tiles (not acounting those irrigatable through chaining) == 11 farms which will give us 3 surplus food, meaning our capital can support 3 more cottage tiles before Biology Not too bad, considering we already have 8 commerce without cottages.

@bobrath: wouldn't building a pasture at the cows tile remove that only forest?

Due to our variant, the weat at the NE, the wine at the NW, and the cows at SE and SW are not workable :(

The city at the south may turns out to be a production powerhouse with 4 cows ...
OK, I took another look at the save to answer a couple of our questions.

1) Our single grassland in the SW does have fresh water from the river, so we can irrigate.
2) Let's leave the forest alone, and the tiles around it. If we're lucky the forest will grow!!

Here's the dotmap:

I have changed my mind... South (Blue dot) should be our second city. 4 of the cows, and we will be able to hook up copper on the second expansion (Nothing in our variant prevents us from hooking up something outside the fat cross!) So the quicker we found that city, the quicker we can get copper online.

Blue dot is also on a river, hopefully that will give us an advantage in traderoutes. Not that any of our cities will end up on that river. Oh well :rolleyes:

The city to the north will be ok as well, 3 cows and 2 wine.

I realize it was probably dumb of me to build the worker so soon... I guess I was automatically thinking of the forest chop... so the worker has nothin to do until Ag comes in (6 turns) Soory about that, I should have pumped out another warrior I guess.
Maquis said:
As far as warring to make room for our cities, there are no other stipulations other than "clearing" the way for our next city. We can declare peace right after we take the offending AI city, or we can mow down their whole civ.

lurker's comment:
In the later game (post-Middle Ages, maybe sooner depending on your neighbors), removing the offending city simply won't be enough, because there will continue to be cultural presence preventing you from building your city in the correct spot. You'll probably have to eliminate all nearby cities as well.
Good point ChrTh! - and its nice to have more experienced lurkers to help us out!!

My thinking is if we aren't near a civ's capital or 2nd or 3rd cities, our culture from our "core" will mostly push the borders out far enough for us to put a city there. We may actually want to focus on culture a bit here and there to help out with that.

Of course, if we're surrounded - we'll have no choice...
@maquis: I thought the purpose of this variant is to NOT have dotmaps ... :lol:

I agree on the south city first, as I mentioned, with 4 cows, its our production power house, at least until we settled on the eastern mountain range.

@ChrTh: You are right! :woohoo: You wouldn't have guess how good a news that is for bobrath & me :)

@oldbustedjorn/ex-bpierfy: must be a web browser autologin thing. If so, you can get Firefox to forget the cached username+password. Don't know abt IE though.
@oldbustedjorn/ex-bpierfy: must be a web browser autologin thing. If so, you can get Firefox to forget the cached username+password. Don't know abt IE though.

Yea, I know exactly what the problem is, but IE is no longer my default browser so I didn't have to worry about it. Then this stupid app at work REQUIRES that IE not only be used (I can live with that) but that it be default. What kind of programming is that?

Anyway, I fixed the problem - so it won't happen again - at least not from my work laptop...

Sorry I did not get to my turns last night, I didn't get home until 10pm and needed sleep. I'll play my turns from VQ 1 and 2 tonight when I get home from work.

I should have worded things differently... When I said there wouldn't be a dotmap... I *meant* there would be no discussion about dot maps. The one I drew up is the law of the land!!
If we want to change up the order here we can. I'm up to suggestions here, otherwise I was thinking:

player 1: Maquis
player 2: bobrath
player 3: Greyfox
player 4: eektor
player 5: oldbustedjorn

This way it should not overlap with VQ01, and no one is passing off to the same person as last time... sound good? Anyone think something different would work?
Since I'm going right after GreyFox, I guess I won't be seeing any action in this SG :rotfl:

I finished off two of the civs in the last one, so I'm not complaining. :D

It's nice to see a pro SG player lurking around our game. Comments are always welcome.

Oh, I think it would be a miracle if we end up able to keep any of the other civ's cities. So we won't be able to capture any wonders or holy cities. If we want a wonder we better build it ourselves. Also, if we raze a holy city other civs would be mad if that was their religion. We need to watch out for that.

I never played a Great Plains map. I wonder if that's a typical start with all those cows.
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