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War Decleration & Reputation

Mr Funkypants

Wo Bist Du?
Feb 18, 2004
North-Central Belgium
Hi all. Well, I know that when you just jump into another Civ's territory and declare war on them, your reputation takes a serious hit and no one will want to sign a Right of Passage or Mutual Protection Pact with you anymore. But is the same true if I first go to the Diplomacy screen to declare war on them? Because there's an annoying neighbour I'd like to get rid of, but I'm already hated enough, I don't want any more civs to hate me...
The key to avoiding RoP Rape rep-hits is to not have *any* units inside their borders when you declare war.

As for other rep hits when declaring war: make sure you don't have any ongoing per-turn deals with your foe. And be careful about cutting trade routes with the other civs that go *through* the enemy you want to fight. They will become unavailable with the onset of war. So you could declare on the Aztecs, and get a rep hit for breaking a deal with the Zulu, for instance.
Probably not, it would be terribly cheap for something like this to be allowed to happen. However, I'm not quite certain about it. It's worth looking up.

Thanks for the advice Padma.
soul_damnator said:
Just occured to me..

What if the AI declares on me whilst my units are in their territory (say I have ROP), do I get a rep hit?

No, you don't get a rep hit, because they declared on you.
I should add tho that you would take the rep hit if you have any trade deals going through their territory. I've never agreed with that aspect of the game, but we can't really edit it out, either.
Padma said:
The key to avoiding RoP Rape rep-hits is to not have *any* units inside their borders when you declare war.

As for other rep hits when declaring war: make sure you don't have any ongoing per-turn deals with your foe. And be careful about cutting trade routes with the other civs that go *through* the enemy you want to fight. They will become unavailable with the onset of war. So you could declare on the Aztecs, and get a rep hit for breaking a deal with the Zulu, for instance.

I think the trade route would still be available as along as Zulus and Aztecs are at peace.

soul_damnator said:
But the Aztecs are at war with you, and you don't expect them to let you get some trade going on if they can help it do you :scan:

No, I wouldn't expect them to let me trade. But what are they going to do about their friends, the Zulus?

soul_damnator said:
The Zulus would see you as the one who broke the deal anyway

If the deal does not break to begin with they cannot see you as the one who broke it.

And anyway, I have checked now. The deal would be fine as long as Zulus and aztecs keep the peace(at least in Vanilla 1.29b2 Mac).

soul_damnator said:
, so would Monty care?

Besides, everyone's a rival at the end of the day :lol:

Nah, we're all friends:


Lord Emsworth said:
If the deal does not break to begin with they cannot see you as the one who broke it.

And anyway, I have checked now. The deal would be fine as long as Zulus and aztecs keep the peace(at least in Vanilla 1.29b2 Mac).

Nah, we're all friends:


Is this woman EVER happy? She needs to get out more often. :lol:
ok weird question here... so if the AI did happen to break a deal and take a reputation hit, could it be possible to take advantage of that in future trading? would they be willing to give gold to get a RoP agreement? does the scale tip that way too? so instead of having to give up gold to get a RoP they would give you gold trying to make themselves look better.
Lord Emsworth said:
I think the trade route would still be available as along as Zulus and Aztecs are at peace.

Nope, if you have a trade route with the Actecs that goes through Zululand, and you and Zululand go to war, that trade route is broken. Sure, the Aztecs could technically still get through, but that's how the game was programmed.

dobbles said:
ok weird question here... so if the AI did happen to break a deal and take a reputation hit, could it be possible to take advantage of that in future trading? would they be willing to give gold to get a RoP agreement? does the scale tip that way too? so instead of having to give up gold to get a RoP they would give you gold trying to make themselves look better.
I've never known the AI to give gold or GPT for a RoP. Then again, I don't use them except in rare circumstances, so I've never even tried. But the way the game is programmed is once your rep is trashed, it's trashed forever. No getting back into the good graces of the AI.
Turner said:
Nope, if you have a trade route with the Actecs that goes through Zululand, and you and Zululand go to war, that trade route is broken. Sure, the Aztecs could technically still get through, but that's how the game was programmed.

I have checked meanwhile and I my version at least the traderoute would not be broken.

dobbles said:
ok weird question here... so if the AI did happen to break a deal and take a reputation hit, could it be possible to take advantage of that in future trading? would they be willing to give gold to get a RoP agreement? does the scale tip that way too? so instead of having to give up gold to get a RoP they would give you gold trying to make themselves look better.

Yes, it happens that an AI is willing to pay you for a ROP. I am not sure, though, exactly what determines who would have to pay. But I don't think that rep hits on the side of the AI have got anything to do with it.

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