@chrisgatt7 I completely forgot all about this. One problem is that there are only two types of aircraft in Civ 6 - fighters or bombers and I think but not 100% sure that the missions they can perform are hard coded. So my only real option here is to make ground attack aircraft, bombers.
In CIV 5 I gave Anti-air units the ability to Intercept 99 times each turn and increased their combat strengths. This made them very dangerous units. To counter them, I then created F4G Wild Weasel Aircraft to perform the Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) role. I only allowed the F4G's specific promotions that gave them an increasing amount of evasion and combat strength vs anti-air units, SEAD I, II, III.
In CIV 6 I have not yet figured out how to make AA Guns and Mobile SAMs truly dangerous, they can only intercept once each turn. And there doesn't appear to be an "evasion" variable anymore. However, I have made the Wild Weasle Aircraft, again through promotions specific to them. I duplicated the jet fighter, named it F4G SEAD and created a new promotion class PROMOTION_CLASS_WILD_WEASEL, and then gave it a single track of promotions; Cockpit Armor (bonus defense vs Anti-air units), HARM (bonus attack vs Anit-air units), FLIR (double LOS), and Drop Tanks (increased range). Yes it can still patrol (intercept) but it would not survive more than one turn against enemy fighter attacks. Once my F4G gets the FLIR promotion I put it on patrol to "seek out" enemy anti-air units and ALWAYS put at least one Jet Fighter in a hex next to it for protection from enemy fighters. (FLIR is Forward Looking Infra-Red and HARM is High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile.)
I have been thinking about doing similar for an A-10, dedicated anti-tank, and if the AI actually used submarines at all I would make an MH-60R ASW helicopter.
Alas, right now I am still trying to figure out how to 'fix' AA Guns and Mobile SAMs such that they intercept every fighter, bomber, and/or Nuke that attacks them or flies past them.
Hope this helps with brain storming for new aircraft roles without having to get into real coding and/or LUA.