[BTS] Warhammer FB Conversion Beta - Download/Debug Thread

awsome, im Downloading now :)

EDIT: a couple bugs:

the first one popped up at least 4 times every turn! :confused:

the second one is just a typo i think. im Khemri and i founded Immortality religion, but here it says Khemri is owned by Lhamia who isnt even in the game! also Ai are still not founding religions, even though they have the techs. i suggest increasing the ammount the AI value the Religious Shrine buildings?

much better tech paths now, great work :D. the restless are also better, Ta.
Please don't edit posts for bugreports. Easy to miss. The pythonexception was intended to force the AI to build shrines. Maybe next patch then;)
Just uploaded

Patch D:
-fixed domapturn bug caused by jungles not defined(reported by Darkdone)
-renamed Lord Kroak back to Lord Mazdamundi
-added Pediaentry for Mazdamundi
-AI should build Shrines now(I hope)
-fixed Nehekharan textbug
-new modelart for Bugman's Brewery(woodelf)
-added some BuildingButtons(Great stuff PL, thx!)
-made Warhammermap compatible(not playable - it's not even half done)
-added Building Tower of Eternal Wood(modelart Psychic Llamas -previous "Treecity"), Asrai National Wonder
-White Tower of Hoeth now unique national wonder for the Asur
-The Dark Covenant unique national Wonder for the Druchii

These national Wonders are meant as prereqs for Magic/Special Units. Suggestions about other effects as well as pediaentries would be fantastic!
The Philosopher Stone world wonder is purchase able with advanced start. Also I'm going to need to check it in the worldbuilder tomorrow when I've got time but I believe that when I did my last advanced start as the dark elves I had more starting tech then a that snake lady...wish I wasn't so tired to remember her Civ's name...

Anyways, game just started, I hadn't bought any tech and in the trade screen it showed me with a tech she didn't have when we should all start with the same techs at the same era (unless we purchase more with advanced start of course).

Also I commented about imbalances of starting with Hedgewizard on your main Warhammer thread, in case it hasn't been read.
The Jade College and the Grey Order world wonders are also selectable at Advanced Start.

Also...why on earth can the Good aligned nature loving fairies build Zombies? o.0

Oh and whats up with the Shrines? I just started an Advanced Start in the Mechanical Age and I'm able to build all the Shrines? Aside from them being extremely cheap you don't even need a single city with the population to build it.
The shrines aren't set up as in the designthread yet. I first need some feedback if the AI now actually founds the Religions and how fast in average games this happens.
Fixed the colleges.

Who can build Zombies the woodelves? Weird, will look into that.
Athel Loren.

Also the Grey Journeyman gains XP as a slightly slower pace then the Druid. Both were created at Advanced Start after I had selected those wonders but the Druid is gaining his next promotion before the Journeyman.

Horror of Tzeentch should have a different designation then Elven, both because its not an Elf and because it apparently can't be used as a city defender for purposes of the "We fear for our safety" clause.

Oh and the triple free specialists which at the same time give you bonuses for having said specialists are so utterly over powered. I can't see why I'd want to run anything else, every city I found just makes me more money as I've got three priests making sure that its above its maint costs and still productive. My cities are running an average of 6 priests per city. Its turn 61 of my advanced start game, I've got 8 great people and thats without wonders (freaking AI beat me to every wonder I tried to make), Philosophical or any other bonuses to GPP.
A druid is a higher tier than a Journeyman. Specialist for what. sorry I didn't bother much about civics right now but can you give me more detail so I can look into it?

are there still any red blobs? please notify me because I have linked more than 700 models checking this out myself would take a lot of time, thx!
Question; you say to unzip all the files into the general BTS folder, but it asks me if I want to replace my original mods folder. Is this going to get rid of all the mods that are in their now? Cuz i'd rather not do that.
are there still any red blobs? please notify me because I have linked more than 700 models checking this out myself would take a lot of time, thx!

I just started a game, opened the world builder and placed every single unit out. I can confirm the following six units are still red blops.

Javalin Thrower Horde, the human one
Ancient Cavalery, also a human unit
Goblin Spearman (has the human promotion as well o.0)
Militia Swordsmen Regiment (also with the human promotion, not sure exactly which Civ uses it as I know my game as the wood elves mine were fine, as I recall it was one of the Blue civs and not Kislev in my last game I was seeing the blops on)
Forestgoblin Spearman Mob (another human goblin XD)
Swordsman Regiment (lastly, also has the human promotion)
I just started a game, opened the world builder and placed every single unit out. I can confirm the following six units are still red blops.

Javalin Thrower Horde, the human one
Ancient Cavalery, also a human unit
Goblin Spearman (has the human promotion as well o.0)
Militia Swordsmen Regiment (also with the human promotion, not sure exactly which Civ uses it as I know my game as the wood elves mine were fine, as I recall it was one of the Blue civs and not Kislev in my last game I was seeing the blops on)
Forestgoblin Spearman Mob (another human goblin XD)
Swordsman Regiment (lastly, also has the human promotion)

It seems you have no graphiccard that supports shader as there's indeed no Nonshadermodel for those. Please notify me of any more blobs you find as I can't check noshader graphics myself with my graphiccard. Also please name the civ you've been playing with, thx.
I believe I fixed the goblins and Javelineers now but I need to know what civ you were playing to find the rest.
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