• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

We feel ripped off by Firaxis.

I actually have also noticed that as many as 30-40% of the 'old-timers' here at CFC have actually disappeared entirely, and I would not be suprised if this is because they are either playing the game happily, or off making ever newer and better mods for the game. The bulk of the complaint threads have, from what I have seen, been started by people who have just joined the forum that very hour-a fact which seems to be skewing the apparent dissatisfaction levels with the game-at least this is how I am seeing it.

Aussie_Lurker said:
The bulk of the complaint threads have, from what I have seen, been started by people who have just joined the forum that very hour - a fact which seems to be skewing the apparent dissatisfaction levels with the game - at least this is how I am seeing it.

You're a Deity with 3669 posts...so I suppose you are now uttering the Gospel Truth, all-seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid.
Sorceresss said:
You're a Deity with 3669 posts...so I suppose you are now uttering the Gospel Truth, all-seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid.

The title underneath your name appears to have a typo.

Theres a W where the B should be.

I myself follow the Gospel of Aussie Lurker.
Hey, I only said 'that is the way I see it'. I could be mistaken, but I have to say that a LOT of familiar faces are either (a) missing completely or (b) limiting themselves to the GOTM, Democracy Games and Customization threads-something which would seem to indicate that they are all having no problems with the game. Could be wrong, though!

Sorceresss said:
You're a Deity with 3669 posts...so I suppose you are now uttering the Gospel Truth, all-seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid.
No, that's my job.
This thread is getting decidedly uncivil. There's no need for this.

Many here have shared strong opinions. But remember that they are ultimately just opinions and not facts. One cannot force one's opinions on another, for we all have free will. Trying to control a person's free will is an ultimately futile exercise, especially if one flames and hurls insults while going about it.

Stick to the facts of the case and seek the truth. Do not seek to be right, seek to be fair. Following these simple rules will make a discussion far more interesting and useful than yet another inane pissing match.
Aussie_Lurker said:
I actually have also noticed that as many as 30-40% of the 'old-timers' here at CFC have actually disappeared entirely, and I would not be suprised if this is because they are either playing the game happily, or off making ever newer and better mods for the game. The bulk of the complaint threads have, from what I have seen, been started by people who have just joined the forum that very hour-a fact which seems to be skewing the apparent dissatisfaction levels with the game-at least this is how I am seeing it.


They may have just given up and decided to wait for the next patch as I have done. I still look in from time to time hoping for that 'magic fix' that may or may not arrive soon. Once you realise your problem hasnt been fixed there is no point hanging around, certainly not to discuss the game itself of which I have seen little. Its generally the Fanboi's job to rack the posts up instead of playing the game.

The fact that people are joining this forum to voice their concerns is the official site points here, google points here and there is a lot of good information available here. Many of these newer people would never have joined this forum if their game would have been working. If these newer people are welcomed (rather than put down like certain other posters tend to do) then they may even be inclined to hang around once their problem is solved.

BTW, I did send my Dxdiag log off and got a reply 3 weeks later telling my to run my computer with all the start up files off (msconfig disable start up). Not sure if it is a really good idea to send that advice out as alot of people in that situation may not realise their Firewall may now be switched off, oh well.
I see that there are board trolls here, like on most other boards, who only seem to exist to cause arguments and attack individual posters. They bait them in their replies and then flame them when they respond. There is nothing like a game forum to bring these people out.

A common misconception seems to be that someone who is new to the forums is new to the game. I've been playing Civ since Civ 1 was released in 1994 or 1995 (or perhaps 1993). Yet, this will be my second post on this forum.

I do not feel I was "ripped off" by Firaxis; I just realize that this game will need some patching to be playable by all. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones in that I can play the game, although I do have issues with it, especially in the LAN game area. One should not need a network engineer to get a game on the network going. If that is the case, the game requires too much technical knowledge for the customer base it is being sold to. Still, I think they will work and get these issues worked out. My only concern is that the fixes be made available as a patch and not as an "upgrade" six months down the road.

Two things will happen. First, Firaxis will work to resolve as many of the issues as they can; but they have to be able to duplicate the issue in order to resolve it. Second, they will release patches that will solve some problems; but unfortunately, the patches themselves can often create other issues that were unforeseen in the development of the patch. This is the software developmental cycle. This goes for everyone, from Microsoft at the operating system level down to every game or application programming company.

If we approach this with reasonable expectations and provide positive feedback to Firaxis, we will get further than if we simply come to this public forum to bash and flame each other. Positive criticism and detailed feedback are needed, not emotionally charged arguments and put-downs.

Aussie_Lurker said:
I actually have also noticed that as many as 30-40% of the 'old-timers' here at CFC have actually disappeared entirely, and I would not be suprised if this is because they are either playing the game happily, or off making ever newer and better mods for the game. The bulk of the complaint threads have, from what I have seen, been started by people who have just joined the forum that very hour-a fact which seems to be skewing the apparent dissatisfaction levels with the game-at least this is how I am seeing it.


I agree.
Does that make me a member of this gospel choir? :mischief:

Most of them have either also moved on to other/smaller sites or simply avoid the Civ4 forums on CFC...
-EFD-Hitless said:
I'm sorry if I'm coming off as way to angry. I don't mean to offend anyone. Its just super frustrating to have so many issues on so many different computers. We have played many games, BF2 + SF, AOE series, and many others. Sure they had there problems, but, tech support kept in contact with us and let us know what was going on. Were getting nothing here from Firaxis. Now with the router blowing up, I'm alittle upset.
I'm sure that they're only less responsive because the game just released .... I least I hope so. So give them a little more time and a little more patience. Hopefully it'll all work out sooner or later.

I haven't had any problems with the game on my laptop so far with the exception of an annoying prompt saying that my machine is below system requirement (even tho it's right at the recommended specs) everytime I load the game up.
Aussie_Lurker said:
Hey, I only said 'that is the way I see it'. I could be mistaken, but I have to say that a LOT of familiar faces are either (a) missing completely or (b) limiting themselves to the GOTM, Democracy Games and Customization threads-something which would seem to indicate that they are all having no problems with the game. Could be wrong, though!

Just a tiny minority of CIVers take actively part in forums - and civfanatics is not the only one by far. Maybe - just maybe - it wouldn't be the worst of ideas not to set one's own habits as the general standard, hm?
DemonDeLuxe said:
Just a tiny minority of CIVers take actively part in forums - and civfanatics is not the only one by far. Maybe - just maybe - it wouldn't be the worst of ideas not to set one's own habits as the general standard, hm?

FYI: Aussie_lurker is talking about a lot of people who were actively participating on this forum until recently. Now they do not come here very much anymore. Seems logical to me...
Yes, Sorc.. we see you.

always watching, we are.

but on the topic../

The game is a great game as far as enjoyment... if you can get it working.

Many people (this is not to say a majority, or minority- because unless someone does a scientifically valid study on it we won't know) are still having problems with the game.
Moo....ving on, I wonder how easy it would be to find out how many people are still having problems

yes, get all the people who think Civ 4 is poor to take a look at the Moo 3 boards - good idea!
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