• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

We feel ripped off by Firaxis.

warpstorm said:
-EFD-, just out of curiosity, have you mailed them your logs? If not you are doing nothing to actually getting your problems fixed.

In every email I've sent to them I've said I can send you the 5 different computer logs and events if they want them. I still haven't gotten a repley, my first email to them went out on release day. This is the only thing I've got back from them twice now:

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for contacting Take 2 Technical Support.

We are currently experiencing a very high volume of e-mails and telephone
calls. Due to this there is a delay on providing support although we are
doing everything we can to help.

We will be in touch shortly with an answer to your query. Thank you for
your patience.

Please be sure to delete all previous correspondence when replying. This
will help us to process your response in a more timely and efficient manner.

Kind Regards,
Take 2 Technical Support
I got:
processor= athlon xp3000
video card= radeon 9600 pro 256mb onboard ram
memory= 1gb pc3200 400mhz
power= 650w tripple fan
windows= xp sp2 + updates

And the only problem i had with the game was with the video card as it is ATI but the patch fixed it. Now the game runs fine no lag, 1x ctd (my fault) I now only have one problem my pc's in the bedroom as the mrs has hers down stairs and all i get at 10 11pm 00am 1am is turn that off i want to go to sleep........ ( ok ONE last turn honest..... )
-EFD-Hitless said:
Don't you see where your wrong. These 5 different systems play every other game (listed a bunch earlier) without an issue, including when we play HUGH maps with unlimited population numbers. All other game manufactures have figured it out, but, not Firaxis. I've seen numerous post, on here that say "I run fine, unless I try to play a hugh map with X number of civs." That kills me!! Thats like me buying a New Porshe, the guy sold it to me said it will go 200mph, but, when I get it home it only goes 45mph. The sales person would say, well, it only boogs down when you try to open it up and utilize it to the fullest.
But look at my specs (P-3 866mhz, 512 ram, 128mg Geforce 5700 le) they are They are below min. requirement to play the game. When I bought Civ4 I thought this would be the excuse I needed to buy a new computer but (Un)-Fortunately I was able to play the game fine as long as I stay to standard maps. Most games I put on my computer wont even let me install the game without a warning that I am too far under the min. specs (install anyway?) and then they arn't playable at all. I still plan to buy a new computer within the next year, but I was hoping I could rush it alittle with (But honey, Civ4 wont even run on my computer, its time for a new one!) oh well, the giant maps will have to wait for a little longer.
georgedv said:
My system had a spike of some kind 12 days ago. I had to get a new motherboard and power supply and upgraded to 2gigs and 256M nVidesa video card. I was lucky that everything is still under warranty. I have another system, three monitors & two printers hooked to that surge supressor and they are all fine. I have a hard time blaming the game for this, but thru several forums I have read that too many of these CTD and other reboots can cause this. If this is the case and things get zapped again, it will be interesting to see how my manuf reacts when I take my system back...LOL...How will I react when they say NOOOOO

Now you know why the EULA states that they are not responsible for any hardware damage caused by their software. I have had some serious BSOD's that frankly make me nervous about even running the game anymore, so I can belive this game capable of frying hardware. This has been one of the worst(buggy) AAA releases in a long time. I do hope it gets fixed becuase when it works it rocks.
WHOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just had my FIRST CTD!!!! I feel so proud!!!! :sniff: It's a touching moment.
Kolyana said:
WHOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just had my FIRST CTD!!!! I feel so proud!!!! :sniff: It's a touching moment.

I haven't had a proper one yet. The one CTD I had was due to another program...I'm still waiting for the day Civ 4 does it for itself :p
Kan' Sharuminar said:
I haven't had a proper one yet. The one CTD I had was due to another program...I'm still waiting for the day Civ 4 does it for itself :p

Patience young grasshopper ... your day will come.

Now excuse me, I'm going to open a bottle of bubbly :p
warpstorm said:
This is nice in theory, but there have been many DirectX errors in the previous iterations from MS. In addition, DirectX is dependent on the video cards and the drivers actually working according to spec. They often don't. That is the main reason why Ati and nVidia keep putting out driver updates. The worst is when the card/driver lie about capability. In DirectX you have to ask the card/driver whether it supports a given feature in hardware or software or neither. I've seen them give the wrong answer before.
I agree :goodjob:

- but it is still easier to write to DirectX and OpenG API's ....not to 'billions' of different configs as the poster I was replying to stated. At least it cuts down that number to a managable one so software can be written at all.

Are there issues with DirextX, hardware drivers, and software? You bet ....I have been on a 'few' conference calls with all three reps - MS, Hardware Vendor and Software Vendor to try and figure out problems - it is a real 'fun' experience to sit back and hear them go at one another...I'm sure you have been there and know what I mean, lol.
-EFD-Hitless said:
Don't you see where your wrong. These 5 different systems play every other game (listed a bunch earlier) without an issue, including when we play HUGH maps with unlimited population numbers. All other game manufactures have figured it out, but, not Firaxis. I've seen numerous post, on here that say "I run fine, unless I try to play a hugh map with X number of civs." That kills me!! Thats like me buying a New Porshe, the guy sold it to me said it will go 200mph, but, when I get it home it only goes 45mph. The sales person would say, well, it only boogs down when you try to open it up and utilize it to the fullest.

Unfortunately it does those CTD's just as regularly on merely large maps. I wouldn't have bought the game if I had to go down to medium, so I have no idea if it still does it there. I only play large because logically it should be less of a strain, but for the life of me, from the times I dared try huge, I haven't seen the slightest difference.
In response to someone earlier saying games on the consoles are not released so buggy and saying its because they use the same configurations. Thats rubbish (im a professional game developer for these systems) the reason why they arnt buggy or as bad is because ALL console manufacturers do NOT allow a game with serious bugs to go into production.

Civ4 is the most bug game ive ever played on release it doesnt work for 50% of the people I know, and only works on one of my machines. If I could have taken it back I would have and brought something else.

There is simply no excuse for it other than its been rushed out the door for the christmas market. There is also no reason what so ever that it requires such high specs, it certainly doesnt need vertex or pixel shaders to look almost exactly the same. If you dont believe me look at other games that look much better and do more work that works fine. Its simply shoddy work by shoddy programmers. Whats even more depressing is the graphics engine is brought from a company that should be able to do it competently.
From reading things about which machine can run it and which cant, i assume that one of the problems may be that Firaxis tried to bring it to as many peoples as possible (several once stated that Civ fans dont have the highest machines as it was never neccessary) speaking to a get a awefull amount of diffrent drivers if you just calculate the diffrent graphic cards (Geforce 4 TI, MX, Geforce 5 FX, ATi 9800, etc) and that those maybe conflict with each other. Well thats just a guess.
Tapeworm said:
In response to someone earlier saying games on the consoles are not released so buggy and saying its because they use the same configurations. Thats rubbish (im a professional game developer for these systems) the reason why they arnt buggy or as bad is because ALL console manufacturers do NOT allow a game with serious bugs to go into production.

I'm sorry, I simply don't believe that you're a game developer if you don't think that standardized hardware has any impact on developing bug free code. I develop software, too (not games) and one of our biggest problems is coding something that will work on a large variety of different hardware configurations.
Corlindale said:
Please don't include me in your statement, I can't recall ever being ripped off by Firaxis. I love the game, and I like how it runs perfectly smoothly on my pc, even though it is below-recommended specs.
Of course it is a shame that you've experienced problems, you just can't conclude that everyone has problems, based on that.

I agree, I think $49.95 was a great deal for this game, I have over 80 hours invested in it already.

I haven't had any problems with it at all.

I love this game!
Nightfang said:
Also consider that they may have tested it on, lets say, fifty computers, and they fixed whatever problems cropped up on those. Unfortunately, when it hit THOUSANDS of computers, new problems were found because of different hardware, different OS configurations, etc.
Quality programs are robust enough to work properly, even on thousands of different configurations.

CivIV isn't robust. It's as simple as that.
Well this game has cost me ohhh nearly $400 so far.
I whent from not being able to play, then buying a new vid card and played fine for awile, then major major slowdown so had to reinstall afterwards game would not run turned out to be a heat issue, game works again. I have played a bunch of games won some lost some. I dunno I have just lost interest already. at first I thought the game was so so then once I understood everything I thought the game was pretty good but now it's just boring. I havent played in at least 2 weeks maybe more can't remember I seriously don't really have any particular complaints with the game ( except maybe the graphics, Hurray for 2D) it's just lost that initial wow a new civ feeling and now that thats over the game is just boring and just feels lacking something or maybe has to much I dunno but I don't like it.

I think Im gonna ask for civ3 complete for X-mas as I have never played conquests and I lost my Civ3 awile ago.
Aside from being slow late in the game, my real problem is in loading the game. I've posted it in the bug area, so I won't go into details, but it basically puts my monitor to sleep when I try to start a new game. The patch made it worse, while fixing other minor issues.

Now, when I bought the game, even though I had more than the minimum requirements, I had a crappy onboard vid card and went and bought a new one. I didn't even complain about that cost... even though I'm not some rich fireman! (Just kiding EFD! We just finished contract negotiations with our FD, and they are reasonable guys who do a great job. :king: )

I guess this is my point. Why should I have to be a computer tech to play my favorite game? Most of you on here know way more than I about computers. I can't even post my home computers specs from memory, but I did check them before I laid out my $49.99. I've learned more about things I don't want to know than ever before... and I'm tired of trying to fix my computer for one game when everything else runs fine. I feel like Will from "Good Will Hunting"

"It's not your fault, son"
"I know"
"No... It's not your fault, son"
"I know..."
"No... It's not your fault, son"
"Don't **** with me, Sid!" (Crying uncontrollably)

I have heard the arguments from the other posters, and I only have these simple layman's answers... well, more like questions:

A: Well, it isn't everyone, it works fine on my computer.
Q: Cool! Are you in Oregon? I'd be very appreciative if you could fix mine.

A: It's impossible for every configuration to be accounted for...
Q: Okay, could someone have mentioned that? I didn't see it on the box.

A: No games are bug free. They'll get around to fixing it.
Q: Great. When? Before or after it hits the $29.99 rack?

Don't get me wrong, I love the Civ series, this forum is very helpful (even if only to vent a little frustration), but I do think Firaxis and/or Take 2 have not lived up to a reasonable standard of expectation with this particular game.
Mastiff_of_Ar said:
Aside from being slow late in the game, my real problem is in loading the game. I've posted it in the bug area, so I won't go into details, but it basically puts my monitor to sleep when I try to start a new game. The patch made it worse, while fixing other minor issues.

Now, when I bought the game, even though I had more than the minimum requirements, I had a crappy onboard vid card and went and bought a new one. I didn't even complain about that cost... even though I'm not some rich fireman! (Just kiding EFD! We just finished contract negotiations with our FD, and they are reasonable guys who do a great job. :king: )

I guess this is my point. Why should I have to be a computer tech to play my favorite game? Most of you on here know way more than I about computers. I can't even post my home computers specs from memory, but I did check them before I laid out my $49.99. I've learned more about things I don't want to know than ever before... and I'm tired of trying to fix my computer for one game when everything else runs fine. I feel like Will from "Good Will Hunting"

"It's not your fault, son"
"I know"
"No... It's not your fault, son"
"I know..."
"No... It's not your fault, son"
"Don't **** with me, Sid!" (Crying uncontrollably)

I have heard the arguments from the other posters, and I only have these simple layman's answers... well, more like questions:

A: Well, it isn't everyone, it works fine on my computer.
Q: Cool! Are you in Oregon? I'd be very appreciative if you could fix mine.

A: It's impossible for every configuration to be accounted for...
Q: Okay, could someone have mentioned that? I didn't see it on the box.

A: No games are bug free. They'll get around to fixing it.
Q: Great. When? Before or after it hits the $29.99 rack?

Don't get me wrong, I love the Civ series, this forum is very helpful (even if only to vent a little frustration), but I do think Firaxis and/or Take 2 have not lived up to a reasonable standard of expectation with this particular game.

Do you have the latest drivers for your video card?

If you have a Nvidia card, goto http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp

If have a ATi card, goto

Also, did you ensure that you installed DirectX 9.0c? It comes with the game. It should be on the first CD. To check your version you can goto Start -> Run and type dxdiag and your version should be somewhere on the first page.

Also, download all the latest Windows updates, and personally I would disable all the power management options (set to never) under control panel, they can cause problems.

Hopefully one of those will help.
Sark6354201 said:
Do you have the latest drivers for your video card?

Also, did you ensure that you installed DirectX 9.0c? It comes with the game. It should be on the first CD. To check your version you can goto Start -> Run and type dxdiag and your version should be somewhere on the first page.

Also, download all the latest Windows updates, and personally I would disable all the power management options (set to never) under control panel, they can cause problems.

Hopefully one of those will help.

I've checked 'em all. I actually had the card installed with the newest drivers just for the game. I appreciate the suggestions, though! At this point, I'll try just about anything short of standing on my head and trying to whistle Dixie out my ***.
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