• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

We feel ripped off by Firaxis.

Well, I guess that's just too bad.

MY copy of Civ 4 runs fine and has since it came out of the box. (Ver. 1.00 ran PERFECTLY for me)

I have a Dell Dimension 8400 with Windows XP Service Pack 2; 3.2ghz Pentium4 with HT; 1GB of RAM; 256MB nVidia GeForce 6800.

If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to playing Civ...
Latest emails i'm getting back from Firaxis are: We have a patch available, please download it ... even if I'm sending them bugs which clearly state that this is post 1.09 patch :rolleyes:
I agree with the original post in the thread. To claim that this game went through any serious QA is laughable. The release speaks for itself. Either we are supposed to believe that those dastardly game gremlins inserted all these problems at some point between the conclusion of QA and the beginning of delivery, or we can concede reality and state that corners were cut to get the game out before the holiday rush.

However I am with everyone else on the point that you can't very well blame Firaxis for whatever happened to your router. A router doesn't even operate on the same conceptual layer as a computer game. There's no way it's responsible for the fault. I suggest you don't buy Linksys in the future if that's the brand that's giving you trouble. I understand that you think there is a causal relationship between the hardware failure and the software shoddiness, but honestly coincidence is far, far more plausible.

And, of course, if you just use this network to play games amongst computers in the same building, you don't need a router at all. A hub would do it.

So you're out 49.99 + tax. You, personally. If your friends want to voice similar grievances, they should do it directly to... whoever it is that owns Firaxis now. Not that they'll care. Anyone on these forums either already knows how terrible the release has been in comparison to other games, or else is a True Believer and won't be convinced that anything is out of the ordinary, and that the problem is mass hallucinations or a vast right-wing conspiracy or everyone is lying about their computer specs.

I would say that I feel ripped off by Firaxis, but it would be beating a dead horse. I feel ripped off by any software developer that lets their product be released before it is properly tested and debugged. And that's the vast majority of game developers these days. It's a matter of incentive, really. They net more money releasing the game early, because the bottom line is that all these complaints don't put much of a dent in sales when all the major review mags don't even bother to mention the crippling bugs and crashes. People have come to expect games to not work properly until their second or third patch.

C'est la vie. I'm not buying another Sid Meier game.
The denizens of this forum who pipe in on legit complaint threads and tell people that "mine works fine so quit whining" are real pieces of work.

The game is a public relations disaster. It is a production failure. Just look at these boards. Almost every thread getting large numbers of comments and discussion are about design flaws in the game.

Sid has fallen from grace. He didn't watch the product that has his name on it closely enough this time.
YAY! FIRST LOCKUP DURING CIV IV!!!! That's 1 lockup and 1 CTD ... I'm on a rolllll BAHBAY!

TWICE! Apparently I can't play CIV IV beyond 20 minutes now ... I feel so lucky :sniff:
I can't say I feel ripped off on account of the game not being operational. I didn't have any real bugs except for the great game bog beginning in the Epic around 1,000 bc, and until the computer took so long to make one move it was a matter of 20 min turns for the AI. I would assume that has been fixed, although its not likely I'll ever find out.
I feel ripped off because the potential that existed with Civ3 by my understanding was never realized within Civ4. Instead of providing a complete combat system, its still less than half-there. You can't play world war 2, for example, because especially modern warfare makes no sense without supply -you can't have realistic combat without true stacked combat. War for air superiority was never realized in Civ3 and of course it went overlooked by Civ4, or so I heard. So, modern is out! Okay, well I'll just have to content myself with ancient! WRONG AGAIN - the game goes by so fast now, why even bother building any war machinery? It was made for the little 'snotelpmis' at the Gamespy forum so they can have THEIR TOTALLY AWESOME AND KICKASS game, which amounts to 'the stack of doom' approach to combat. Its prepubescent in terms of enjoyment, and reminds me of the beginning of computer games when people were just enthralled at the novelty, and with no substance. Then you have all of this detail for building improvements so you can win culturally. That's about as much fun as watching mold grow, IMO. Religion, well maybe there's a chance for some fun... But, do I really care at this point? No.
In a nutshell, lots and lots of potential, but until they get the basics and the potential for realistic time, its a flop in my book. I'll keep my eyes open, but until then I am disappointed. There was a lot of detail within Civ3 that made up for some of these shortcomings - OF COURSE THEY TOOK THAT OUT. C'YA fellow suckers!
I just cut ahead here to say my piece. I never do that in a forum, I read the whole thread to see how it works out. But this time I just couldn't wait to chime in on how bad this game sucks. It won't work on either of my computers, both over the minimum specs. I want my 50 bucks back.
Hang on, jrosiek, that doesn't gel with your ridiculous and paranoid suggestion that complaint threads are being ruthlessly deleted by the mods (see the 'Patch 1.09 released' thread for proof of this). You are right, though, they are VERY popular threads-usually because there are 3-4 people complaining about how bad the game is, and another 100 or so telling those few people how the game works perfectly on their computer etc etc :mischief:. I have already pointed people in the direction of all the polling which has been done-both here and on other gaming sites-showing an average of 60-80% of people being very happy with the game, far more than ever liked Civ3, even at its height. Oh but, I forgot, all of those polls are controlled and moderated by the Big Brothers of Firaxis/Take2 apparently. Are you starting to see how ridiculous your arguments are starting to look when they are reflected back at you guys? I should point out that even Amazon.com has a rating of almost 3 out of 5-not bad given that only 100 people have in fact posted a review for the game-and that a 5-star rating system is pretty inaccurate in my opinion. All the other gaming sites (such as Gamespy, Gamespot and IGN) have reviews from over 1000 people in some cases, with scores in the vicinity of 7-8 out of 10 in most cases.

Hello all,

This is my first post here. My wife introduced me to the forums after she had been here awhile. She is Lionese and can often be found helping people get the right avatar for their forum login.

On to the subject at hand: We have had multiple issues witch civ4 on our network here at our house. I'm not a newb, and am in fact, both Cisco and MS certified in networking and computers. Here's what we have discovered:

We completed our first LAN game out of about 10 attempts tonight. We did it on a slightly smaller world than normal, and with far fewer civilizations. We have tried multiple times to play a 3 player and once a 4 player LAN game with the same results each time. Over time, the connections to each other fade away and die and we end up rebooting, reloading the saved game and trying again, over and over again. Let's back up and start at the beginning.

Okay, the first thing noticed was absolutely attrocious performance issues with my wife's computer. She's was on an AMD XP 2500 with 512Mb of RAM and a Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti 4400 Video card. Yeah, the card is older, but it is still an awesome video card. She could not play at all. First thing I thought about was virtual memory and paging. I dug a gig of RAM out of one of my other computers and upgraded her RAM. Still bogged. She was, in the mean time, reading the issues that others were having and suggested that it may, in fact, be the video card that was having issues. So I bit the bullet and put my ATI X800 in her machine in place of the Geforce 4 ti 4400. Okay, her machine seemed to be liking things better.

My son was on his machine, which is an AMD XP 2600 again with 512Mb of RAM and a Geforce FX 5200. Again, not the absolute best but not a bad machine for the task. As we started playing network games, we kept loosing connection to him. I could sit and watch my network traces and my pings flying through, indicating a really solid connection over the network from me to him, but still, at the same time, having connection issues in game. Okay, perhaps it is virtual memory and paging and it's not responding fast enough because of it. So, I upped his machine to 1Gb of RAM from my second game box. We also took advantage of the opportunity and dumped a RAID 0 stripped array into his box to help with some of the disk I/O. The machine will pay the game fine now, on it's own, but a LAN Game?

Here is our typical attempt at a LAN game. It does not matter which one of us "hosts" the game, it always goes the same way. We start and everything is good; although we always seem to be waiting on eachother to finish our turns. This lasts for up to an hour into the game, when things are just starting to get interesting. Then someone's connection drops out and we spend the next 10 to 15 minutes waiting for them to reload into the game. We get going again, and we just start having repeated connection issues, sometimes it is the same machine over and over and sometimes it is different machines each time. Sometimes it is my box that can not see either of theirs, sometimes it is one of their boxes. It is never the same box all the time. After fighting it and reloading over and over for an hour or two, we always give up and go on to other things.

Now my wife is on the wireless part of our network, and if I expected to have issues network wise on any of it, it would be on that, but that does not seem to effect anything either. I have noticed that when you log back into a network game or restart a network game on the lan with everyone, the system seems to hang like mad waiting on the last screen before the game is loaded and you are ready to play. This can be further damaging if, by a twist of fait, you have an AI leader trying to bargain with you as you come in the door. I don't know why this is, I just know that it is.

I have read though a lot of these posts, and I would have to say that this, as a "finished product" was a little green around the edges to be released. This is; however, status quo for much of the PC game industry these days. The pressure to get the product to market forces it out the door when another 3 months of detailed beta testing on multiple configuration computers seems to be in order.

Oh, for the record: We all downloaded the patch on the same day, and were all updated with the latest patched version of the game, with the same results.

And in response to some of the suggestions about limiting the size of the world and the number of AI nationalities; the point behind the game is that it should be playable in all variations accross a lan, especially my lan. It's 100% linksys or Cisco and 100BaseT Switched. There are no hubs for collisions to happen and every other thing we have done on the network runs like a charm.

Now that we have finished our first game by limiting the size of the world and the number of AI nationalities, with only two of us playing, we will start to increase these settings and see how far we can get, both with two players and with three (and eventually 4, as one of my other son's would like to play with us as well).

Now, as to if this is a "memory leak" or a "virtual memory" problem is immaterial. It's a problem, that at the user level, we should not see, especially when we far exceed the recommended listed hardware, not to mention the minimum hardware requirements. I truely do believe there are memory management issues with this program, but it's not uncommon in a lot of windows programming. One normally has to find ways around that.

I look forward to this game in 6 months, when it has been patched a few times and a lot of these issues will be worked out. I can be patient and wait; but darn it, it would have been a lot more encouraging if it worked like it should "out of the box".

One suggestion, on a positive note: It would be really nice to see a "server" setup where we could take one of the machines on our network and make it the game server, running either Windows or linux/unix/bsd and serving the game. The server would not require the graphical overhead of the gaming machines and might prove to be the key to getting good performance out of the game over the network. Heck, it could just be a normal install in windows which runs in "server mode" with no graphical output, but keeps track of the game, save files, etc.

* Freelance Unix/Linux/FreeBSD SysAdmin
& PHP/Web Development
Alphabet Soup full of Certifications upon request. :D
vbraun said:
I don't feel ripped off at all.

To each their own.

(And, don't ask me what I think of contemporary mass opinion's regarding just about any subject. If you did, you would begin to realize the true meaning of disappointment. Welcome to the dark-ages.)
Lots of ppl are having problems. To be on the positive side, i truely believe Firaxis and Sid will fix the bugs and balance issues. I am disappointed that it was released with SO many problems but if you look at the posts it's obvious it's the game that bugged. I play MANY other games on multiple systems with almost never a problem. But i still may have to shelve this one until some of the frustrations are fixed...GL EFD, you might wanna do the same for now...
All I want is the stupid Sid's Tips to stop turning off for a random amount of turns and turning back on again. When it's gone, I can't hover over techs to find out more information, and I can't hover over a leader on the diplomacy screen to find out the relationship modifiers. Makes it frustrating to try to play the game.

Not even getting into other issues, like the total lack of Civiliopedia hyperlinks. Braindead thinking, that was.
I don't understand the people who post here to say "Well I am not having problems". Do your lack of problems invalidate the problems of others? This most certainly has to be the train of thought to make such an arbitrary little post.

One glance at these boards reveals that a LARGE percentage of the consumer base is experiencing problems. Congratulations if you're not, but many are; too many for an upscale, commercially released product.

Having similar specifications means nothing, as can easily be deduced. It is a testimante to the poor structuring of the game code when one system can't play it like it's cousin, it is not a testimante to the users incompetence.

Any person who knows the make and wattage of his power supply, as the OP did, is savvy enough to run all the scans and checks and updates any generic advice is going to offer. It is shameful that this thread has exceeded 100 posts with little more to show than the insecure shouts of fanboys and the condescending advice of self-satisfied know-it-alls.
Nuh Uh said:
To each their own.

(And, don't ask me what I think of contemporary mass opinion's regarding just about any subject. If you did, you would begin to realize the true meaning of disappointment. Welcome to the dark-ages.)

hahaha sorry I think my eyes just rolled out the back of my head.

Personally, I love the game, but then I haven't had a single crash or major problem (only the eventual slowdown on large maps). Yes it sucks that the game doesn't work for some people. No, Firaxis are not magic computer gods that can predict your system specs and make their game work on every conceivable computer. Submit sensible and calm bug reports and I am sure they will be looked at in order of importance. Believe it or not, one person who can't get the game running on their weird hardware is not as important as a gameplay bug that effects everybody, for example.
Actually, Kudos, my whole point is that I seriously DOUBT that the majority of the consumer base is having a problem with the game-an unfortunately large minority, perhaps, but not a majority. Even if I counted EVERY single CTD or 'Game won't work' complaint thread-both here and at apolyton-I doubt very much that I would find more than 100-150, that is not even a majority of people signed up to these boards, let alone a majority of all civ4 buyers. My intent is also NOT to invalidate the problems of others-for which you ALL have my heartfelt sympathies-but to suggest that if people with almost identical specs are having no problems, then perhaps the game itself is NOT to blame for the problems-but the video card/drivers or the like. My own experience with such problems would suggest that it IS the latter which is to blame.

Well firstly I wasn't referring to anyone in particular just the general sentiment of the replies. The enormous amount of technical complaints (however relative 'enormous' may be) acts as a sampling, a survey, of the overall civ 4 user base. When I read a post with a techincal complaint, the replies are usually pretty evenly divided with those are having problems and those who aren't. Ultimately whether the actual percentage crosses the 50% is irrelevant. There are enough people having problems that it hails a failure with the product.

Perhaps the greatest irritation in this whole matter is the fact that this is not a technically demanding game. There are people, myself included, who are running games like "Age of Empires 3" or "Battlefield 2" at the highest settings with no problems, but then can't run Civilization 4 without it slowing to a crawl, or crashing the computer, or having unplayable graphical corruption. This game has plenty of depth, but it is not complex in its execution and this fact only further emphasizes the absurdity of these technical problems.
Kudos said:
Well firstly I wasn't referring to anyone in particular just the general sentiment of the replies. The enormous amount of technical complaints (however relative 'enormous' may be) acts as a sampling, a survey, of the overall civ 4 user base. When I read a post with a techincal complaint, the replies are usually pretty evenly divided with those are having problems and those who aren't. Ultimately whether the actual percentage crosses the 50% is irrelevant. There are enough people having problems that it hails a failure with the product.

Vocal minority. Even in this thread, there are people saying 'don't post unless you are having problems'. So you can't count the reply ratio in any tech support thread as evidence of a widespread issue, since only the people having problems generally post.
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