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We need a good WAR!


Nov 2, 2001
South Florida
...and I'm not talking between us and someone else.

We need to start getting one of these three teams (GC, CDG, APO) to become the odd man out, because lately it seems like we're the odd man out, and it's gonna hurt is in the end if we don't do something about it.

I suggest we begin some misinformation or other technique to turn one or two of the three nations against the other.

Please discuss.
I dont think Poly would be intrested in allying Elucidia. Thats like us trying to ally GC!
This is why we need a new organisation in our government: The ministry of disinformation!

This ministry would control any bit of information that goes out of Fanatikou and be the direct superior to the ambassadors. However, officially, the Foreign leader would still be the ambassador's boss.

If we find someone that has an innate sens of the language art, we might make the other teams think we have Modern armor… But that would be difficult.
Originally posted by Fier Canadien
This is why we need a new organisation in our government: The ministry of disinformation!

This ministry would control any bit of information that goes out of Fanatikou and be the direct superior to the ambassadors. However, officially, the Foreign leader would still be the ambassador's boss.

If we find someone that has an innate sens of the language art, we might make the other teams think we have Modern armor… But that would be difficult.

YES! That would be GREAT! If we make it, I call the top job. Seriously!
I would love to chip in in the ministry of disinformation. I could happen to let slip that our hig number of research points are taking away from gold and our swordsmen won't upgrade too soon....
I like the idea of the Ministry of misinformation, but I believe it should be an elected sub-departement of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs. We could get the Minister of Misinformation to pass 'lines of misinformation' to the Foreign Affairs Ministry. If the Foreign Affairs Minister likes them, he puts it to a vote, then if it passes, gives the lines to the Ambassadors to tell the other team.
If someone comes accross the Iraqi minister of information, HIRE HIM, I'm sure we would have lots of fun with access to precious informations and techniques.
If we have a Ministry of (Dis)Information, I think I know who the perfect mascot would be. ;)

Anyway, I think they sense that we're small in size, since we only have 2 cities. We really should have had 3-4 by now. We should try to make ourselves appear bigger maybe... Infact, we could routinely rename one of our warriors and move him in/out of posistion every so often.
a ministry of dis-information could be good but be sure to never give nay hard evidence they can check up on, or they'll know what were doing and we'll be branded as liers
Im brave enough to do it :D! Give me some time. School is calling.
I think this is better served as a function of the Foreign Affairs Minister. After all, it is ultimately up to that office to determine what information, or misinformation, is to be shared with whom.

Besides, I don't think I'd want it getting around that we have an official position named for the distribution of bad info. Talk about a public relations blight. We'd spend an epoch trying to get anyone to trust us again.
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