• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

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We hope you enjoy your stay here at CFC.

Today's forecast? 70% chance of science.
Hello there!
I'm from Italy and I'm very bad playing Civilization even if I LOVE IT!
I hope to learn something to play better here.
Bye for now:goodjob:
"If at settler you don't succeed, try try worldbuilder."
so i was searching online about oromos and happen to stumble on here.

I am an oromo so i was searching up oromos and then i saw this. is this a game or something? does it feature every great civilization what is this game about? thanks

do you have to download it?:mischief:
I accidentally bought Civ3, and, until recently I didn't even know it was a major franchise. But anyway, long story short, I bought Civ4,The complete thing on 7-1-09. Does anybody know when it will arrive? Thanks!
so i was searching online about oromos and happen to stumble on here.

I am an oromo so i was searching up oromos and then i saw this. is this a game or something? does it feature every great civilization what is this game about? thanks

do you have to download it?:mischief:

Firstly, welcome to the forums. :wavey: You'd best read about the Civilization IV games, just go to 'Civilization IV' at the top menu, then click on 'Overview' in the drop down menu.
It's a very popular turn-based strategy game designed to accurately depict the evolution of civilizations through the years and ages. It's a really fun game when you get into it, I'm not that great at it but i still love the game.
Well, I doubt it has every great civilization, but get the expansions for Civ4 and you'll have a great selection to try out, most of the civs are those that peak during the Ancient/Classical eras; Arabia, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Mongolia, Persia, Sumer, Viking, ect. Then there are the Colonial powers; America, England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, ect.
Just have a read about Civ4 and you'll get a good idea of the game, as for downloading, you don't, just stick to buying the game. :p
hi members. iam ne in tghe cf. iam introducing myself as a sociable cv and hope to go very long with all members

lets discuss. Why really worry at all when life is naturally full of ups and downs,sweet and bitter things, successess and failures? Why shouldnt we always forge ahead, smiling, tackling issues as they come along, and ,importantly touching the hearts of, not only human beings but also animals?

hi members. iam new in the cf. iam introducing myself as a sociable cf and hope to go very long with all members
Hello everyone. Love the site. Its cool to be apart of such a large Civ community. I have played civ2 forever but civ4 is awesome, am looking forward to getting to know everyone.
Welcome all new members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupid 30 smiley limit
Hi guys. Been lurking around for the past week or so and figured I'd give a shot at joining the community.

Picked up a complete copy of Civ IV including both the expansions, since I badly needed a game to kill time with, it was going on the cheap, and I remembered having quite a bit of fun playing Civ II ages ago (though never really got into it back then). Been addicted ever since!
Hello Everyone. I recently joined because of my craving for new BTS mods, so here I am. I have played Civ 4 for about 2 years, on and off. I started playing when I looked at the top ten PC games of '07 and Civ was ahead of F.E.A.R (which at the time was the best first person shooter and one of my favorites.) Then I looked into it and saw it was a turned-based strategy game, my favorite kind. So I bought it. So once again hello, fans of Civ.
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