• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

First up, G'Day all (yeah, I'm an Aussie).

I'm a new poster (obviously), stumbled across the site a few weeks ago hunting up info on Civ 5 (as I guess a lot of us are hungry for), and have devoured a few mods here once I discovered them - in particular Quot Capita and Varietas Delectat. Great work guys! I love them. They reflect so much of what I guess a lot of us personally hunger to explore in Civ.

Well, I've loved them up to a point - I've had some technical issues in playing with them. I wonder if this is the right thread to ask technical questions about the mods, or whether i should be posting (and hopefully not pestering) on the actual mod threads. Any suggestions.



Welcome. Feel free to simply post in the mod's thread. Just look around a little bit to make sure your question hasn't already been asked beforehand.
Hi everyone,
I'm new at this forum and very interested in your Civ3 units as i'm converting them into another game (Age of Empires II the Conquerers). Your files and utilities have been very helpfull.
Now I would like to know if anybody knows how to extract and convert units from the game Heroes of Might and Magic V into Civ3 units or just animated GIFs or BMP-images.

Hope you can help me

I guess this is the place to start posting.

I am a huge Civ fan, though I don't claim to be an expert at the game. I usually just play casually with some friends. But I would like to get a little better and participate in more competitive games.

I have been a Civ fan since Civ 3. I actually remember playing Civ 1 when it first came out and thought it was pretty awesome, but I lost track of it and didn't really find the series again until 3. But it is now officially my favorite game of all time. I am really looking forward to 5 coming out in September.
Hi, I'm a Newbie to the board. I just purchased Civilization IV (the 'complete' version) and just finished downloading the patches.

From what I read in the Forum, patch 319 for Beyond the Sword was supposed to eliminate the need to have the game CD in the drive. Something about DRM being eliminated. I find the need for the CD to be in place everytime I want to play the game to be rather lame. However, the patch did not eliminate this need, as the game still prompts for the CD.

Is there another fix somewhere that will take care of this? Otherwise, I think I may just dump this game. If it makes any difference, I'm running Vista 64 bit. Warlords is at patch ver 213 and Civ is at patch ver 174.

Any recommendations from the experts?

I'll post this is the Civ IV forum also, just to be sure I get some thoughts from folks playing this game.

By the way, I'll take any other suggestions anyone has to offer to get the game 'up to date' and ready to go.

Thanks all!

Hi there, I purchased the complete set of Civ 1V via steam & loving Byond the Sword RTW mod......and looking for any updates:D
I joined probably about a month ago, and just did alot of lurking, looking up new strategies for civ 4 and info on civ 5 etc.

Relative newcomer to Civilization so just felt like saying Hi.
Hi all,

Just signed up because I can't think of a better place to ask this:

I've recently played the Civilization Card Game and loved it! It came with the Civ Chronicles box. Now, I'm not that interested in the video games but I'd love to get a copy of the card game.

If anyone from the UK ideally has a copy they'd be willing to sell, I'd love to offer it a good home. Please PM me.

Also, if someone could give me a pointer as to what forum would be the best place to post a specific topic about the card game (and getting a copy of it) please let me know.
Hi, I'm Spooty, I'm definantly a Civ Fanatic, ever since Civ II. Even when I really ought to be looking for a job :p

I've been browsing the forum for the past year or so and finally decided to sign up.
My Name is Ryan. I am a 22 yr old male. I currently have the goal of going to school to become a video-game designer. It's all Sid's fault(I even wanted to have a History minor and as many English/Fiction writing classes as I could). I could always use a new friend.

Add me on Facebook: Search for Ryan Bowerson. Please be sure to add something about CIV.



I've been lurking for quite a time now, and finally decided to join in. You guys saved my life during the most boring internship ever, and for some reason, this site was one of the few not blocked.

I've been playing CIV pretty much for ever, started with II when I was about 7, then CivIII and IV that i particularly loved.

But now, ciV seems so great that I can't no longer stand the imperfections of cIV, and can hardly play anymore.

I have been using these forums to get some info and some great new units (you guys are fantastic unit animators) for me to get right back into civ again. My laptop crashed 6 months ago, and for some reason (it has been fixed) it doesnt read my conquests/play the world disk so i am stuck with the original civ3 - so i added some extra units, and made some changes to ensure i am definately not bored :)

As for other games i play, C&C Generals (Specifically the shockwave mod) Age of empires 1, 2, 3 and mythology, Dawn of War, and i am a mean opponent in worms too :D

Anyway so i am new here, and i look forward to contributing to this site.

Lord Zambia
I really have enjoyed playing the game, although I am not very good at it, don't know much about the game, but I am a serious history buff. I'll be posting lots of questions for all those who know the game better than I, which is most likely all of you. I won't go any further in my game until I know a little more about it. Pretty cool having a spot where I can ask que's.
Hi.... new here..I just got Civ 4..I'm a long time fan of previous editions..
at the moment I'm playing(trying...very low levels due to machine) on a crao..

its an HP 2 gig..with 512 and basic onboard vid and sound..so I'm stuck on lowest graphics setting and it runs slow as more mem. is used..but I'm a stubborm guy so I play as is till I get new comp..
looking for req. system for Civ 5 this fall before I re-equip..
Hey y'all :band:

@drdefrag: where in Austria are you from? My family's from Innsbruck, and I lived in Wien :D
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