Welcome New Members

Hello ! Kind of new but not really because I started to read and sometimes write since a little time on the forum. Big fan, started on civ IV vanilla, and now proud to be part of this big think tank about civ !
Hey there! I've just joined(as many others here:)), and I'd like to know as much as I can about this exciting game!
Hello! I'm a super long time lurker, but I'm finally planning on actually posting on the forums, so I figured I'd introduce myself :)
Hello! I'm a super long time lurker, but I'm finally planning on actually posting on the forums, so I figured I'd introduce myself :)

Pretty much in the exact same position. Have actually had a account here for several years, but now I am going to be active here. Really digging Rise and Fall so far.
hello my name is pablo and I've been watching this site for a while now I really read all your tips and news I hope to see more of the world of civ I speak Spanish English too.
I've been following the site going back many years, but I've decided to join the conversation.
Joined years ago but am liking R&F so much decided it's finally time to become a fanatic and am checking the boared more and posting. I've been playing Civ since I back in the old days. Always wanted to get into it and get serious, but never felt the game was quite good enough. I was impressed with V, but by mid-late game it tended to turn into 'turn grinding' and I would tire of it. Anyhow finally with R&F (and 25 years!) they've got a Civ sophisticated enough to be worth the investment, seriously enjoying VI/R&F.
Very long time player and lurker (since Civ 3) and finally decided to get active. Didn't play at all for a few months and just got Civ 6 since Steam had it on sale :)
Played Civ 3, 4, and bought Civ 5 game CD box but must have lost it in between movings. I also played Alpha Centauri so when I heard about Beyond Earth, I was excited. I still have the itch to play AC but when I started BE, I was disappointed. This was at the release so perhaps things have gotten better.

Got CIV when it first came out but haven't played it much.

I used to frequent Apolyton site but when I came back to read up on CIV, I didn't like how much the site changed so I emigrated over here.

Finally finished read the entire quick question thread!

I'm mediocre player, to be honest, I just suck. I came here hoping to improve my CIV game.
Hello, everybody! I was an avid Civ I player in the 1990s (you never forget your first computer game allnighter) but I missed out on all of the sequels. I have been obsessed with Civ 6 since it was released. Tinkering with single-player strategies has been my primary hobby for the last year. I am humbled by the level of discussion on this forum, and I look forward to contributing my own questionable ideas to the mix!
Hello i'm Filipe, 28 yrs old, Portuguese. I've been addicted to Civ6, so i came to this forum to learn more, and give my contribute.
Hi All.
Picked up CivV on Steam and played the hell out of it with my kids. Moved on to six a while ago and have been lurking here to up my game a bit. Now I’m out of the woodwork.
Hi there. long time casual Civ player, since Alpha Centauri, to Civ4, Civ5 now Civ6R+F. I'll come around here and there. Thanks for having me. :)
My first "Civilization" game was actually the original Colonization. I played that in the eighth grade, even found a way to play multiplayer with my sister (a sort of hot-seat, we spent the first 1,000 gold on a second Caravel, she took the soldier and I took the pioneer, we would rotate with immigrants and keep track of our individual export income). Then I got the original Civilization game and have been playing ever since. It's the only video game that I put any real time into (occasionally I'll play something like Sim City). I had 2,000 hours in Civilization 5, but have (finally!) made the full conversion to Civ 6 now that we have the new expansion.

I used to play multiplayer with my father on a regular basis, but he doesn't seem to have the time for games with me any more. I'm too afraid to play multiplayer with random people, because I generally prefer co-op (or at least not hyper-competitive) play. I would never attack a human player, only AIs, for example. I've gotten rather lonely the last few months and at least felt a need to talk about things with people who share a similar interest.
Hello everyone, long-time series fan and ever-increasing admirer of these forums. I finally decided to participate, looking forward to learning from you all.:)
Hello all. I'm David, one of my all time favourite games is SMAC, didn't really start playing Civ until IV and V came out shortly after which I played to death.

Currently trying to find my way around VI and there's a lot I wanted to talk about so finally created an account after lurking on and off for while. Seems to be a most excellent community. Happy to be here.
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