• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

Hello everybody!

I started playing Civ V just for some days. Maybe a week. I played some civ 2 and a little of Civ 3 some years ago.
I love strategy games. I'm a magic the gathering heavy player. Wich consumes most of my " playing time". But Civ V is also taking some hours on this last days. What a game!!
I hope I become an active member of this forum :)

Hi all,

New member from Sweden here. I have played Civ games on and off for a long time, but it's only now that I have decided to try and get good at it :)

Currently playing Civ5 on King (going to Emperor soon), with hopes of being able to win a standard settings game on Deity at some point in the future.

I really like the "Game of the Month" feature here, and I will probably try my hand at the next one.
New from Canada, helllooo!

So I waited until now to buy Civ 5 - why did I wait so long? A year or so ago I read the "rants" thread and turned away. Now I regret it, the game is amazing!

My main problem is I don't know where to start in terms of DLC, mods, scnearios, and expansions. I know that soon I'll get the G&K, but other than that I am overwhelmed. Any tips? Have the latest patches removed the need for 1up or vanilla enhancements?

Hi everyone, I'm from Spain.

I've been registered in the forum and playing CivV singleplayer for a while, I pretend to be more active in multiplayer from now on (using GMR, wich I discovered recently), so I tought it was the right time to say hello.
New from Canada, helllooo!

So I waited until now to buy Civ 5 - why did I wait so long? A year or so ago I read the "rants" thread and turned away. Now I regret it, the game is amazing!

My main problem is I don't know where to start in terms of DLC, mods, scnearios, and expansions. I know that soon I'll get the G&K, but other than that I am overwhelmed. Any tips? Have the latest patches removed the need for 1up or vanilla enhancements?

Welcome to the forums :)

As for DLCs, you should have probably bought the GOTY edition, which includes almost all the DLCs released to date. Most of them really just add a civ or two with a scenario for some flavour, so it's relatively easy to figure out if you want it - just look up the civ in question and see if you want it in your game.

You might check out this thread though, you might find it useful. IMO the Spain and Inca DLC is by far the best, followed by Korea (I just love playing with that civ, the scenario isn't that good though) and Wonders of the Ancient World.

I don't quite understand your last question though, are you asking if the 1UPT rule has been patched away? It most certainly hasn't :D

Oh, and by all means get G+K. Without it the game just feels incomplete and unbalanced.

If you have any other questions, post them here.
I am still very much a noob to Civ 5, but loving the depth and diversity of the game. I have played RTS games for years, like Rise of Nations, Cossacks, Age of Empires, Etc.
I admit I was skeptical of turn-based games, but I am loving CIV 5 very much, and have learned a great deal from the Civ fanatics website.

Happy gaming!

I have been playing Civ since version 1. Loaded lots of patches over the years with no problems. Steam automatically patched the game today, July 6th.

When I started game I received video mode not supported error. I played as recently as 3 days ago with no problem. Monitor is set to 1360x768.

Anyone else experience this problem? Any suggestions?

Steam seems to have gotten very sloppy with their updates. At the start of the month an automatic download required that I rewrite the config file to allow unit movement and turn changes.
Hello I'm new here but have been playing Civs for years. Super addicted and hope to both find the site useful and be useful.
Hi everyone, a long time lurker here, have been years! (I'm not the only one, lol). I just decided to be active now here.
One of the biggest forum that I've known.
Hi, I'm basically new to the Civ series (have only played CiV), but I've been looking at these forums for a while and love all of the info and how useful they've been. Glad to finally be come a member and be active!
Hello. Name's Brian Mowrey. Just started playing a few months ago with Civ 5 (thanks Steam sale). Uhhh, now I'm at 520 hours.

Chiming in from Austin, TX
Hello. My name is Larry Pinsonneault. I have just picked up civ iv after a several year hiatus. I live in the Minneapolis suburbs
I'm still playing civ 2 despite having 3 and 4. I just find the newer stuff too cumbersome. Or else I'm an old dog who can't learn new tricks. The greatest challenge is finding new ways to keep the game playing fresh.
If you play Civ IV you will know me, I am Bisonburger....One of the best players in the civilization world. I have been reading these forums for years, just never joined Civ Fanatics until now, I own all Civ games but I only find enjoyment from playing Civ IV online.
Hello all...DuskDancer, frequent lurker around the modding side of the forums (I mod IV:BTS extensively) reporting in. Yes, I actually decided to get a forum account, tho' I've no idea how much good it'll do me/anyone, for that matter...
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