Welcome New Members

Hello, I've been playing Civ ever since you build your own structure out a selection of blocks and pillers. At this point I am interested in replacing my Civ 4 BTS Road To War directory with The Dales Combat Mod file, but I can't seem to find Dale's URL, did it disappear? Can you still get the patch?

Thanks for any help with this, BRay31161
Hello, I've been playing Civ ever since you build your own structure out a selection of blocks and pillers. At this point I am interested in replacing my Civ 4 BTS Road To War directory with The Dales Combat Mod file, but I can't seem to find Dale's URL, did it disappear? Can you still get the patch?

Thanks for any help with this, BRay31161
Go to the Civ 4 Creation and Customization section and post a thread asking about this. You'll get much more help there.
Hey. I've been wanting to do some modding, but I think I need some modding help first, as I've never done it before. So I registered here. Hopefully someone will be able to help me if/when I post my questions.
hi all i am gonna to find somebody who wants to play civilization 3 conquests with me by e mail.i ll be glad to everybody likes it . my e mail zaizaisai[at]rambler[dot]ru
Hi been arround Civ since II was getting back into V and discovered the site then started wondering what all this talk about Gods was ???? new expansion ..religion? when did the marketing people die.

That said too many questions now to just lurk ;) had to join up.

and the name? roughly Russian for dance with me who hasnt since V had the thought.

Come on Catherine lets stop talking about how to destroy Austria and go some where and merge empires.
hi guys, my leader name is Mike III of Mikeland. I play civ 4 bts next war mod. any tips r helpful
Hi, I'm a newby here, I have just signed up.
I have been playing versions of Civ ever since the original version came out.
I currently have the "plain vanilla" Civ V and I am enjoying it, though it has just a few annoying bugs, doesn't it?
Can anyone tell me - if playing Ghandi, what is a "good balance" of number of cities? Too many is clearly counter-productive, but too few provides too little production/scope.
first post. Played CIV 1,2,3, and 5, now with God's and Kings. Originally came to this site looking for manuals for civ 5. Liked what I found. Came here today looking for info on the Info Addict Mod but could not find any way to post there to ask if the originator could update it for G&K:eek:
hi guys, my leader name is Mike III of Mikeland. I play civ 4 bts next war mod. any tips r helpful

I've played that MOD quite a bit and here are some things that might help:
1. At the end of the game there are 2 types of units that are the top badass units (Dreadnoughts and Assault Mechs). You are allowed to only build 2 Dreads and 4 AMs. I suggest trying to keep 6 Great Generals for them. This allows you to turn these already awesome units into monsters.
2. The new buildings (Arcology, Arc shield and advanced shield) make airstrikes from fighters useless and bombers only do collateral damage. What I do is bomb with bombers as much as possible or until no more collateral damage can be done. Then if you have an AM in the vicinity use it's ranged bombard to weaken the unit that has received no damage from the bombers then attack.
3. If you're playing on the higher difficulty levels the Internet is essential.
4. Building Arcology is a major undertaking. Have cash reserves to hurry production. The Arc shield and advanced shield are necessary for defense in the later game.

Hope these help.
Greetings everyone! I look forward to writing on these forums and improving my gameplay. (As well as downloading any neat things I come across)
Been playing since Civ I. Never been any good. Usually played at chieftan.

Hect is my friend and as far as anyone knows, Hect's a made member!
Hello Gentlemen (and Ladies),
Long time lurker, first time poster. Big fan of Civ. Quick question re Civ III; Is the AI Aggression level just relative to the human player or is it more general i.e. if I start a new game with 16 civs on a tiny world with Maximum AI Aggression, will they just come looking for me or will it be total War and Kaos? :evil::satan::evil:
hey everyone iam new to the forum but i have been trolling around before. I first bought civ 3 in a 9.99 bin at walmart, and honestly best money ever spent. entertained me more than my xbox for years (i did the math like 6) i was still playing it until like 2 years ago. I bought all the expansions and hooked my dad and we played online together for a while, it was truly awesome. I never purchased civ 4 becouse my computer at the time sucked and it was not worth the new 550 dollar investment. Well recently i got a new laptop to play SWTOR and i realized that not only can i play civ 4 i could play the brandnew civ 5. So two days ago i went and bought it and i love it. My endless nights playing my civilization to ultimate glory were back and i loved everyminute of it!

One problem... I suck on the new version, i want help mastrering this game and becoming lord of civ once again... lol so i will be a newb at civ 5 for awhile

a little about my civ exp: fav civ: England, Celts or America. I usually play on largest map possible. I also gravitate torwards playing on "Earth" as i love the realisticness of it. Well anyways see u arounf the forums and happy times civing out ;)
Afternoon All,

I am quite new to Civ and just purchased Civ5. Love the game and now im trying out different mods and such. Im looking for help with Worldbuilder, (wont start) Is there anyone that can help or point me in the right direction?

Hmmm, registered in Feb 2006, but finally made my first post yesterday and the forum software asked me to write here as well...

Played Civ I on a friend's Amiga, didn't have a computer during the Civ II era, finally got around buying my own PC slightly after Civ III was released. Civ IV and V both purchased and played on release day. Right now enthusiastic about getting to build an army of Finnish Hakkapeliittas in Gods&Kings.

Can't really become a real Civ Fanatic though, being afraid to fire up Civ since I know doing that will mean doing nothing else for a couple of days...
Just a side note - why is this in the Civ5 Forums? Ah, some of us still enjoy Pre-Civ4 games. :D

On the topic: I am not quite sure if I can be counted as a "new" member. Fact is, I've been missing for around three and a half years and a lot has changed - one new game, lot of new members, lot of inactive ones (including deceased ones - so sad to hear about Spacer One's and Stormrage's passings, Stormy was the guy that made me feel welcomed to these boards the previous time).

As I said, I was active here before, but I've never been one of THE members, just one of those ignorant, annoying teens that can benefit greatly from being here; sadly I don't think the boards had many benefits from my stay.

I've returned to Civilization 3 half an year ago, and I've been wandering the CivFanatics again ever since. I see some old members still posting (ah, I enjoyed reading Plotinus' Theologian Q&A, and I'm happy to see Heretic Cata still here.), I see some new guys I enjoy. I see that Civ3 modding is still alive, though not as it used to be. So I've decided to return.

For those of you asking for my previous user name, I won't give it, for now. I'm still a little bit ashamed from my previous infantile behaviour.

For those of you asking if the boards will benefit from me this time - I really hope so. I have some things in mind for Civ3, and we'll live to see if life will let me finish them.

On a side note - I enjoy linguistics, although I'm quite ashamed that I know only two languages. If there are other members, interested in those topics, send me a PM/e-mail.

Cheers, guys!
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