• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

Hi. Just following the screen's subliminal suggestions, posting that I'm here. I played Civ II like an addict, more or less missed Civ III, just got a decent enough computer to run Civ IV. (Sux on laptop, which is all I've had for a few years.) I'm all the way addicted again.
Hello. When I played Civ 2, I addicted. and now BTS is really good for me. and I'm wondering Civ 5.

have a good time with civs.
hello bamboooyocha civ rules, i play seans civIII NOW traying to play less time then before (when playing :)....) i like civ 4 also and here you have so many MOD'S so you can never stop playing if you want regards
Sup everyone...new member, remembering what civ was like...Played the original CIV when it was first released i was in 8th grade, and practically had to go thru detox. Gave it up and never looked back. CIV 2 and 3 get released, i dont even know bout it. Just got a new laptop, and what do i see on the shelf, but CIV 4 Warlords...and thats all she wrote. Been playing a month straight gf is about to dump me (here i go again on my own)...It still rocks, but quick question: If a citys growth is stagnant or starving, and theres no food i can transfer to (ie, take away from mine, and put on a farm) how can i jumpstart the growth? Thanks all, good to be back!
Hey All. I'd like to thank this community for all of the great advise and strategy. Until finding this site, I was mostly a "automate the worker, settle in the blue circle, research the recommended techs" kind of a player. Thanks to the insights in the strategy section, these forums, and the healthy competition over in the HoF section, I can now say that I'm having a much more enjoyable Civ experience.

@dannyusmc78 If you have a worker available and tiles that can still be improved, that's your best bet. Otherwise it may be a long wait for your tech tree to give you irrigation (build more farms) or biology (increased farm output)
Howdy fellow Civ Heads I usually play RPG games like Morrowind,Oblivion,
Neverwinter Nites,etc. I bought Civ 3 (liked it) so I decided to try Civ 4
and loved it.right now I only have vanilla 4 but hope to get all the expansions
soon, I probably won't be posting alot because I usually try to read all the
threads concerning questions and tips before asking a question about the game.I'll probably post in off topic goofyness or mod threads and look forward to modding myself.Hope to chat with you all sometime soon.
Hi Fellow Civ fanatics.
I have been playing Civ since it first appeared.
Totally fed up with Gamespy Civ4 hope to meet many new friends here
All the best
Hello, I am new, be nice. I am Welsh and have Civ II and Civ III aswell as SMAC, but I prefer Civ II as opposed to Civ III, for reasons I do not want to go into here. Anyway, helllooooo
Thanks gflat, but sadly tech research is sometimes all that will help i suppose...been playin like a madman (go figure) starting point your first settler gets can make or break your game...on warlord the first try i had no access to anything. ANYTHING. no coal, no iron, nothin...trading wasnt workin either...i got whipped. bad. Theyre comin at me w tanks and im still tryion to get my archers (yes archers. not even horse archers (i had no access to those either)) in line. Next game, had everything and i kicked ass...now im on noble (gettin my groove back) and while access to resources was ok, still couldnt keep up with the other civs...what does everyone find the best civic combo to use so i wont get taxed and have what might as well be zero for research and still get things done? Im still fine-tuning my beginning strategum....hints are appreciated! Its ben a long time since i beat emperor on CIV 1!!!!
Hi Friends, I am quite new to Civ. Hardly a month. I got Civ IV (ver 1.00.) I was experiencing a problem like the game just exits to desktop while I scroll or use jet planes and then I upgraded to ver 1.74 thru the game's advanced - update menu. But now I cant even load the game, it says INIT ERROR error loading shader libraries. SOmebody please help
Hello there. New(ish) member, but first post.

Have got C4 and Warlords, and love them both.

Just took delivery of BtS and have been playing as William of Orange on Warlord, just to see what's new with the game.

Hoping to take a Gotm to conclusion so that I can submit it.

I prefer to win peacefully, as I've not been much good at early warring. Starting to see the benefits of slavery, pillaging etc for war strategies.

Anyway, Hi!
Hello. Just bought Civ IV. Never played it before and I am experiencin a couple of problems regarding loading of saved games. Can anyone help? My spesifications: 512 RAM, ATI Radeon 9700 and Vista premium. Thats all i know. Never was any good with computers.
Hi all, i'm an italian user.

This forum is simply wonderful :)
buon giorno CBPE, com e stai oggi? mi chiamo dan. i miei nonno e nonna provengono dall'Italia e dalla Sicilia. Il mio italiano non è molto buono così è delicato! Anways, welcome, and tell me how to deal with overcrowding. Ive done everything to make m happy (build temples, colloseums, theaters) and theyre still . .. .. .. .. .ing bout overcrowding, refusing to work, and staring my cities. What do I do??????????????????
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