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WFYABTA and Friendly


Random Nonsense Generator
Apr 4, 2007
Liverpool, home of Everton FC
Hey, I thought you could get over the dreaded WFYABTA by getting a civ to Friendly status. I hit WFYABTA for the first time today in my game so I thought I'd tell vassal Asoka what to research and get him to friendly with a tech gift, then research another tech and grab the tech Asoka researched with the tech I reearched instead but he still didn't want to trade.

Is it that civs only don't bother counting traded techs if they are friendly? In which case it is a lot harder to overcome than I realised.

It's the last time I take junk techs in tech trades anyway ;) I'd not realy had a problem with WFYABTA at levels below Emperor which is what I am trying now for this months Major gauntlet.
Hey, I thought you could get over the dreaded WFYABTA by getting a civ to Friendly status. I hit WFYABTA for the first time today in my game so I thought I'd tell vassal Asoka what to research and get him to friendly with a tech gift, then research another tech and grab the tech Asoka researched with the tech I reearched instead but he still didn't want to trade.

Is it that civs only don't bother counting traded techs if they are friendly? In which case it is a lot harder to overcome than I realised.

It's the last time I take junk techs in tech trades anyway ;) I'd not realy had a problem with WFYABTA at levels below Emperor which is what I am trying now for this months Major gauntlet.

He might not want to trade if it's a monopoly tech, if he wants to build the wonder associated with it, or if it's Fission.
Unlikely I think, it was Electricity and lots of people had it, I'm not 100% sure that Broadway had been built though - but I think it probably had been. Not that 3 city Asoka had much chance of building it even if it hadn't been built. I put off researching elec. because Capac was the only AI not at WFYABTA, so I researched techs Capac didn't have. I should have researched it myself instead Capac was stingy anyway.

EDIT: In fact, he still thought I was too advanced for sure despite being friendly since if he is trying to build a wonder it says "We have our reasons" and if it's a monopoly tech they say "we don't want to trade this away just yet".
I'm wondering if that didn't change. I don't get "we have our reasons" anymore, so i'm wondering if the messages weren't streamlined so that they don't give too much of a clue. This might be a result of Solver's patch. Or this might be a result of My Imagination.
No solvers patch for me, still playing Warlords, not got BtS yet. I'm going to wait a bit for a few more patches I reckon.
i haven't heard that it changed with the patch to warlords that accompanied BtS but it might have.

in pre-BtS warlords, Friendly did overcome WFYABTA but Teams complicate it. Teams include vassals or PAs. a civ may say Friendly with you but the attitude that counts is their Team's attitude (them + any vassals) toward your Team (you + any vassals). did you have vassals other than Asoka? if you did, and vassal X wasn't friendly with you and/or with Asoka, then Asoka wasn't actually Friendly with "you".

Aha, Julius was my other vassal only cautious, Cheers KMad, I was worried when you were gone from the forums for a while (jury service I think it was). Have you seen the "Hello Kitty used as punishment for Thai police" in the Humour and Jokes forum yet? :eek:
Aha, Julius was my other vassal only cautious, Cheers KMad, I was worried when you were gone from the forums for a while (jury service I think it was). Have you seen the "Hello Kitty used as punishment for Thai police" in the Humour and Jokes forum yet? :eek:

i didn't see it there, but hubby emailed it to me. oh those wacky police! and thanks for the kind words :). yup, weeks of travel and then jury duty. in jury duty, there was no giggling except during pre-trial reading of the rules, can you imagine?
You can always count on KMad to come up with Civ answers in a hurry which is why I was worried you had turned to the dark side (World of Warcraft) after becoming the worlds permanoobiest QuatroMistress. ;)

I bet you had lots of civ diplomacy related thoughts whilst doing jury service though. I'm just hoping you didn't voice those thoughts to other jury members who would have no idea of what on earth you were on about.
Will the AI still initiate trades after WFYABTA is reached?

I just had a case yesterday, I tried to trade with Cyrus, but had reached WFYABTA. The very next turn he came to me to suggest a tech trade. I suppose it's possible he went from pleased to friendly over 1 turn, I didn't really pay attention.
Will the AI still initiate trades after WFYABTA is reached?

I just had a case yesterday, I tried to trade with Cyrus, but had reached WFYABTA. The very next turn he came to me to suggest a tech trade. I suppose it's possible he went from pleased to friendly over 1 turn, I didn't really pay attention.

Just a guess, but probably. I've seen it where a civ who hates me comes asking for a trade - when you hover over the tech, say, to see beaker count you can see it says in red "We will never trade with you, our worst enemy!"

Which, of course, really means: We will never trade with you unless we really really need another tech.
Just a guess, but probably. I've seen it where a civ who hates me comes asking for a trade - when you hover over the tech, say, to see beaker count you can see it says in red "We will never trade with you, our worst enemy!"

Which, of course, really means: We will never trade with you unless we really really need another tech.

If you cancel the offer to see if you can get a better one or re-arrange it (e.g. gold instead of a junk tech they're offering in a package) then the trade will no longer be available. That's happened to me a few times.
Will the AI still initiate trades after WFYABTA is reached?

I just had a case yesterday, I tried to trade with Cyrus, but had reached WFYABTA. The very next turn he came to me to suggest a tech trade. I suppose it's possible he went from pleased to friendly over 1 turn, I didn't really pay attention.

he might have warmed up, or he might have reached the magical "i forgot about a trade you did" moment. it's random, but at some point they forget one, so you're below the limit again. IOW WFYABTA INP*.

*is not permanent. i just wanted more acronyms *giggle*

You can always count on KMad to come up with Civ answers in a hurry

I bet you had lots of civ diplomacy related thoughts whilst doing jury service though. I'm just hoping you didn't voice those thoughts to other jury members who would have no idea of what on earth you were on about.

i giggled so much when i got a reply once that asked "what are you, the Oracle?" i love it!

as for your second paragraph ... i plead the fifth!
Will the AI still initiate trades after WFYABTA is reached?

I just had a case yesterday, I tried to trade with Cyrus, but had reached WFYABTA. The very next turn he came to me to suggest a tech trade. I suppose it's possible he went from pleased to friendly over 1 turn, I didn't really pay attention.

The AI's can do what they want you know. They can ask you to join a war for free, when you have to chuck in a huge amount of gold, or a tech and a huge amount of gold, or a couple of tech and a little bit of gold, or three techs and your grandmother.
Like what Scaphism said, if you renegotiate the option will go away.
I thought that WFYABTA meant why aren't you kicking someone's teeth in?
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