This viewpoint brings a number of insightful questions to mind:
Are Nation of Islam and their splinter groups (like Gods and Earths) Fascist by this light. Their beliefs and outlook on the world, and disregard for the validity of life and rights of those outside their bailiwick are VERY SIMILAR in nature as far-right-wing groups in the U.S. otherwise, but swapping Black Supremacy and White Hate instead of White Supremacy and Black Hate, and a butchered, malinterepreted, distortion of Islam for ulterior motives instead of a butchered, malinterepreted, distortion of Christianity for ulterior motives, but having similar derisive, bigoted, hateful, and nasty attitutudes toward Jews, Asians, and the LGBTQ community, and a strict Patriarchal viewpoint on society, and showing organization, hierarchy, and rallies that are reminiscent of the groups in Europe in the '20's to '40s?
How can rectify the chaotic, back-biting, mob-rule nature of Trumpists and the Alt-Right when compared to the harsh, military-regimented, machine-like organization of the groups in Europe in the '20's to '40's (when the latter is usually defined as a feature and identifier of Facism as a movement)?
Fascists in the '20's to '40's dictatorships put big corporations under their wing of control, and geared them to serve grand industrial and miliitary endeavours, but without nationalizatiion, like the Communists did. In the modern U.S., big corporations and billionaires bankroll the far-right-wing groups, and have a lot of influence, while OTHER big corporations and billionaires bankroll the Social Progressive groups, and, also, have a lot of influence there.
Though fuzzy on the issue, and giving a lot of unclear, mixed messages and confusing rhetoric, and seeming at times to be ready for preemptive wars that never happen, Trump was, statistically, the least directly militarily aggressive U.S. President abroad since Herbert Hoover. That seems contrary to a supposed, "Fascist," by strict definition.
These questions are not meant as, "gotchas," just food for thought to refine and clarify viewpoints.