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What Are You Reading, Again?

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Jun 19, 2002
Hipster-Authorland, Brooklyn (Hell)
I never get tired of making this thread. :lol: And without search, I can't revive it.

I'm going on vacation this Friday for two weeks, so I plan to bring:

- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. This is a tie-in, since I'm going to watch Blade Runner sometime soon. :yeah:
- The Weight of Glory, The Four Loves, and The Great Divorce all by C.S. Lewis.
- Perelandra, by C.S. Lewis. This book is great for his descriptions of the tempting of man by the devil. Great stuff.
- Books I must read for school. :cry:
- I'll also frequent the local library and get more Dick books and I'll see if they have another history book by Barbara Tuchman.

What are you reading?
Wicca - by Vivianne Crowely

I have a whole batch of books on magic and Celt myths given to me by a witch!

I have my reading schedule filled for the next few months...
A real witch? Interesting.

I just checked my school reading list, there is one good book on there: The Hobbit. I read it once, it will be nice to read it again.
Currently a combination of Dragons of Winter Night :yeah: and a nice book from 1914, entitled The Fleets at War, a Daily Telegraph War Book from the opening stages of the conflict, outlining in great detail the Royal Navy and its opposition :yeah: :yeah:
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Volume 1: The Birth of Britain. Good old Churchill...
Shapechange's Song by Jenifer Roberson. It's a good book so far. It's different from normal fantasy fare (to say the least).
I just read some Norwegian Sci-Fi. Now I'm about to start on reading William Gibson's Idoru.
"Stonewall Jackson: The Man, The Soldier, The Legend" - James I Robertson, Jr
The Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes, on the colonization of Australia. Incidently, Hughes seems ashamed and self-pitying that he has convicts in his ancestry. This is the one part of the book that I find annoying.
The Gripping Hand by Niven/Pournelle. Sequel to The Mote in God's Eye, which was quite an interesting story.

Cg, what book by Phillip K. Dick was "the Minority Report" based on (I just glimpsed in the credits that it was based on one of his novels, don't think it said which one)? I'd like to read that.
Originally posted by allan2
Cg, what book by Phillip K. Dick was "the Minority Report" based on (I just glimpsed in the credits that it was based on one of his novels, don't think it said which one)? I'd like to read that.

Its actually a short story. I'm not sure of the exact title, but I think it may be called "The Minority Report".

You'd have to get some books of his short stories.

Total Recall was also based on one of his short stories, but they added all the action. The short story was simply about the idea of false memories.

Dick was crazy but interesting to read. Some of his weirdest stuff came when he was a rabid anti-Nixonite on drugs. :lol:
The full text of Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dectionary. It's sooo funny.
What a coincidence! I just finished reading Secret of the Sunken Sub by Lee Roddy. :goodjob: Very cool book! It's about a Soviet robot sub which sinks off Hawaii. A boy caught it on videotape. The Soviets and the Americans are in a race to find the sub and it's technology. The boy tries to keep it a secret from his parents. :D
Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand
A summary of her philosophy through an awe-inspiring work of fiction.

A New Kind of Science- Stephen Wolfram
Outlines a variety of very strange scientific discoveries over the last two decades and their applications to virtually every discipline of science.
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