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What are your political views?

GEChallenger said:
What the title says. There's alot of political debate going on here, I thought it might be good for everyone to give a rough (or in-depth, if you want) sketch of their political alignment and views here. If possible you should do more than the simple liberal vs. conservative, nationalist vs. globalist type description. This thread could then be used as a reference during debates; people can check up on what their opponents really beleive to know how to best respond or whatever. People also might stick a link in their sig to thier post here. Perhaps this thread could be stickied?

You might also list some basic things like nationality, religious views, native language, position in life (student or whatever) and so on. Put whatever might help make your posts/political opinion clearer. It's up to you really, but I'm not looking for a biography or unrelated things (such as "I like candy and watching tv" or whatever.

I will ask that no one post more than once in this thread; if you update your stance you can just edit your post. So no arguing goes on in this thread; I'd appreciate it if mods would keep wayward posts under control.

I'm not going to post a poll because there are too far too many options.

Nationality: American
Sex: Male
Religion: devout self-worshiper :p
Language: English
Employment: Student.

social policy: pro legalizing all drugs and generate tax revenue, pro gay marriage, pro seperation of church and state, pro abortion, pro death penalty, pro euthanasia, pro legalizing prostitution, pro lowering the drinking and smoking ages.

economic policy: I don't really have a firm economic stance, but since I'm generally against giving people free money I'm going to say I'm slightly right leaning.

foreign policy: Nationalist, so basically anything it takes to remain number 1 in the world. Of course I'm more for fighting enemies with economics than outright wars.
In general, I am firm on the good Whig economic and nationalist programs. I believe in a high tariff for revenue and in the re-establishment of the Bank of the United States, and support the distribution of the federal surplus and the revenue from land sales among the many states, for whatever purposes they see fit.

I believe in the right, nay, responsibility, for the federal government to fund projects of internal improvement, and in particular believe that we should construct a canal linking the Missouri to the Buenaventura at the shortest time possible, so that our commerce may travel to the Pacific. The re-annexation of the Oregon is advisable towards the same purpose.

In brief, I am a Whig, but not an ultra Whig.

Nationality: American
Sex: Female
Occupation: High School student, waitress
Religion: None, celebrate Christmas for the presents
Native language: English
Other Languages: Spanish and the especially-useful Quenya

Political affiliation: I'm not 18 yet, so I don't yet have a political party. I agree with the Democrats far more than the Republicans, but I doubt I'll register Democrat. Most likely Independent.

Society: I quite liberal on social issues; I'm pro-gay marriage, for keeping first and second trimester abortions legal, neutral on capital punishment (I want to see its use reduced but not stopped entirely), pro-euthanasia, for the legalization of marijuana and pro-gun control.

Economy: I am for moderate government controls on industries, but not strict controls, just slightly more than the US has right now. However, I very much support welfare, Medicare and other similar economy-related government programs -- I feel that the economics of the individual and promoting the success of individual persons is far more important than focusing on the economics of corporations.

Foreign Policy: I strongly dislike the current US government's approach to foreign policy; in general, I think that war should indeed be the last resort in any situation. I believe that fighting terrorism os not the most important thing that the United States should be doing right now, as fighting terrorism with guns only increases its influence. Slow cultural assimilation and alienation of terrorists is the only way to remove the threat of terrorism. I also strongly disapprove both of the invasion of Iraq and of the handling of the "occupation."

I care very little for the US being the world's superpower and would rather that we disbanded most of our military and voluntarily stepped down from superpower status. I feel no nationalist pride in knowing that we have by far the strongest military in the world, and see no reason that we remain the world supreme power; it has brought the US only grief.

I also want the UN to be reformed, with the permanent members of the Security Council expanded (to two EU reps, Japan, India, Brazil, the US, China and Russia) and veto power removed and replaced with a 6 of 8 majority among permanent members. I would also like an independent fraud-monitoring program set upon the UN. Once these two things are in place, I'll be pro-UN (but neither is likely to ever happen).
Depends what party Tony Blair is leader of. Since he is the leader of New Labour I am New Labour. If he was leader of the Conservatives I would be Conservative.
Nationality: Slovenian
Country: Slovenia (EU)
Occupation: IT

Social & Economic: There is no need to have starving people. Social differences make people unhappy. Money is a way to achive efficient production. Money is not a key to a happines. Consumerisum is overrated. Many more resources should be devoted to research (robotics, automatisation, fusion, medicine,..). Advances in productivity should help all segments of the society. Try to look long term.

Domestic: We have laws to protect us. Only police needs guns. Democracy sux, but it could be worse. EU is good thing. Nationalisum is bad thing. NATO is irrelevant. Separation of Church and state.

International: EU is Europe's way of dealing with wars. It works. Trade, not war. Time of big wars has passed (nukes). USA needs to grow up. Iraq = sux to be USA. Russia, China, India, Brasil, Iran = no threat. USA = annoying. Trade. Rules. Diplomacy. Peace. UN = good start.
Nationality: American
Religion: Closest to Christianity
Language: English
Position: High School Student

I am the most Liberial person here Thank You.

Social & Economic: Everything should be owned by the state and rationed out to the people, everything would belong to the governement. People should be free to have what ever job they please but everyone would be required to do the same amount of work as everyone else-short of the medically disabled for some reason.

Domestic: Get rid of all guns short of cops and Federal officers; Pro Gay; Everyone should have free health care, Social Security should be expanded and cover everyone with enough money to actually live

Defense: This is the only area where I support the old way of Republican thinking not the crack head Bushs way of thinking. I think the Defense Buget should be increased EXTREMELY, devolpe our military into the strong force it was in the early Cold War with no one who could rival us in conviential warfare.

Internationial: We should not only have to pass a war threw our Congress but the UN General Assembly. So if we want to invade Russia, we would need the UN to vote for or against it, if they vote no we dont go, I also think that same standard should be inforced on at the very least every other Security Concil Member.
Nationality: American
Sex: male
Age: 17
Occupation: High school student

Political affiliation: Generally republican, although I cross platforms on some races, and I disagree on many republican social issues such as gay marriage. I guess I am fundamentally a libertarian but in the two party sytem I'd go republican over democrat.

Religious affiliation: Atheist, with a tinge of deism in me that pops up from time to time.

Economics: I'm all for capitalism and against big government. Economically I'm a libertarian.

Social Issues: I think that the government should not legislate people's social choices. That means I am for gay marriage and things of that nature. When it comes to abortion, the jury is still out for me. As long as we can't define where life begins it becomes very difficult for me to take a concrete stance on abortion. I suppose that I lean towards pro-choice but I stay out of abortion debates and don't consider it one of my key issues.

Foreign Policy: I think that the US should act in its own best interest, just as every other nation does. I do think that the current administration has had some important errors as to exactly what are best interest is.
Religion-Roman Catholic
Language-Portuguese and ENglish and a little of French and Spanish
Position-Highschool student

Politican Convictions:Centrist Liberal Nationalist, I hate both extreme right and extreme left.I defend a strong economy however defending civil rights.I say that I'm a little conservative in a things.If I was PM of Portugal I will high the import taxes to develop industry.As for crime I think that we must be very hard with big and small crimes.I dislike the death penalty. However I will high the max penalty to 30 years rather that 25 in my country.An small but efficient and modrn defense. Protect the enviorment but also develop.I'm against abortation and homosexual marriege.
I will try to the name of my country is known around the world with some events.

Forgein Agenda:I like EU and NATO but I dislike US attitude against Iraq,North Korea and Iran.I only support war when the country is a really threat, that wasn't the case of Iraq. I support the comun defense theory.

Cool I only have 13 years and I already have my own political convictions, and I want to be a politician!
Nationality - Canadian / American (I switch between issues of each in here. If I'm not clear, sorry)
Religion - Somewhere between a liberal Protestant and a deist
Language - English and German
Occupation - University Student

I'm: pro-gay marriage, pro abortion (I do think it's too common, but that's not my business), for stem cell research, anti-capital punishment (It's not that I don't think some crimes deserve the death penalty, I just don't think it's fairly applied, especially along racial lines.) for the legalization and regulation of all drugs, pro Euthanasia and anti-gun control. I do own a handgun and a rifle, the former has to stay in America, sadly.

Immigration: One of the few issues I fall into the middle on. While I would never deny anyone from coming to America or Canada, I don't want a rapid influx. I do demand that any immigrant has something to offer his or her new country, and assimilates to a point.

Economic: I support socialized medicine, a strong unemployment program and a short term welfare program. However, I do not believe unemployment nor welfare should be available for an unlimited time, but rather, provide a safety net for people to get back on their feet. Those who refuse to get back on their feet, I have no sympathy for.

Foreign: Pro-Israel (anti-Sharon) and support a Palestinian state, pro-UN (I'd join up to a UN Army, if they'd make one), Abolish our Commonwealth status. Bush-neutral: While I supported the invasion of Iraq, I do not like how it has been handled, I think he should do more than use "harsh rhetoric" in regards to Daufer (and I think Canada should get it's ass over there as well), support his work in Afghanistan, support the western Ukraine.

Economic & Foreign: Outsourcing is a good thing, but shouldn't be artificially stimulated. I believe many companies enslave people of the third world through economic means, and that this is as unfair as 19th century labour laws were in the States. I don't like protectionist tariffs; I do see a short term use for them.

As to the military (I'm speaking of the American military at the moment): I think it's a shame that we spend billions on Star Wars while enlisted men women live on food stamps. Food stamps! As to the size: I like it. I see no reason to increase it. The only reason it's over stretched at the moment is bad planning in regards to Iraq. I believe the US should have a higher peacekeeping presence.

Random military things: Take the troops out of Germany (apologizes to the local German economy) and South Korea; let Japan fend for itself.


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Im going to use GEC's format on this one:

Nationality: American (United Blue States)
Sex: Male
Religion: Baptized Catholic (Branch Unknown), Self-declared Agnostic
Occupation: College student
Native language: English

Political affiliation: I am a registered Democrat but there are a few things that I agree with the Republican party (Which are explained further)

Social: Pro-life (exceptions on the terms of rape and incest), Pro-civil unions for gays but anti-marrage for gays, Neutral on Gay Rights, anti-euthanasia, and Anti-Death Penalty.

Military: One word, No Draft. I am content with the size of our military and hopefully would serve as a deturent against to thoes whom want to attack us.

Race & Culture: I beleve that there are separate races and cultures, but these things should not factor in today's modern day.

Religious: As an agnostic, I beleve that there should be a separation of church and state. Especialy in the public school system. I feel that introducing one kind of religion would offend someone who is not affiliated with the religion in question. Living in a global community, we should respect other people's religion and make an effort to not offend them as much. Private and/or Catholic schools are free to do what ever they want since they are not part of the government system.

With Governments, the separation of church and state should also follow the same rules.

Economy: I feel that there should be less taxes and less government spending on useless and nonsese things. Reduce the social welfare since I beleve that there are people out there (My step-mother is an example) that would abuse the welfare system.

Foreign policy: I beleve that NATO should have more infuence in other foreign affairs of other nations while the UN slims down on security. China and N. Korea are possible threats to the United States. China has a large population to draw its armed forces from and N. Korea has a crazed leader that would launch a Nuke at will. The Russians are on the hazy side since they are still recovering from the fall of the USSR.

Feelings on the Bush administration: I have been against Bush ever since he started Gulf War II and the atrocities that he has done. I was for Bush after the events of 9/11 and made the US more safer. I started to lose faith in Bush when we could not find Osama.

I voted for Kerry because I went with the "Anyone but Bush" mind. After hearing Bush's winning speach "...for those of you who did not vote for me, I will work hard to earn your trust". Bush would have to do a WHOLE lot to earn my trust once again.
Holy Political Compass!! :)

I just took the test and I got the same as Pope John Paul II which is a little bit left and little bit authoritarian. I knew I would be somewhat authoritarian but I expected to be nearer Adolf than the Pope. The fact that I'm a bit left wing came as a complete shock. If I hadn't been sitting down I would have had to take a seat.

I can't believe it! If I'm left wing you lot must be a bunch of Uncle Joe Stalins or Michael Foots. :eek:
Nationality: United Statesian
Sex: Male
Religion: Agnostic, though if I had to pick, Buddhist
Occupation: High school Student
Native Language: English
Other Languages: Smatterings here and there, nothing fluent, though

Political Affiliation: Liberal Socialist, if you want me to go by parties, then probably far left wing of the democrats... Debating on wehter to register for them upon voting age, since I'll likely vote for them most of the time.

Social views: Very Liberal. As long as it doesn't hurt other people, then I don't see why we should disallow it. Thus, private drug use is fine, as is gay marraige. Abortion is trickier, but I would say probably up until middle-late in the second trimester it is fine so long, of course, as the mother agrees. Pro-Gun Control, Pro-Euthanasia so long as the patient in question agrees has beforehand agreed in a sane state of mind. Symptoms of crime are what we should target.

Economic Issues: Left here, too. Everyone should be given a fighting chance, so I'm very for welfare. Companies cannot be trusted to be anything but bad for soceity, so I'm for regulation heavily of them. Free enterprise is necessary to a certain degree, but monopolization of wealth cannot be tolerated.

Military: The military should be reduced to a point where it can defend the country if need be, and has the potential to become a force capable of destroying a foe, but not constantly at full capacity.

Education: College should be free for all. Period.

Healthcare: Again, free for all.

Foreign Issues: Very very very anti war, war is only as a LAST RESORT, and if it is so, it should be carefully planned so as to be quick, minimizing casualties on both sides, decisive, and with a clear exit plan. But again, last resort, our nation should not be the imperial giant that it now strives to be. We keep our nose out of other nation's affairs unless they directly attack ours, and even then economic sanctions is preferable to war. The symptoms of terrorism is what we need to target.

Anti Iraq War (not legit), Anti War on Terror (not executed properly, or even with the right mindset), Pro Palestine (Israel was not there first, it IS a western imperialist intrusion into the Middle East).

Political Compass: -9 Economic, -5 Social
Nationality: American
Race: White
Sex: (yes please!), male
Occupation: High school student
Languages: english, French

I consider myself liberal in issues like evolution, and stem cell research. I am strongly against authoritarianism, and "father-knows best" attitudes. I also feel that the government should have its power checked very regularly. I believe that church has no place in state. As for economics I strive for a moderate approch of businesses being held accountable and in check, but at the same time not letting the government hold too much sway over them.
Most important I have to say I'm against ANY type of big brother activity. I am also anti-colonialism and I'm against the Iraqi war. I believe nations should AID other countries, not force them to love our political ideals.
(Oh yeah, I hate ignorant people).
Nationality: European & American
Sex: Male
Religion: none
Occupation: Educator
Native Language: English
Other Languages: After how many beers? Take your pick of drunken Italian, Spanish, Czech or Danish.

Political Affiliation: None. Politics as a concept reminds me of sex. I wouldn’t want to pay someone to have sex in my stead when I’m capable of doing it myself. Why would I vote for a politician to engage in politics for me when I can do that myself as well?

Social views: People should be able to do whatever the heck they want, as long as it doesn’t negatively affect me, why should I care?

Economic Issues: The environment comes first.

Military: No thank you. Maybe keep some token soldiers in fancy uniforms for tourists to look at.

Education & Healthcare: … are fundamental human rights.

Foreign Issues: Well, no army = no war. There should be an emphasis on environmentalism, and increased overseas aid. International Institutions ought to be strengthened.

Economic Left/Right: -6.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.08
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