What did I do wrong?


Nov 7, 2001
I would especially like to know why I am so behind economically and can't seem to catch up India. But if there's any mistake or anything in which I would have to improve, you can tell me too.


  • Aerain AD-1530.CivBeyondSwordSave
    375.9 KB · Views: 54
Can anyone tell me what the AI does in order to make such a large amount of money??
On the city screens, you'll see white circles along the cross. Those show which tiles the citizens are working. (You get one per population size, unless you took some off for specialists.)

You'll only get the tile benefits of tiles you're working: growth from farms, hammers from mines and such, and commerce from cottages. Cottages take a while to mature and become useful as well, they are a long-term investment, yet very worthwhile.

I'll check the save out myself soon.
All right, I poked around in the save and the sorry state of your empire.

Okay, this is a wreck. Your beaker per turn is what I'd want at around 1 A.D. Your cities are all frozen well below their happy and health caps, weighed down by working as many hills as possible, some desert hills.

- Stop building military, your cities need basic infrastructure. Maybe your capital can take care of military, the rest of your cities need some structures and growth.
- First, build granaries. Granaries are one of the most important buildings in the game, and only your capital has one. They halve growth time, as well as add health. Your cities need to grow. Get these up much earlier next time.
- Grow all your cities to their happiness caps, stop stunting their growth by working mines. Have your city work work farms and food resources first, then grassland/floodplain cottages (plains cottages are kinda bleh...) and then mines. You need that commerce coming in and those cottages matured. Just by reorganizing all your tiles to cottages, I was able to increase your gold per turn by about 30, and your beakers by about 40. Still pretty poor, but a signifigant increase.
- Why did you raze so many cities? Looks like you have to stunt growth by building several settlers... I wasn't paying attention to city placement at all, were the original positions bad?
- Gather more intel, you know absolutely nothing outside your borders. Get some open borders and send some units to scout! Or trade maps with Asoka! You shouldn't be so blind, expecially if you plan to invade later.
- Please oh please tell me that Divine Right is just a placeholder tech for the save when there are so many important technologies you need.
- Your civics... you built the pyramids and adopted representation, but are running zero specialists. You'd be better off with heriditary rule, and not wasting hammers on the pyramids. You have both vassalage and bureaucracy, but stuck with barbarism. You have a state religion but have barely spread it and are still running paganism. Get off the bottom row as soon as possible, and make sure your civics help you!
- Your settings are somewhat questionable. I'd strongly recommend turning on things like barbarians, espionage, vassal states and tech trading... expecially the latter which will signifigantly help the global tech rate increase so it isn't just one or two civs shooting ahead, and you'll be able to trade around techs to help catch up. Nothing you can do about this for this round though.
By the sounds of it, you are playing MUCH better than you were before!! Thats a good sign, and a sign that you are learning from what other people are talking about.

It is great to know that you are listening to people now, and so I will break my line of silence against you, and comment on your save, in a simaler manner to the last time you asked 'what went wrong'... I assume you will get MUCH better points this time.

But yes. Please enable tech trading... it will help you so much. Also, enabling barbarians will make it easier / make the early game more fun to play.

For those that are interested, here is how bad he was last time: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=7243268

As per usual, lets look at the power of this civ. As per last time, POWER is the most important thing in Civ IV. Hands down.

Very very good. Your power level is quite low, but not unbearably low.

You have an epic resource start. You have ivory... iron ... food AND happy resources... and almost NONE of them are hooked up.
You are aware that you are FARMING cow? Right? You also know that cow, when hooked up to a pasture, gives +2 :food:, and +2 :hammers:, instead of just +1 :food:? Right? So explain this...

And there are two other sources of cow too, right?
Use the correct resource for the correct improvement, almost always (There are exceptions, but you should NEVER use a farm on a food resource, in the same manner as you should NEVER mine a quarry resource. There is no reason to)


Yay!! You have stopped trading GPT for resources. But what about the other thing I said??

And don't trade strategic resources for luxury and health resources except in dire circumstances, although I am sure even you aren't stupid enough for that.

Alas, you were...

You are trading cow, for iron. How you did that, I have no idea. No idea AT ALL. Seriously... you have 2 sources of cow in your borders, and 2 farmed cow. And you are STILL trading cow into your land. Did you farm your cow, so that you could trade the cow into your lands, and give the iron to you?

I hope you realise that MULTIPLE SOURCES OF THE SAME TYPE OF RESOURCE DO NOT STACK. Thus, your 3 (potentially 5) sources of cow all give the same +1 :health:. You get the same if you sold off all your cow for other resources.

You gain 1 point for trading incence, for crabs. A luxury good, for a health resource is always a good trade (well... almost always).

Pasture the cows, and cancel that cow for iron trade. Some time, you might be able to trade that iron for something else.


MUCH improved.

I might dare to disagree about Joshuas comment about Divine Right. The Spiral Minaret wouldn't be a 'bad' thing... I have had many a game saved by the massive amount of gold that wonder brings in. Remember that Divine Right was only popped 1 turn ago, so although he has a 18 turn deficit, its not that bad, and with a bit of luck, and with some help from his major production city, he *might* be able to get it.

And its good to see Akillis looking at my past comments. But, as he is Akillis, he is unable to find a balance. I fear you have just done techs in a fashion that meant that you wouldn't get any spikes forward at all in tech.

My reccomendation, as this is pangea, is ignore Optics / Astronomy for a while, Go down either Guilds -> Banking, or Guilds -> Economics, and then shoot for Liberilism (hopefully it isn't too late) for the free techs.

When I said that you were researching too single-mindedly in the last game, I meant that you shouldn't research Modern Era techs, when there are Medieval techs you still have to research. You don't have to have a solid wall of techs ALL THE TIME.

Otherwise, a marked improvement. You have nearly perfected tech lists without tech trading... as far as I can see. But I never play with Tech Trading off. Turn it on!!


As Joshua said, why are you running Representation, when you haven't got any specilists. Either expand south, and grab those dyes / ivory, for happyness, and adopt Universal Suffrage (for the insane hammer production bonuses of all those towns), or adopt Herieditory Rule, or run some specilists.

Run Bureaucracy. Since you aren't building any military units, that is the best choice. Feudalism is a good choice also if you change to military units, and start spamming them. Get off the base civics as soon as it is practical to do so. For the religious civics, that means when you get a state religion, and for every other civic, it means ASAP. The default civics are almost always worse than the next ones, even with the 'high upkeep'. Researching Guilds / Banking / Economics would allow you to maintain this high upkeep (Which is 5 GPT at this point in the game... hover over it to see for yourself!)

Run Organised religion, if you aren't going to build many military units, or Theocracy, if you are. If you choose Org. Religion, then spread Christianity to all your cities, and try and grab a Great Prophet in a city other than your capital (Great Engineers are just so over powered it is insane -.-), by running priest specilists (Which would work well with Beurocracy ;) )


Good job... except WHY ARE YOU RAZING CITIES!? You should have kept those cities, the AI isn't too bad at making cities. And in your situation, you should reserve those hammers for military units. Now the AI is going to expand into that area, as the AI always has several settlers free, and you are going to lose that land.

So that AI didn't settle to 'your plan'. Here is a tip: If you don't have a settler ready, and it is infeasible to whip one that turn, don't raze the city. The AI will just take it the next turn (or the culture will expand to stop your settler from settling).

The only exception is if your economy is in the pits. Which it isn't ATM. Two cities should be moved.

Wosan should be 1E (towards the coast). The overlap is good... it is a cottaged grassland, meaning that it will ALWAYS be worked, and it means you lose the 3 desert tiles in the far west. I know there is incense... but that is just 6 commerce. A fully developed town is much better at commerce than that.

Pusan (The city north of that), should be 1 tile west. This will, again, cause overlap, but you lose 2 desert hills (and a desert tile), and gain cows and iron. The exchange is obvious... are cows and iron worth 3 desert tiles?

Some of your cities are well developed. But some more are poorly developed. You have several cities which have only 2 or 3 buildings!! Stop building workers, and for the love of all things holy, stop building settlers in size 1 cities! It stunts it's growth terribly, as cities can't grow when they are building settlers! Build some important buildings (Forges (Production), Granaries (Double food), Markets (Happyness... and lots of it), Libraries (or theatres, but the scientists and +25% science are worth it. BTW, this is for culture, and can be ignored if you are creative), courthouses, and Lighthouses should be in EVERY city, eligable to build them. Then name each of your cities with what they are going to be producing. If they are making military units, build barracks, Factories, Stables, and Airports. If they are gold making cities, build banks, markets, and Grocers. If they are commerce cities, or science cities, build Libraries, Universities, and Observatories, and Laboratories first (unless you are running under 40% science), and then markets, banks, and grocers. If it is a big city, build happyness buildings and health buildings ASAP. If it is a religious spreading city, build a monestary, and then just missionaries. There is some infrastructure that is required!!


Again with the razing of the cities. I count 4. WHY DIDN'T YOU KEEP THEM!? Seriously, if you did, you wouldn't need to build settlers, and some buildings would also stay intact. Especially the ivory / dye cities to the south of you... why didn't you keep those? Culture isn't even a valid reason... they are miles away from any cultural pressure!!

Monty is pissed off at you, fuming at the mouth, you are nearly his worst enemy, and he has double the strength of you, as well as open borders right up until he hits your lands... Be careful. Get troops ASAP, Monty is notorious for being aggressive, and coming at you... and with twice your strength, you are in some serious trouble. If you hadn't razed those cities, you could be building Long-bows now (Which you should... they are MUCH better at guarding cities than the Macemen/Swordsman/Horsemen (!?) you have now)

The war of the Vikings has left them scattered, and weak. Either finish them off now, or sue for peace. This will make Monty less mad at you, and Ragnar won't beg him to join in on that war, and make him declare war on you. Hopefully you won't lose too much of the land.


You built 5. OK.. not bad, a little more than I would have done (I would have aimed for 4), but its close, if not an optimal number. From best to worst:

Oracle: Free tech, and you had Marble (I think... I hope). Very very good!! 2 points

Pyrimids: Not bad... its a powerful-ish wonder, if you either use bureaucracy, or switch to Universal Suffrage. Either way, you would have gained from it. However, at the moment, it has just wasted away your hammers... as you aren't using it (You might as well be running barbarism, except for the 3 :)... in which case you might as well be running Hereditory Rule). 1 point.

Hanging Gardens: Again, not bad. But it is a weak wonder... +1 health isn't much of an issue... but not an ENTIRE waste. 1 point

Hagia Sophia: Ignore this wonder. +50% worker rate is the weakest wonder effect in all time... and as a result, Serfdom is also the weakest wonder effect of all time. And with the number of workers you have (12 workers for 10 cities), you don't have a chronic shortage of workers. No points

The Partheon: You aren't running a SE. You have no specilists. Why does +50% GP rate help your empire? How does it offset the hammers that you used to build it?? No points.


GNP: It could be MUCH higher... if you used those cottages, and made bigger cities! As it is, you are lucky to be at 5th place.
Prod: Again, bigger, and more improved cities would allow you to get a higher production value. As is... you are in trouble. Production is directly correlated to power (even more so than GNP), and as Yoda said: "Low Production leads to Low Power. Low Power leads no Low Troops. Low Troops leads to Getting your empire carved to peices by Monties 100000000 Jaguars. Getting your empire carved to peices, leads to the Dark Side". At least... thats what I thought he said. Anyway, its best to heed his advice, and get bigger cities.

Food: 5th place as well!! Pasturing your cattle will help you get that slightly higher, as well as growing your cities. (You don't even use the whip that often... how come your cities are so tiny!?)

Soldiers: 5th place. Low power leads to the Dark Side. Avoid it at all costs... It also means that Monty WILL attack you.

Land Area: 3rd. This is good... it would probably be 2nd (or 1st!!) if you just chose to CAPTURE THOSE CITIES, instead of razing all of them.

Population: 6th. You have tiny cities. Grow them.

Everything else, doesn't matter much.

So you did five major things wrong.

* Razed all your cities. You did this last time too... whats wrong with you!?
* Made your cities work hammer tiles, instead of food tiles, this lead to small cities, which lead to almost every aspect of your empire suffering horribly
* Avoided overlap like the plague. Don't worry about overlap... as long as over 2/3's of your tiles in each city isn't overlapped, then there is no problem (not until the modern era, after which you have won, or lost, practically anyway :p)
* Adopted the wrong civics, keeping the default ones (!?). Built the wrong wonders, and didn't use EITHER the cottages, nor any specilists.
* Didn't focus on the economic techs when you knew that you were expanding.

If you build longbows after those settlers, if Monty doesn't DoW on you within the next 50 turns or so, if you whip those settlers, stop building those workers, and build infrastructure in your cities (and Longbows in every city with decent infrastructure, and if you grab a Great Prophet, build a shrine in the Christian Holy City, and spread Christianity (DON'T ADOPT CHRISTIANITY!!), then you will be well on track to winning the game again. In fact, if you play optimally, you should be able to win. If someone can beat Prince difficulty, and wants a challenge, they would be able to win quite easily. Myself, as a Prince player, I think that it *might* be in my reach of victory... but not sure.

Its not lost, and with luck, you could survive!
Theres a reason you are way behind. You built your 4th city just before 1ad.

You had 3 cities by around 1600bc which is fine. You then waited till 5bc to build a 4th. For me from 4000bc to 2000bc is about workers, settlers, warriors and expanding cities. I normally have 6-7 workers to 4 cities early on.

By 1600bc you could have 4 cities. If you build 2 workers at start and use bronzeworking and chopping of forest you soon have 4. cities,

By 1ad you could well have 8+ cities. By 1500ad maybe 15 cities. I normally have liberalism and gunpowder/ banking techs by now.

Expand, expand and expand. Sitting on 4 cities to 1ad will not win you any games. If your sciences drops to 20-30% build more cottages and let your current cottages grow.

Pyramids and representation is a good combo but your land on this map is poor and wouldnt allow many specialists. There is some good land south of you which would hold 2 or so cities.

If you want to post a game try one at 1000bc to get better help.
On my current game around 1000ad I have just built my 16th city and I am 7 or so turns from Liberalism.
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