What difficulty level will you play your first game at ?

What difficulty level will you play your first game at ?

  • 1 - Scribe

  • 2- Governor

  • 3- Viceroy

  • 4- Sovereign

  • 5- Immortal

  • 6= Deity

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My first 4 games will be on Viceroy, one for each type of victory, then I'll move to Immortal and probably stay there for the rest of my Civ 7 journey.
If some videos i've seen are to be believed, the default is Governor (2nd) so 1 higher would be Viceroy (3rd). It seems like Firaxis decided to cut on the number of lower difficulties, hopefully it's because very few players actually played on Settler and not because the AI is so bad that lowest difficulty wouldn't make sense 🤔
Good to know! Thank you kind Lord!
I’m still deciding whether to start as Egypt or Persia, and whether to start at Immortal or one step down. I’m interested in experiencing the game on the receiving end of its rubber banding mechanics.
With the removal of difficulties, would the equivalent of Emperor be closer to Sovereign or Immortal?
Deity first time, havent lost against my first deity try on V and VI, althought I played few games in VI before going for deity.

Used to be the standard difficulty (noble) before that for me. I think its the best way for newcomers.
I play deity in civ 6 and I was planning to start a couple of levels lower in civ 7. After seeing that one of the goals of the legends and memento system is “making losing fun” however I decided I might as well start at deity already and see what happens.
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