Total honesty here--I'll probably start a game at default level; play like 20 turns; realize I was screwing something up super bad; then ragequit and restart.
Total honesty here--I'll probably start a game at default level; play like 20 turns; realize I was screwing something up super bad; then ragequit and restart.
My problem is that I feel to learn, I'm going to want to start a level or two below where I feel I'll end up. But I don't necessarily want to "waste" playing as a good leader, so it's hard to decide which leader/civ sounds interesting to learn the game with, but doesn't have some combo that I might rather try to optimize with later.
My problem is that I feel to learn, I'm going to want to start a level or two below where I feel I'll end up. But I don't necessarily want to "waste" playing as a good leader, so it's hard to decide which leader/civ sounds interesting to learn the game with, but doesn't have some combo that I might rather try to optimize with later.
This is why I will start with random leaders and antiquity civs for the first games. I hardly ever chose a civ in 5 and 6, but I can see how this will change in 7. At some point, I will be looking for more interesting combinations.
This is why I will start with random leaders and antiquity civs for the first games. I hardly ever chose a civ in 5 and 6, but I can see how this will change in 7. At some point, I will be looking for more interesting combinations.
For me I will probably pick non random leaders after some runs, but mostly cause there is so many interesting leaders to try, and pure random can end up making me repeat some of the leaders before i get to others. Maybe I should just feed the list to a random generator and make it generate a random list with all 26 so i at least try each once.
Hello CIv Fans - Since I won't know what I am doing with the very first game and all the new mechanics and city building options and promotions etc. I will start on Scribe just to get my ball bearings strait. After 2-3 full games I will then start moving up in difficulty. Also want to give each civilization a try before settling for the top 5 favorites. I typically play on Emperor and occasionally on Immortal on Civ 6. That said it's time to step up with a whole new generation of Civ 7 and master my game play skills to play and win on Deity.
My first game will be the default difficulty level. I doubt I'll even finish the first one. In the majority of my first play through of any game I just try out new features, without any specific goal. Once I get to the point I'm comfortable with the game I then restart.
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