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What is the best civ?

The argument is all before pal ... Spain cannot compete. I'm sorry if that somehow hurts your ego. But it's a plain fact. The effects of the British Empire (for good or ill) still reverberate today ... and in more than just a few place names and Spanish speaking countries.

Spain merely ruled by the sword, until she was first seriously challenged ... then she was crushed. It's not difficult fighting natives with spears ... especially when disease does most of the fighting for you. I mean, influenza had already arrived in South America before Pissaro even set foot on dry land.

This is actually really boring. I thought about provoking the deabte further ... but what's the point. You started this as a slanging match by throwing insults and arrogant opinions from the start. It's not informative or educational. And I've certainly got better things to do with my time than sit here answering your contradictory remarks.
You brought it up first ... in your very first response.
Empire in history, the cultural proliferation of her language, and all the scientific, artistic and military achievements -- no other modern power comes close.
Who wrote this? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

throwing insults and arrogant opinions from the start
Insults? Arrogant? mine? When? Quote please. You say Spain is not at British level and you call me arrogant? What a Curious mentality!

And I've certainly got better things to do with my time than sit here answering your contradictory remarks.
Contradictory? quote again please.

Well, in fact, to speak with you has become very boring, you are falling in boring old topicals. I thought that you were more clever, now i can see i was mistaked. Sorry.

Empire in history, the cultural proliferation of her language, and all the scientific, artistic and military achievements -- no other modern power comes close.

This was not in response to you pal. This is an old thread going back over a year. You started the argument by refering to me, I never referred to you. You mentioned painters specifically, not me. And as with all painters, we get the normal reduction of art to painting, as if there's never been another art form in history :rolleyes:


I clearly know much more about your history than you know about mine. My advice is to get over it ... really. Read all the previous posts going back over a year. See how much time was spent debating to pro's and con's of Spain on the global stage ... not much (if any). The only thing Spain has managed to achieve in the last 100 years is joining Switzerland in re-defining the word "neutral".

Comparing Britain's effect today with Spain's effect is not an accurate comparison. Spain's influence was more than 500 years ago whereas Britain's was during the last 200 years. Let's see if Britain's achievements are so noteworthy when looking back around the year 2300.

MZ sez: Hola Thorgalaeg! :)
Maybe in the intervening period, Spanish historians will be able to dig up a Newton or a Darwin or an Adam Smith ... :D ... or at least someone of significance would didn't wield a bloody sword.
For ancient civilisations you have to look at the chinese, so far ahead of their times, the babylonions and of course the greeks and egyptians.

For anything like modern times i have to go with britain. Many things done while creating her empire were bad, yet her leading role in using the Royal navy to enforce abolition of slavery was truly admirable. The largest empire of modern times, industrial revolution, science, the list goes on.

IMHO i think that the US of A is by far the best. sure china and rome were great. but we can see how their culture has lasted. how long do you think that the American culture will last? Also, the way i look at it, at the heigth of both rome and china, they could not have done as much damage militarily as the United States could. im EXTREMELY biased and pretty much uneducated, but thats just my two cents.

btw, the chinese commi nut is just plain stupid. pretty soon, china is going to have a fallout just like the USSR did and is going to go down the ****ter. the real upcoming power is the EU.
You can go way back on the eastern civs giving us alphapet and basically the origion of civilision.

Western civs?

Greece. ( They wrote the blue print for Rome)
Rome. ( They wrote the blue print for every other western civ)
England. ( Not Britian, I hate to admit it, but yis really made your mark. grumble grumble b***tards;) :) )
Spain/portugal. (They're up there with England when it comes to leaving a mark on the world)
Americia. ( cultural and scientific leaders of the modern age)

China were great in thier day, but thier arrogance was thier downfall. They had to eventually learn from the European 'barbarians'. It was'nt until thier defeat in the opium wars that they finally pulled their heads out of thier arses.
But they've given the world many sciences/discoverys that we take for granted, so they rate as one of the best.

PS: The Irish have colonised the planet in the form of Irish bars, thats got to count for something.;)
1. China: Most wars, Most people. From the r00t of civilization, Chinese people settled everywhere in south east asia
2. Rome: It was good, just not during world wars. It will be back.
3. Germans: Talk about Militaristic...
4. British: So strong that it cultured 2/3 of the world...
5. Russia: Biggest country in the world
Originally posted by bewareofgnomes
IMHO i think that the US of A is by far the best. sure china and rome were great. but we can see how their culture has lasted. how long do you think that the American culture will last? Also, the way i look at it, at the heigth of both rome and china, they could not have done as much damage militarily as the United States could. im EXTREMELY biased and pretty much uneducated, but thats just my two cents.

btw, the chinese commi nut is just plain stupid. pretty soon, china is going to have a fallout just like the USSR did and is going to go down the ****ter. the real upcoming power is the EU.

China is more forward with communism than USSR. It is not obessessed with communism - it was what their people needed.
Strong Influences in the mordern world:

1. Japanese Anime of all kinds - absolutely love this culture or hate it.
2. Christianity: It is everywhere, but there many evil versions of it in the world like Mormons and JWs(these two common in America, dunno about the rest of the world).
3. American Music and many other industries and science
4. All Japanese games
5. American PC games
6. Disneys: Positive shows for kids

American movies are very powerful influence, so are the Chinese (but they lack funds)
People make here biased, patriotic posts, which is quite childish :rolleyes:
There is no 'greatest' civ or country. All of them have made what the world is today.
Each of them had their Golden Age, but you can't just say one was greater than another.
We'll always have Paris :lol:
By far, Egypt has been the most determined people. They dat back to one of the earliest civilizations, and though conquered many times, have put up with occuping forces, and have continued as their own. Plus, they have only had the Nile Valley as their home, which is remarkable what they have (and are doing) with it.

Rome is also a nominee. Yes, they did get all cultural aspects from Greece, but they did something with it. Conquering all of Europe (besides eastern) is quite an accomplishment, and holding the land for centuries is also a great task in the ancient age.

Spain and England have spread their influence to most of the world. No matter how they did it - they did it. This easily qualifies as greatness.

I dont know much about China, so I won't say anything.

For modern times, the USA is the major contender. The Americans have taken unsettled lands (by Europe, in that case) and turned it into world-class in 200 years.

Also Germany has invented so many things, and has almost defeated most of the Western World, that they are definetly up there in the modern times.

Just my 2 cents.

No civilization comes close to that of the American civilization...thread closed
and why is that?
Given the time of its origin and its rise to dominance in the world.
Thats fast by any rate, just look at the size of US citys compared to century old euro cities.

The US is a melting pot of cultures and ideas. They are ahead of technology. There culture draws in people with ideas and makes them happen.
The problem with the rest of the world is, we have to much history and tradition holding us back.
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