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What is WFYABTA?


Jan 2, 2007
Everett, WA
I've been following both the ALC threads and the Immortal challenge threads and have seen this used in relation to tech trading several times but I haven't been able to figure out what is means. Can somebody please elighten me?

Also, thanks a ton to aelf and sisiutil for posting thier games. I've learned a ton from not only them but from all the others who post thier suggestions and ideas on those threads.
short answer: it stands for "we fear you are becoming too advanced" and they won't trade with you any longer.

longer explanation: see here
Thanks! Not only did you answer my question, you directed to a much more interesting may to kill time at work.
Thanks! Not only did you answer my question, you directed to a much more interesting may to kill time at work.
Am I the only one on here who isn't killing time at work? :crazyeye:
i work at home, and only sporadically (i'm a contractor), so often i have no time at work at all.

lazily yours,
KMad, who is glad there is no "we fear you are becoming too off-topic" limit
KMad, who is glad there is no "we fear you are becoming too off-topic" limit

Really, if there were, I think I'd've hit it on my third post. I may just add "and now back to your regularly scheduled topic" to my sig, as it's just about always necessary... :mischief: (I refuse to believe it's a bad thing. Tangents are usually more interesting. Remember in high school when you got the English teacher onto a story about his trippin' hippie past? Beats the crap out of Fitzgerald, that's for sure. Why would one want to hide it all in another forum?)
Am I the only one on here who isn't killing time at work?

We Fear You Are Becoming too Attentive (at work).

Well, if I get the kind of job I want in the future, I'd be probably be a workaholic.
Kmad: WFYABTO. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, I just had to post that.

eep! :eek: luckily i'm not the only one with such tendencies :)

i even sometimes post 100% non-civ related stories just because i cannot stop myself from typing. i spoiler those tho, to spare folks who are sick of me.

and now i shall run off to have gigglefits!
KMad, I assure you were are definitely NOT sick of you.

Your sense of humour ROCKS :)
KMad, I assure you were are definitely NOT sick of you.

Your sense of humour ROCKS :)


+2 you made my day diplo modifier for you!
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