reverend oats
Deity with strong civs, immortal with weak.
Most ppl who respond to this want be players of warlord or lower cause they don't want to explain why they play at such a level , and those that play higher are more than willing to brag of their achievements (humm maybe player level should be a trophy, one for each level)
Most ppl who respond to this want be players of warlord or lower cause they don't want to explain why they play at such a level, and those that play higher are more than willing to brag of their achievements (humm maybe player level should be a trophy, one for each level)
That being said I believe most ppl play on noble or warlord level simply because they prefer a basic game without all the headaches of time consumption. If you have less time to play a game then a casual game of a few hours on warlord can be fun. I sure do miss the college days when a full time work load was 15 hours. 40+ hours of real life working and family can kill a good Diety game. When I am in the mood for Diety I have been known to take paid leave (its nice to work for the government), send kids to daycare, let the wife go to her job and pound an 8 hour shift and hope to finish the game before they all come home... Nope no epic marathon large maps for me...