What movie(s) have you recently seen 2

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Juno: A bit overthetop on the hipster dialogue, but that is my ONLY complaint. In every other regard an A+ movie.
Could be because the writer, Diablo Cody, is a Minneapolis stripper/blogger (pretty hot). I won't mention the name of the blog but here's her site. http://diablocody.blogspot.com/
I saw National Treasure a few days ago. It was pretty good, but I liked the first one better.
Like him or hate him, this movie was good because of him. Without a good performance in Neville's role, there is nothing else to save that movie. Not even the dog could have saved it, and the dog was damn good. Not to say someone else couldn't have done the role well. But Will Smith was in this role, and he nailed it. Superbly.

The ending however, was rushed and crappy.
Will Smith sucks ass. Anybody else would have done as good a job or better.
Don't tell me the ending to I Am Legend, I'm hoping to see it this weekend.

I have a confession. Just before Xmas I went, with a group of friends, to see....... Enchanted and I'm sorry to say but I giggled my way through the whole film. Very suprised to say this but it's a damn good film, especially if you're going with the gf.

Now I need to go watch Red Heat or Commando or something to butch myself back up.
Will Smith sucks ass. Anybody else would have done as good a job or better.

Yeah, sure. Look, I'm not about to nominate him as greatest actor ever, but sucks ass? Wrong. He does have a tendency to play the same role, but he is by no means a bad actor. As for anybody doing better...well that's crap. They are certainly many actors who could have done as well as him, and there are some who could have done better. There are also many, many more would would have sucked in that role, and brought down the entire movie because of their bad performance. But like I said in my previous post, it was Will Smith who was in this role, and it was his performance which made it good. I'm sure there are some who could have made it good with their performance, but they weren't in it, were they?
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