What say you, can we bring back the contests in [current year]?

I agree, AI does offer some possibilities. Have been tinkering with Leaderheads myself in Flux AI.


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I see no reason why current AI can't be fed some CivIII LH animations and come up with similar frames and style.
Not that I would particularly want that, though. But if it becomes impossible to detect, only the artist is harmed so it's ok for most purposes.
Don't know. I working on new unit ranges for unification of Italy mod. I want to create Italic tribes like Brutti, Lucani, Campani, Sabini and so on but do not have time to for it right now.
Whoa. Cool Dudes.
Moderator Action: Please create new threads for sharing creations. This thread is for discussing the possibility of resurrecting contests. It's okay to note whether there are enough items for a category of contests, but this isn't the place to share them initially.

Feel free to ping me to move creations to their own threads.
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