What's the deal with these blackened/hidden tiles? (Tweak Mod by SpyFanatic)


Mar 27, 2020
Why are some Mountain/Peak tiles and some Ocean tiles being hidden from view? I have no idea why this is the way it is, especially since the ocean tiles are still hidden even in the worldbuilder view. These hidden tiles are impassible to everything, be it ships or flying units.


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First time I ever saw this! Please check mod folder name is 'Master of Mana' and if you test lowering graphic details...
I didn't add any modification to graphics so I am really puzzled on this...
Maybe you added the high res texture components (blue marble I think is called...)
First time I ever saw this! Please check mod folder name is 'Master of Mana' and if you test lowering graphic details...
I didn't add any modification to graphics so I am really puzzled on this...
Maybe you added the high res texture components (blue marble I think is called...)
I only installed it straight from the download you provide. No blue marble or any other high-res packs (I don't like them).

The map that was this on was MoM-Planes if that helps.
Ok, never tried MoM-Planes, not sure if it is somehow different.. We mostly play MoM Erebus, Fantasy and Continents...
Will check in the forthcoming weeks
The only way to have multiple planes in Civ4 is by splitting one big map into differenct sections that then act as planes. the permanently hidden tiles are the borders between the planes.
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