In your case the site got it right, kinda. Your core 2 duo doesn't meet the recommended requirments, that your showing. It does meet the minimum.
Turning on eye candy is more to do with your graphics card, so if you have nice card you'll be able to most likely. But remeber your CPU sends the info to the graphics card, as well as computing the AI. That's probably why they are recommending a quad core, even though it's at a lower ghz than your duo it will be able to handle more threads, and the game is optimized for multiple threads.
yeah well I'm not worried at all, I can play pretty much all game on high setting (such as crysis, settler 7, empire total war, mafia 2, etc).
Still, the CPU is the next thing to upgrade on my computer. It's also the part I know the less about in technologie... Any suggestion?
I'm really happy with my new geforce 460 gtx and the 4G ram have served me well so far.