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Where in the World are you? What is so special about your cottage/hamlet/town/city?

I live in Atlantic Beach, Florida, a suburb, I guess you could call it, of Jacksonville. Jacksonville is unique in that it is one of the only, if not the only, city in the country where the city government is consolidated in the county government. In the 1960s, The city and county held a vote on whether or not the outlying settlements wanted to merge with the new City of Jacksonville. Four communities voted out - Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and the small town of Baldwin. That being said, all four of these communities receive extensive help from the City including law enforcement and emergency services coverage, financial aid and things of that nature, so I guess we are a vassal of sorts.
The city of Melbourne, which I have claimed as my own. The culture capital of Australia, settled in the 1860s, not from Europe but from Tasmania(!). That's right, settlers re-settling -- and didn't they find a nice spot for it! Situated right where icy Antarctic air clashes with hot fumes from the northern deserts, life is never boring here weather-wise. Some people don't like. I think it is excellent. Four seasons in one day, them calls it. Great stuff.
Hey. I live in Vladivostok. it's the south-eastern part of Russia. Railroad from Moscow to Vladivostok was building during the end of 19 and begining of 20 centuries and it's the longest railroad int the world! Firstly it took about 3 months to come here from Moscow by train - it was a real test of time! Many people wanted to come here 'cause there were so much resourses and the main - a lot of land. But during these 3 months many people got crazy because of being all this time in train (locomotive). Now it takes 7 days to go to Moscow by train. Vladivostok is a capital of Primorye - one of the farest russian regions. we are just at the borders of Russia, we surrounded by China, Japan and North KOrea so they have big influences here and we are friends. Vladivostok is a big traiding port, a lot of foreign ships come here, and our sailing ship Pallada (my father works there for 13 years already) is well known in countries of Pacific Ocean, cause it has won a lot of international sailing races. There are a lot of tourists and sometimes foreign directors shot video films here (from China, Japan, Belgium), 'cause Vladivostok is the one city in Asia with European style of Architecture!
Just added myself to the map!

But the place is Hameenlinna, in Finland, and there's nothing special in this place... A convenient midpoint between two bigger cities, Helsinki and Tampere, is all that it is.
Ft Worth TX - USA
a city famous for its western heritage (and present)
famous for the fort worth stock yards & Billy Bobs.
that is the world largest club for those who dont know
Also home to the world greatest tex-mex food
Jackson, Michigan, USA.

Jackson is home to roughly 35,000 people. It claims to be the birthplace of the Republican Party. It's a sleepy little place that's been a bit rundown for decades, but is perking up these last couple of years. We've recently landed a Wal-Mart here and a Bed, Bath & Beyond, but we've yet to attract a large bookstore. We have harness racing in town and Michigan Speedway is not far off. NASCAR is huge here.
I live in Coventry city (uk) used to be civil war prison thats where the phrase "sent to coventry" came from. and for a short time was the capital city (goto link to find out how i've only just found that out lol) also well known for "lady godiva" she went on horse back naked through the city to get her husband to lower taxes in the city, Coventry is also the birth place for the push bike and the motor car, during WWII the city was bombed by the germans by mistake they were trying to bomb london but got lost and ditched there bombs but coventry was under it distroying the cathedral but the spire remained and still remains today next to the new cathedral

I live in Cambridge (UK). It's on a river (+2 :health: ) has a couple of floodplains and the rest is all grassland (many with wheat resource :food: ) so it is a fantastic Great Persons Factory. Having chopped all the forests for a University 800 years ago it is possibly the best GPF in the world for producing scientists with the occasional philosopher turning up (we leave it to Oxford to concentrate on producing philosophers and artists). In the last thirty years or so we have been trying for a great merchant or engineer, but so far with no real success.
I live in Stratford-upon-Avon, the place where Shakespeare was born and brought up (I go to his old school), and where he lived out his days after he'd done all his achieving in London.

And I support Coventry City. Dele Adebola forever.
Technocactus said:
I live in Stratford-upon-Avon, the place where Shakespeare was born and brought up (I go to his old school), and where he lived out his days after he'd done all his achieving in London.

And I support Coventry City. Dele Adebola forever.

yes another sky blues fan :goodjob: :goodjob: :banana: :banana: :salute:

You seen there new ground? its mega :D
In 2 months I will move from the city I live in now to a small village near a cow resource. Lots of :food: production, very little :culture: :sad:
I live in Helsinki, capital of Finland. Gulf of Finland has a fish resource, and there is also plenty of Forest around.. :)
Helsinki was founded in 1550 by king of Sweden Gustaf Vasa, mainly to compete against Hanseatic city of Tallinn.
We were razed few times by Russian Cossaks in 1700´s, and whole Finland was finally conquered by Russians in 1809. Helsinki became capital of Autonomous Grand Dychy of Finland in 1812
Sights around the city include neoclassical city centre built in 1800´s and fortress of Viapori. That would be considered as coastal fortress in civIII :) Anglo-French fleet bombarded Viapori during Crimean War in 1855 for few days.
In 1917 Helsinki became capital of independent Finland, and on following year civil war battle war fought in Helsinki area.
During WWII Soviets tried to bomb us quite massively, but failed to inflict severe damage to the city.
Thats about it, i like the place despite of cold, wet and long winters. :)
I'm another resident of Cambridge, UK. Hopefully I will be added to the city as a scientist specialist in the not too distant future. (However how am I supposed to make beakers?? I'm not a glass factory!)
If you're a scientist, then you know there are no beakers in the game. Only Erlenmeyers, also known as flasks.
I live in Melbourne, FL. It is mostly a harbor town, and has the closest AFB to Kennedy Space Center. Medium-sized town, not sure how many people. Mostly suburbs.
I live in Corfe Mullen in Dorset, England. It used to be the largest village in the world apparentley, now its just one of the largest in Britain.
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