Where we discuss what to do after monarchy... and more.

Why the heck are we building a library in cimera?
oyzar, really, will you please stop using such assertive language? It comes across as aggressive and diminishing those having made the decision. Surely we can keep the discussion more constructive than that?

If you have a reason for why a library in Cimeira is not a good idea, please state it. Otherwise I'm inclined to agree with the choice, since there are really no better alternatives for builds there at this point.
Sorry about the language, Cimera is not going to gerenerate a scientist(though it can) since we have other cities more suitable for it, right? It does have decent production so i would think it would be natural to build barracks then chariots there.
A library gives +25% beakers in a town that will run quite a few cottages. I guess the question is what we want with Cimeira, a commerce center or a production center. I'm leaning towards the former, but maybe the horses in the BFC changes that?
I would make science there too... but getting 2 chariots out for exploration in each valley that goes from Ohlo is pretty important. two more to protect us from barbs would be nice too :).
So I would still switch to barrack + chariots. A library early is worth only if you want to run the two scientists no?

Well if it is going to be a commerce town i guess it makes sense, both sombra and ohlo are production cities(though ohlo will also be making a GS), Maybe it could make 1-2 chariots for defense(without barracks) once we hook up horses?
Indeed the decision to go library next in Cimeira was made before the horses showed up. Prior to that, the city was clearly more suited for commerce. I'd be fine with switching to at least one chariot once the horses are hooked up.

I still don't know where we want to run our scientists, though! Doing it in Ohlo would handicap our major production center, whether you look at it in terms of food or hammers, the effect is the same. Sombra, it'd turn into a pure commerce town without much production or growth potential -- but maybe this is still the best option? Serpente and Cimeira still need to grow.

So -- Sombra? But if we choose that, we shouldn't be doing worker next there; it'll have to be somewhere else. In any case this decision needs to be made quickly as it will impact all our building decisions elsewhere and due to the lack of cohesive planning over the last several turns (to be fair, there have been a lot of changed circumstances which even a very good plan would be struggling to keep up with), we're already at risk of wasting hammers here and there due to dropped builds.
The capital have enough food to work scientists and still grow / produce things. So is the best suited spot we have atm, but it isn't a good long term solution...
Really? *thinks about it* Okay, you're right. Might help to farm the grassland tile, too. [Edit: and get that grassland hill mined, though that requires chopping a forest.]

I'm fine with scientists in Ohlo, then.
We should found a production city to the east of the wine/cow on the DESERT hill. Farm the FP and mine, mine, mine.

our first prority should be an exploration chariot if not 2. then barracks and chariots where appropiate.

Also i'm happy for 2 scientists in Ohlo
I'm not so fine with scientists in Ohlo (it's not terrible, of course)...at the very least I think we have a lot of wonder discussion to work out (we could also chop in Serpente for that matter). Also Ohlo seems to be a much better unit pump (plus it has already started working on the barracks). I wouldn't be unhappy with scientists in Sombra though - it will have a ton of food surplus as well after the sheep is done. Long term I'm favoring Cimeira to in fact be a commerce city and unless we wanted to build unexperienced units there (I don't think there's that much hurry on chariots and I don't see anything else to build).

Edit: That horse city due east of the capital is a late game production spot too (farm every flat tile, lots of grass hills and general mines, and I think it comes out all right). The eastern wines/fp/hills could be a good production for now as well, that's true, though it could also just be a general city (we will be needing money to fuel expansion, and I'd be hesitant to farm those fp over just cottaging for now). If we're eventually moving the capital out of ohlo I also wouldn't be adverse to still leaving the HE there for instance (since we wouldn't be so worried about wonder limit then) - Ohlo will be a highly productive city most of the game.
Your talking sense Earthling and i agree, long term those FP can turn to cottages but here and now we should establish that city as production.
Why? We need commerce to pay for the expansion in the near future...
Why? We need commerce to pay for the expansion in the near future...

Commerce doesn't get our units or wonders built. We need at least one dedicated production city. Balance is the key, i'd hate for us to fill out lands with commerce and then have another team wander in and take what they please.
Our two closed neighbours are tied to us by tech treaties(at least they will be as soon as we get even a little bit ahead of saturn/sancta), and even they are far away. I know that normally I am way more careless than most people, but on this map we do really have quite a lot more safety than normal... Sure we do need production at some point, but sombra and ohlo are both doing a fair bit of production each(sombra is more of a hybrid city true, and ohlo will genreate at least one GS), it can wait since we can afford to let it wait(we don't actually need that much production before we are going to actually invade someone).
I disagree quite strongly. You do make good points which make sense, but so does building research/wealth when not building units.
I'm more with oyzar on this one. Any city with the proper potential can be easily switched from commerce city to production center, given enough worker turns. To switch a city from production center to commerce city is impossible, or at least takes 100+ turns for the cottages to grow. We need commerce to fuel our expansion, and the more and faster we expand at this stage, when everyone is still busy expanding their own empires peacefully, the better we'll be set up to handle whatever comes at us.

I agree that we should most certainly plan for a few production centers. But I don't agree that they are an immediate priority.
Yeah, Morgan, unfortunately I think you actually misread my post as well - I suggested those fp's to be commerce for now. About the economy - I have no problem with an SE later on; however I don't think we're investing in the pyramids right now, and we're not even at caste system - I think we won't be able to support enough merchants/scientists right now while cottages are very easy. I'm still really favoring Ohlo as a production center anyway (at least, most of us wanted to move the capital eventually right?)

Also, I don't get everyone's obsession with a force of galleys - it would be easy to see coming at the least, and also expensive for another team to send out given travel times. Plus we can just build a couple triremes (we should anyway just for xp fighting barb galleys).
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