Which Music Video Is This Still From? II

Odd groups aren't usually good for this thread... (dunno it). :p
Sorry, but I really want to post one.

They arn't unknown, just a bit odd if you know what I mean :p

Also I think this about the majority of films posted in the name the film thread, but you guys somehow still know them :)

(OK, I'll guess yours then)
aside: could the odd group be Talking Heads?
does it show that I have not seen a single music video since 1996? -.-

PS: no idea on the current video.
No idea about MooseWarrior's either.
Here's three more pictures, if you've seen this video before it should be a piece of cake.

I want to say Cake but I have never seen a Cake video, so....
Ozbenno got it.
No clue, but that is one funny still. [insert laughing emoticon]
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