• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .


Originally posted by Az:

That was penvzila and I think he got banned for it.

No, no, no, I was quoting HARDMAN. I got banned for Javascript posts that screwed up some pages.
If I was going to HARDMAN a site I would do it right!
first I would scan my ass and put it in my sig.
then next I would Insult everyone and post as mush as I can!
then the last words in all of my post would be KISS MY HARRY ***
now that is how you HARDMAN a site!

<IMG SRC="http://www.grworld.com/vanillacubesgames/files/kefka.gif" border=0>"Why Create things when you know they must be destroyed!"
"I will Create A monument to nothingness!"

[This message has been edited by Kefka (edited June 06, 2001).]
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