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Who is the strongest leader for a cultural victory?!?

Which leader is best for a cultural victory?

  • Saladin

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Qin Shi Huang

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Hathepshut

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Ramesses II

    Votes: 9 9.3%
  • Zara Yakob

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Louis XIV

    Votes: 14 14.4%
  • Pericles

    Votes: 12 12.4%
  • Huayna Capac

    Votes: 23 23.7%
  • Gandhi

    Votes: 7 7.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 15.5%

  • Total voters


Elected World Leader
May 30, 2007
Which leader do you think is best for a cultural victory and why?
Elizabeth.. Funny to not list the best leader for it... pericles, and huyana can also be good, as well as ghandi.
Hunyana Capac. Industrious allows you to pump out a multitude of wonders, and Financial makes it easy to research the requirement techs for said wonders before anyone else. Also later in the game when you set your slider to 50%+ culture, that extra commerce really helps.
Duh, other. Liz or Mansa...
i've had most success with ramesses but to be honest i hate culture and only use it as a last resort.
I've had most my culture vic with HC. I usually just wonderspam SC and get all those nice little temples going.
HC but that's just because I'm addicted to him and he's so versatile that he can easily pull of any victory.
Huayna Capac. Some very solid traits for the job, a UB that helps a little in addition to being generally good and the frequent opportunity for an 'I win' from a Quechua rush. Having 3 capitals for culture cities tends to speed the process up a little...
I voted for HC but he is only a bit ahead of Pericles and Louis.

1) Start with an early religion and spam out wonders. BW/AH/archery can all be delayed as you can rely on teh UU to protect yourself.
2) The UB.
3) Financial keep up in tech

1) Creative with fast libraries/theater. Important to get ASAP to get the doubling culture after 1000 years.
2) Philosphical for massive GAs
3) The Odeon is an absolute monster for culture games.
4) The UB allows great defense.

1) Industrious/creative says it all. Great starting techs also.
2) That UB is great for culture games.
Pfft Liz is the best...
Huayna: religion, early wonderspam, lots of commerce, even terrace hahaha

but... to throw a couple different names out there:
1) de Gaulle(replacing creative with charismatic isn't really a downgrade, as you get more happiness/artists to make up for slower library/theater)

2) Lincoln(really good for massive specialist cities if you decide to go culture late)
Qin. Industrious Wonderspam, awesome UB, and strong defenses in case you get dogpiled while going for it.
I've only ever won one cultural victory and that was with...yep, you guessed it...LIZ! Sadly, I was trying for a Space Race (I still haven't seen the clip for it yet), but instead ended up getting the cultural win three turns before the ship arrived!
It depends on the difficulty level and opponents but if you go with ramesses you can get a good start on religions. Found those early ones, pump out some wonders and a cultural win is a cake walk.
I voted Pericles; half price Theatres and Odeon (really good UB for cultural victory). Philosophical for lots of GA's. UU that can help defend early on.
Best for a conventional culture victory (2 commerce cities and a GP farm): Elizabeth

Best for a Marathon Sushi culture victory: Capac

BTW - Marathon Sushi culture victory > conventional culture victory
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