Who would lead Assyria?

Well just to put in my opinion, I think that if we were to get another Civ from this region, Assyria is probably the more likely. It's a little farther away than Babylon would be from Sumeria and not already represented as a city-state that just came in last expansion.
As for uniques I can't really see them without their unique Siege Engine. It would probably be an earlier catapult replacement but be melee and do significant damage to city walls as well.
As for a unique infrastructure what about a unique first tier govt. building. A combination of Warlord's throne and an Ancestral Hall but gain the benefits of a settler whenever you conquer a city.
Gilgy's voice actor is a professional Mexican voice actor. I doubt he has any knowledge of Akkadian. :p
Then I forgive him his bad Akkadian, because it could be worse. :p

I suspect the two Akkadian voice actors in Civ5 (for Ashurbanipal and Nebuchadnezzar) were also Mexican.
I wonder why they didn't hire a Sumerologist or Assyrologist like Siptah suggested. Gilgabro's delivery is on point, but I think a talented amateur who can actually speak the language in question would be fine.
Then I forgive him his bad Akkadian, because it could be worse. :p

I wonder why they didn't hire a Sumerologist or Assyrologist like Siptah suggested. Gilgabro's delivery is on point, but I think a talented amateur who can actually speak the language in question would be fine.

Blame whoever Firaxis hired to do the leader dialogue. :p I'm not sure if it's the same Montreal studio as in Civ5.
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