Why does the intro screen leave out the names of some leaders?


Dec 3, 2013
Just noticed this the other day and wondered if there is any pattern to it. On most of the civ's introduction screens (the one that always ends with "...can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?") the text and narrator say the name of the civ leader.

"your loyal subjects greet you King Pachacuti!", "wise and fearsome Chief Pocatello", "beloved King Darius of Persia!", "revered Queen Dido", etc, etc.

But for at least one, this is not the case. I noticed the other day that the Celts intro says: "fierce and vengeful Warrior Queen!". Boudicca's name is not mentioned.

Are there any others that are not named, and what could be the reason for it?
I think there's one or two others, at least.

Probably just an issue of consistency. Given how much text and voice-work had to be done for the game, it's amazing that there aren't more discrepancies and inconsistencies than there are.
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