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Why Only 18 >:(

They keep it low so you have to buy the expansion later.

No worries, I'm sure adding new civs won't be too difficult.
was civ4 vanilla very good? and did people still buy expansion packs? ;)

back on topic:
18 civs is fine.
i even can't imagine firaxis coming up with 18 unique civ(leader?) traits for each civ

Have a look at RFC sometime. He had no problem coming up with more than 18 unique powers. Admittedly, some will be a lot better than others or be more map-dependent.

I'm certain they'll have more in the expansion packs. In fact, that might wind up being one of the big selling points of an expansion packs. Both Civ IV expansion packs added in quite a few more civilizations.
With the "ultimate modding tools" that they suggest, perhaps they'll give stock leaders to make it easier to mod in a civilization. I agree with Ainwood that they would be quite a challenge to make.

As for the topic, 18 is good for me. With Rome as a favorite, you'll never be left out :)
Poeple who live in the Us Are happy thay have Usa and are ok with 18 Civs, people like me (Australian) would like Australia to be add and then we would be fine with 18 Civs, that just my guess
Comments like yours are downright comical, and it's flabergasting you can spout this crap and actually be serious.

I'm certainly no uber nationalist, in fact I think the USA has done some pretty despicable things in it's history, though it's no worse then the history of other nations that have achieved similar levels of power. However to try to compare the US and Australia in terms of greatness is foolish. There are some nations, like for instance Egypt, with it's historical impact on mathematics, and it's ties to some of the great wonders like the Pyramids; or others like China, with it's deep history, size, and the fact it built the Great Wall; or the Greeks and the impact of Alexander, their influence on philosophy; or the Spanish and their impact on the New World and the huge expanse of their empire: The nations attest to epic points in history, and are recognized the world over. The United States likewise is the birthplace of the Automobile, motorized flight, it's role in the last two great world wars was of great historical importance, it's constitution has directly influenced the governing structure of dozens of nations, and today it is an unrivaled superpower in terms of cultural influence, military power, and economic force; it is the worlds first hyperpower. It's reasonable for one to assert that, assuming humans have not destroyed themselves by that date, in 1000 years people will still study and know the USA as ubiquitously as they know of India and Rome.

For a person to claim, and open the conversation by claiming the US is less deserving of a spot in a game of Civilization then Australia is nothing less then completely asinine. I really wonder what's going on in people's heads sometimes, are they truly that indifferent to the concept of reality?
They keep it low so you have to buy the expansion later.

No worries, I'm sure adding new civs won't be too difficult.
No they don't. They only have a limited amount of time to work on everything, and in order to make deadlines they plan for a reasonable amount of civs, units, techs, etc, that they are pretty sure they can finish in the allotted time. There is no great conspiracy to roll thing over into the expansion pack. Maybe EA does that crap, but Firaxis certainly does not, at least it does not have a history of it, and there is no reason to assume they have suddenly started behaving that way today.
Comments like yours are downright comical, and it's flabergasting you can spout this crap and actually be serious.

I'm certainly no uber nationalist, in fact I think the USA has done some pretty despicable things in it's history, though it's no worse then the history of other nations that have achieved similar levels of power. However to try to compare the US and Australia in terms of greatness is foolish. There are some nations, like for instance Egypt, with it's historical impact on mathematics, and it's ties to some of the great wonders like the Pyramids; or others like China, with it's deep history, size, and the fact it built the Great Wall; or the Greeks and the impact of Alexander, their influence on philosophy; or the Spanish and their impact on the New World and the huge expanse of their empire: The nations attest to epic points in history, and are recognized the world over. The United States likewise is the birthplace of the Automobile, motorized flight, it's role in the last two great world wars was of great historical importance, it's constitution has directly influenced the governing structure of dozens of nations, and today it is an unrivaled superpower in terms of cultural influence, military power, and economic force; it is the worlds first hyperpower. It's reasonable for one to assert that, assuming humans have not destroyed themselves by that date, in 1000 years people will still study and know the USA as ubiquitously as they know of India and Rome.

For a person to claim, and open the conversation by claiming the US is less deserving of a spot in a game of Civilization then Australia is nothing less then completely asinine. I really wonder what's going on in people's heads sometimes, are they truly that indifferent to the concept of reality?

......umm i donk think I was comparing US and Australia for one thing Australia would not make a $54,766,606,409,345 debt
I support a mod that makes 192 civs available. At the same time on the same map.

thats crazy, my dude, 192 civs same time...same map!?!? how large does the map have to be? how much ram do you need!? its crazy my brother lol..not crazy insane!
thats crazy, my dude, 192 civs same time...same map!?!? how large does the map have to be? how much ram do you need!? its crazy my brother lol..not crazy insane!

Yeah but it would be more like real life but on the anther hand how much ram?... good
We may unfortunately have to wait until we all have supercomputers for that to be possible. Although I'd gladly take minute gaps in between turns for that game.
Comments like yours are downright comical, and it's flabergasting you can spout this crap and actually be serious.

I'm certainly no uber nationalist, in fact I think the USA has done some pretty despicable things in it's history, though it's no worse then the history of other nations that have achieved similar levels of power. However to try to compare the US and Australia in terms of greatness is foolish. There are some nations, like for instance Egypt, with it's historical impact on mathematics, and it's ties to some of the great wonders like the Pyramids; or others like China, with it's deep history, size, and the fact it built the Great Wall; or the Greeks and the impact of Alexander, their influence on philosophy; or the Spanish and their impact on the New World and the huge expanse of their empire: The nations attest to epic points in history, and are recognized the world over. The United States likewise is the birthplace of the Automobile, motorized flight, it's role in the last two great world wars was of great historical importance, it's constitution has directly influenced the governing structure of dozens of nations, and today it is an unrivaled superpower in terms of cultural influence, military power, and economic force; it is the worlds first hyperpower. It's reasonable for one to assert that, assuming humans have not destroyed themselves by that date, in 1000 years people will still study and know the USA as ubiquitously as they know of India and Rome.

For a person to claim, and open the conversation by claiming the US is less deserving of a spot in a game of Civilization then Australia is nothing less then completely asinine. I really wonder what's going on in people's heads sometimes, are they truly that indifferent to the concept of reality?

Thank you for that comment. I have been reading a ton of comments from different topics, that just get off topic way too much... This topic is about having only 18 Civilizations, which by the way, is plenty in my book.
I live in the U.S.A., but only think that it should be added for historical reasons. Could Siam, or Monaco be added, sure. Is there a good enough reason to add them... not a truly good reason, other than a specific mod, or a specific time frame.
If you want a historical game with every country imagineable, go play some Paradox games, like Victoria, and Hearts of Iron, and the like. Just do not complain about not having Australia instead of the US with no real backing.

Your only upset because it is not you.

Poeple who live in the Us Are happy thay have Usa and are ok with 18 Civs, people like me (Australian) would like Australia to be add and then we would be fine with 18 Civs, that just my guess

this link will help some American With their knowing the world (and when i mean world i don't mean America)
I am enraged that there are only 18 civs in this game. There should be at least 53. With 9 leaders each. Also, there should be 174 unique military units and the entire world should be shown in perfect scale.

You better do this, Firaxis, because we're entitled and you owe us.
Well, I'd rather nuke New York playing as Tokugawa or Moscow playing as Napoleon than ride Toronto with cavalry and cannons. So I'm OK without Canada in Civ V release.
18 civs are perfectly good, wasn't civ3 released with only 12 civs from the start?! You should be thankful you didn't have to live through that...
Increased modability should really mean that you'll easily be able to get more than 18 civs if you want. I mean, I suppose it's fair enough for the developers not to spend their time on heaps of new leaders if they know that modders are going to do so anyway.
Aren't there going to be like minor nations?
I'm convinced they chose to include as many civilizations as they needed, no more and no less. I would imagine creating a civilization is very difficult - for _them_ - because they need to playtest every civilization thoroughly to be sure they are more or less equal to other civs and behave like expected.
Aren't there going to be like minor nations?

There's going to be city states; but you won't be able to play as them (AFAIK) and they won't have all the bells and whistles that normal civs will have (AFAIK), such as leaderheads.
Then there's also a need to see how different civs and leaders interact in a real world of crazy gamers :) You can test balance only to some extent, gamers always come up with crazy ideas to abuse something in a way it was not meant to be (ab)used. 18 different civs is quite enough. You woun't find many games with that many different factions.
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