Will it be possible to play TSL (True Starting Locations) in Civ 7?

Do you want to be able to play TSL (True Starting Locations) games in Civ 7?

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How wouldn't it still be a problem?

1) The people who play TSL maps expect to have the map filled with more than antiquity era civilizations. That doesn't happen if you split the overall campaign into three rounds and have era specific civilizations

2) "well they'll expand into other civilizations starting zones" is hinged on the faulty assumption that the player/AI will expand into another Civilization's start areas and WANT to shift to that civilization... why would someone who picks Rome in a TSL map want to arbitrarily have to shift to Germany because they conquered the region?

3) Transitions like the Abbasids to Buganada are not and have no basis in historicity.
Abbasids don’t go to Buganda
Egypt->Abbasids->? next unknown?
Songhai->Buganda (that is a bad transition Ill agree)

Essentially for a full game TSL, Civ7 is fine, it just only launches with 10 civs.

Once there are a few more it will probably make the TSL better because you won’t have as many civs starting right on top of each other.
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