Win 7 and XP (64 bit) civ 2 MGE and TOT issues (Fix inside!!)


Nov 17, 2006
I made a patch to both CIV 2 MGE and CIV 2 TOT to allow it to work with Win XP 64.

As far as I can tell, it works well... I played a few hours (MGE only yet) and it didn't crash or had any funny behavior. The only problem is the "Goto" command that seems totally screwed (oh wait... it has always been!).

btw, it's like every pieces of software you can find on the net...

it is provided without any warranty, express or implied or whatever!

I don't even have the source for god sake! Give me a break! :P

For those who are curious, as far as I can tell, the problem is somewhere in the "Editbox" component they used in both Civ 2 MGE and TOT (Yup, it's the exact same patch in both apps ^_^)

I need to admit I didn't test TOT much... if at all... game starts, it works (God! I'm so unprofessional)!

Should any crash or very weird behavior happen to you feel free to email me at Screenshot would be mostly appreciated.

You can redistribute the patch as you see fit, just give me the credit! ;)

Oh and... before I forget...

Understand, this is NOT a crack, it only fix a bug with WinXP 64.


You're the man! God damn.... it works! Just playing TOT on WinXP x64 (Quad Core, 4GB RAM)
Well, I did expect demands like this to eventually pop...

I don't care about it! Just get lost!!!!! .... Just kidding! :P

Out of lazyness (after all, I DID become a programmer because I was lazy) I wrote a little program to automatically patch any civ2 version you can encounter. Saving me the trouble of patching all those versions individually. ^_^

You can find that little executable at

A command line utility would have been 1 / 10th the size... but wouldn't be as user friendly ain't it?

I put as much security as I could in the patcher so you don't end up patching the wrong file (a 21 bytes "locater" that needs to be unique within the file, default file browsing dialog filter set to "Civ2.exe"... etc).

But like they say... Nothing being totally fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool, I backup the original file as "*Filename*.TMMBak".

This patcher SHOULD work with any civ2 version. If you encounter any version that won't work, just let me know.

I have tested it on the Civ2 and civ2 TOT 1.0 and it works like a charm...

Scandic, please let me know how it worked on tot 1.1

I hope you're all finding it usefull! ^_^

Thanks. It works with ToT v1.1. I also tried to apply the patcher to MGE 1.3. Result:
Backup completed
Searching for patch location
ERROR : Patch location not found.
Dammit! My mistake...

Version 1.1 is available at the same address...

With version 1.1 you can even patch the map editor (that was only crashing when trying to make a custom sized map as far as I can tell...)

Enjoy friends!

well... I'm not sure it deserve a sticky, after all, not much people with WinXP64 out there. Plus, how many of them are still playing a 10 y.o. + game? And with Vista just around the corner... we're a dying breed.

Of course, if the same patch is required in Vista, it's another story! ^_^

Though I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. It was my first (successful) software patch/hack. Not that I've tryed many...

Have fun!

I just can talk about me, but I own all versions and editions of the original Sid Meier Civilization game. In fact I only use Civ II and I didn't play Civ for months until this patch was done.

By the way... would it be possible to make the patcher multifunctional i.e. for No-CD (10yrs+ old CD's do have problems!) and the NoLimit Patch?
Thanks for the patch! Glad ToT still works perfectly after v1.1 + NoLimits + No 100% CPU + x64 Support patches :lol:
Help! I can't get my favorite game (civ2/2.42) to install on Vista home premium 64-bit. The CD installer won't run in 64-bit. How do you get it to install so you can use the patcher?
Hi guys

Just to let you know that version 1.2 of the patcher is now available.

I have received notification from Phil Gomm (Thanks for the notification BTW) that the patcher wasn't working with the version distributed by Direct2Drive.

The exe file is indeed very different. I think they are doing some decompression or decryption at runtime. Anyway, I couldn't find a way to patch the exe.

I didn't want to let those poor souls without hope though, so I found a workaround for this problem. It is not as convenient as patching the exe, but at least it works.

In my application, you will find a new button labelled "Patch process". This is used to patch any and all civ2.exe process in memory.

How to make it work.

You start my application
You start Civ2.
Go to at least the first menu in Civ2.
Alt+tab to my application and click "Patch process"
(My application will now scan all process running to find process named Civ2.exe. So if you renamed your exe file, it won't work, sorry! For every Civ2.exe process, a patching attempt will be made)

Once my application is done patching, you can alt+tab back to your game.
Now you are ready to go get crushed by the mighty Greeks (My civ of choice^_^)!!

You might need to be admin to have sufficient rights for this to work.

Consider this option as last resort. It is better to patch the exe, as you only need to do it once.

One more thing, I totally rewrote the whole patching algorythm (So I could use the same code for patching both the process and the memory). So consider it as beta, though I tested it with TOT and MGE, both patching memory and exe without seeing a problem.

If you have any problem or need better instructions, feel free to contact me.

OMG thanks a ton. I registered after finding your patch for vista just to thank you. Havent been able to play sense I upgraded my computer and got vista in June.
Can someone help please? I have Windows XP 64 bit. I downloaded the 64x patch and tried that but it said I was missing Xdaemon.dll. So I found that file and placed it in the same file as the main game file (that's what I should have done, right?), then when I tried it it said:

Error: Resource not found
File: D:\Ss\Smeds32\Port.cpp
Line: 1012
Stack trace not yet available in WIN32

PLEASE help. I have an old mac able to run Civ 2, but I just wish I could run this, one of my favouritye games, on my new PC because I want to get rid of the mac but just can't when I would lose Civ2!

I don't know why it doesn't even start up at all now. When I first got it on PC about 6 months ago it would get onto the menu screen and then randomly crash after you've gone through some menus.

Can someone help please? I have Windows XP 64 bit. I downloaded the 64x patch and tried that but it said I was missing Xdaemon.dll. So I found that file and placed it in the same file as the main game file (that's what I should have done, right?), then when I tried it it said:

Error: Resource not found
File: D:\Ss\Smeds32\Port.cpp
Line: 1012
Stack trace not yet available in WIN32

PLEASE help. I have an old mac able to run Civ 2, but I just wish I could run this, one of my favouritye games, on my new PC because I want to get rid of the mac but just can't when I would lose Civ2!

I don't know why it doesn't even start up at all now. When I first got it on PC about 6 months ago it would get onto the menu screen and then randomly crash after you've gone through some menus.


Im having the exact same problem. Im trying to get the MGE working on Vista, but it crashes whenever I try to type something (ie my name) or build a city. I tried downloading the above patches, but got the same thing that Xdaemon.dll was missing. I have no idea where that is/where to find it. Any help would be great.
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