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Win Rate Data - Please post your games' results here!

Civilization: Egypt
Victory Type: Cultural
Rank: Compatible (though maybe easier is more appropriate for a peaceful game) Emperor
Difficulty: Walk in the Park
Version: Official March version

Epic speed, Normal size Continents Plus map, random Civ

Got Egypt on a large island, had room to comfortably expand to 8 cities with no land neighbors. One continent across shallow water so made contact early.

Got a few early wonders (Stonehenge, Artemis, Pyramids).
Tradition -> Piety -> Aesthetics/Autocracy

Sweden had no religion, they were happy to adopt mine (and propose it as world religion, until one outskirt city became Buddhist and they kept proposing that one instead). Never did have the world religion. Didn't need it.

stupas, synagogues, tourism from faith buildings reformation.

Didn't take long to become science leader. First to archaeology, spammed archaeologists into foreign lands early.

Celts were slowest to succumb to my culture, they actually eventually had more tourism than me because I didnt reroute my cargo ships to them. I musician bombed them, they declared war shutting off borders. Never attacked. once I peaced out I sent more musicians for the culture victory in modern era.

Things seemed way too easy, but I had a GREAT island. Tons of pastures and copper and perfume monopolies. Only hostility was the late game 'war' (well other than Songhai plotting against me, he does like to plot)
Civilization: Maya
Victory Type: Loss
Relative Rank: Harder (Deity)
Outcome: Loss
Version: 18/3

It started nicely enough. I got an early religion (go kuna!) with all the beliefs I wanted. My neighbours the celts were good friends. I spread my religion to russia, who then actually proposed it as world religion. All in all, I was at a good track.
I figured however, that I had far to few cities for my intended sacred sites cultural victory, and planned to expand into france. I *think* I had a window to attack where I had a slight military advantage and he was distracted elsewhere, but I wanted him to build chateaus first.
When war finally broke out, I made absolutely no headway at all. Instead, he managed to open a second front where I had no counterplay. Also his tech advantage began to show.
Civilization: Maya
Victory Type: Loss
Relative Rank: Harder (Deity)
Outcome: Loss
Version: 18/3

It started nicely enough. I got an early religion (go kuna!) with all the beliefs I wanted. My neighbours the celts were good friends. I spread my religion to russia, who then actually proposed it as world religion. All in all, I was at a good track.
I figured however, that I had far to few cities for my intended sacred sites cultural victory, and planned to expand into france. I *think* I had a window to attack where I had a slight military advantage and he was distracted elsewhere, but I wanted him to build chateaus first.
When war finally broke out, I made absolutely no headway at all. Instead, he managed to open a second front where I had no counterplay. Also his tech advantage began to show.

I know you lost, but it makes me happy that the AI did something intelligent. So, I'm sorry, but I'm also doing a victory dance of my own. :)

Every time we lose, Gazebo wins

With that said, I want to be sure that everyone understands: Modders are sadistic. Some modders are more sadistic than others. Then there's Gazebo the Pleb Destroyer. He feeds off of your tears
Every time we lose, Gazebo wins

Accurate. Well, Ilteroi and I win. Ilteroi wins if you are crushed by boots, I win if you are crushed by blue jeans, spaceship parts, or votes. :)

With that said, I want to be sure that everyone understands: Modders are sadistic. Some modders are more sadistic than others. Then there's Gazebo the Pleb Destroyer. He feeds off of your tears

Even more accurate.
Civilization: Inca
Victory Type: Cultural
Rank: Harder (I'm usually a King player this is my 2nd game on Emperor) My previous game on Poland was a walk in the Park
Difficulty: Challenge
Version: 3/12

I was going for a Domination Victory, it was quite hard in the early game as I was quite far behind in terms of techs. Korea was a beast in terms of science and I had to defend aggression from Rome quite early. I was lucky in that Korea was fighting Rome and Ottoman on two fronts and I snuck in and took their Capital and they became my Vassal at the same time. That was the turning point and I went on to destroy all the other civs and acquired 5 Vassals for my empire. Was 1 capital away from Domination victory but since Austria volunteered to be my Vassal and had been a true and trusted ally for many years I decided to leave them alone and go for Cultural Victory instead. Was a challenge as Korea was always ahead of me in Tech and he was the only last civ that I had trouble influencing. It was getting to the point where they actually build up an army larger then my own and was about to start building spaceships and my influenced with them hovered around the 85% mark. So I decided to end my Vassalage with them, nuked their army and wipe them out of existence and got my Cultural Victory.
Might as well put my previous Poland game in here as well

Civilization: Poland
Victory Type: Domination
Rank: Harder (1st ever game in Emperor)
Difficulty: Walk in the Park
Version: Official March Version

Poland is just so OP, my toughest opponent was Shaka. He had such a HUGE fleet it was insane but hey guess what, I beat him by exploiting the AI. Basically there was no way I could defeat his fleet if I went head to head. So what I did was I acquired 2 small cities very close to his border which was facing the ocean so he could attack it with his fleet. I basically parked two tanks right outside of each of these small cities, invited Shaka to take these cities with his ship. Then next turn I would march my tank into the 2 cities and retake it, get out, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile I had artillery and a few cruisers parked outside to help reduce his numbers. So basically that's how I managed to wipe out his entire fleet and then went for my Domination Victory. I find that when AI build ships they build A LOT of melee ships and not enough Ranged ships so I usually just pick them off with my cruisers from afar.
Civ: Japan
Victory Type: Loss
Relative Rank: Harder (Deity)
Outcome: Loss
Version: 18/3

I attacked my closest neighbour, Pacal, early with just a few archers. It was enough to take his capital, which was also a holy city at that point. His second city way in a horrible place, but even when he was reduced to one city which was under siege, he build the Pyramids in it, so I had to keep it.
This put me at odds with America (who were warmongers themselfes, bah). Still I kept expanding, because the land was very nice, and I needed cities. knowing the conflict with America would be inevitable, I buildt up forces and when I was ready for my Pearl Harbour moment, I notice that Washington was allied with... wait for it... Polynesia.
So I just provoked him, and sooner rather than later he bit.
However, he managed to ally with two CS in my backyard, which would create havoc. Also Asoka, who was on another continent and dumped a few crap cities at the fringes of my land was bribed against me (by Marokko, who I just met a few turns before via World Congress?:dunno:)
Anyway, it turned out that my border with America was too long - he kept attacking 4 cities, and I could defend 3,5.
Meanwhile my happiness went from neutral to -20, my cash from 7000 to 0, my income from +200 to -100, my trade routes from 2 to 0. Once Tercios showed up, I had enough. Your point, Lord G.
I guess I should have either founded a city or two less, or attack when I was ready and he wasn't. Polynesia wasn't even on our continent and had already lost their cap (but we were friends with RA).
Civ: Germany
Victory Type: Loss
Relative Rank: Equal (King)
Outcome: Retired (Austria score leader by 1000 pts ~1950 AD)
Version: 3/18

Game settings: Fast Speed, Large Map (Continents)

4 competitors on my continent but only 3 city-states (I reduced the default number so I was a little bummed that got Germany). Tried to ally the CS as much as possible but I was getting killed in both science and culture. Built up an army to protect my CS allies from Poland and that was somewhat satisfying. When finally forced to pick an Ideology I joined the 2 stronger neighbors of mine (Poland and Portugal) in Freedom. This was fine but unhappiness started to set in. Poverty seemed to be the main cause and there were no anti-poverty building to build? Got ideology pressure which sent me into the -20s, game leader Austria declared war and had a game freeze. Didn't consider it worthwhile to return even with Panzers just around the corner :-/
Civilization - Poland

Victory Type - Domination :c5war:

Relative Rank - Easier (Warlord, still feels too easy, gonna bump up to Prince/King)

Outcome - Walk in the Park

CBP Version - 1/23

Map - Fractal, Standard (10 Civs, 20 CSs)

Other settings - Epic pace, Time and Diplomatic victories off, No vassalage, Espionage off, No RAs or Tech Trading

Additional Info - Pretty easy game. At first, England was crushed pretty easily, they spawned in crappy tundra area, with final city count of 3 since all the space was already occupied by another civs. Then, too expansive Byzantine was plopping small cities in the middle of me and Rome. Had to eliminate Byzantine quickly, since Rome was plotting on me and therefore I wanted to get rid of it for good as quickly as possible. After a long war with Rome, the victory was achieved. Brazil, Greece and Indonesia were super fast to conquer, since I was leading in tech by now. Late game was pretty much straight forward conquering Shoshone, Carthage and Germany, since back in time my Winged Hussars got so many promotions that my tanks just rushed through enemies. After getting atomic bombs, the game was pretty much settled. Nuking the rest of the world was my final act :) I loved how CSs work with CSD, but I wish they would be more offensive against civs.

And now, finally, I can move to the current CBP version :D
3/18 Version

RAs no tech trading. Resources revealed. Huge 18 36 Continents. Marathon speed. No time victory. Ice Free Coasts.

Culture Victory
Emperor (Compatible)

Well, first I'll throw in that I played a USA game where I got used to all the new features, and was pretty close to last when I used the 3/18 release as an excuse to start anew. People have said that its easier to catch up now, and for that game, I would have been relying on that.

As to this game, in the Ancient Era, I faced the best dual offensive I've seen on Emperor from Venice and Persia, in part because this was the version where the AI hated any settling anywhere on the map by the human. If I hadn't my scout back to help, or if either had bronze working or anything else, I would have lost at least a city or two then and there. I mean, as it was, every Stockholm tile was pillaged. Anyway, once they peaced, and I was allowed to rebuild my infrastructure, conquering my continent of only 7 was pretty easy. Three move ironless catapults and trebs are pretty great. Barely even had to use cannons or the Caros. Ended up getting the best religion in the game since only Mongolia founded on my continent, although I didn't get to pick any of the beliefs.

Unfortch, the other continent had both the mayans and Brazil racking up culture points, Mayans having I think 11 wonders through the Ren. Took quite awhile to get influential on them both, at least compared to normally when I have a huge empire racking up culture per turn. But enough faith musicians and aesthetic archaeologists and I got it done. Great Musicians were behaving strangely: when I bought them, their listed strength would be one insanely high number. Then I would move them into neutral land, and it would be a new number. And then a third number in the opponent's land. And the numbers would sometimes change, which I thought Great People didn't anymore. I guess this is another glitch my garbage computer is foisting on me. Yay. The final numbers I got per bulb was reasonable tho, low if anything, so I don't think it affected the result, just confused me.

Also, Gandhi once again took God of Protection, and once again didn't found with it. I wish I understood why the AI loves this pantheon so much, so I could edit a value to change that. Maybe I'll just delete the pantheon, I think I can manage that.

I actually didn't play all that different than before, just built councils first or second in every city instead of granaries. And the game was fairly resolved by the time I got to Grocers and would have had to figure out their new role. Biggest diff was just sitting there waiting to get to the policy number build the wonder. The tech pretty much never came second, it was nearly always down to the policy number. I was kinda skeptical of the one range mounted archers, but they ended up quite fun and useful, and its prob good for the AI that I can no longer one shot theirs.

Oh, should have mentioned higher, part of the reason I dominated my continent is that the God of Creation pantheon allowed me to rush through Authority with all that free culture and happiness.
conquering my continent of only 7 was pretty easy
!?!?! 7 what? Cities or Civs!?

part of the reason I dominated my continent is that the God of Creation pantheon allowed me to rush through Authority with all that free culture and happiness.
!?!?! 7 what? Cities or Civs!?


Conquest on Marathon is a lot easier to the point where I might switch to Epic, even tho I greatly value the immersion factor of Marathon. You have all the time in the world to set up an attack formation, more turns of siegecraft before the AI has a chance to build the era specfic defense building. And once you get thru a war or two, and units start having Range, Logistics, March etc, that's close to unstoppable in tech even warfare, even with the much improved AI in the CBP. And the science on kills is enough of snowball factor to help prevent having to do much tech behind warfare, esp with it Marathon scaling now. Happiness is the challenge, and usually, that's where the vassal system comes in.
Civilization - Indonesia (I've used Random Civ)
Victory Type - Diplomacy (with very close Cultural victory)
Relative Rank - Harder (first time playing King, before was Prince - yeah, I'm a noob)
Outcome - Walk in the Park
CBP Version(New!) - 3/9 (full installation)
Map type - Shuffle (veriaty of islands, no big continent), Standar (8 civs, 16 city-states), Epic Speed
Additional Info:
At the start I've got quite big island just for myself (got 4 cities on it later), although with almost half of it beeing desert. Before first war I've managed to settle 7 cities. Things were going smoothly, then Portugal declared a war on me (over some World Congress proposal) at around turn 370. I was 3rd of 4th in score by this point, and 6th in military strength. I've taken 3 of her cities and then proposed Peace Threaty.
From that point game turned to be extremly easy. For some reason "Capitulation" was out of option (Impossible it said) with war score ~6000, but I was able to take all her cities plus some gold (6 cities, excluding capital). I don't know why AI decided that beeing my vasal is out of the question, but giving all cities (exluding Capital) was fine.

By then I had 16 cities and double the score of second Civ. Until end of the game Brasil and Carthage declared a war on me few times but every time I just took one the their cities and then went for Peace Threaty.

Game ended at turn 685 with Diplomatic Victory (I had 49 delegates, second Civ 15), all but one City-States were my ally (open doors on one of them). I had slightly over 9k score, while second Civ 5k less. I had 4 vassals (Carthage from War Score; Marocco, Ottomans and Mongolia from trade - they just wanted some paper). I was also very close to Cultural victory, with 5 of 7 and almost 1000 tourism output.

Not a single time during this game I had Happiness problems (by the end of the game I had 190 - 200 happiness with 21 cities), Indonesia is OP in this regard (no need for rushing for Harbors and a lot of Luxuries to trade).

Social Policies: Progress -> Statecraft -> Rationalism -> Order -> Imperialism (2 policies)
Civilization - Inuit (Are modded civs allowed here?)
Victory Type - Only Culture/Domination Enabled
Relative Rank - Harder (Emporer, normally play at this level but... something happened?)
Outcome - Total Defeat
CBP Version (New!) - 3/23 (full installation)
Map type - Ice Age, Large, no city states, 16 AI, Epic speed
Additional Info:

Normally I just play and enjoy game, but with the recent changes I've had some extremely polarizing and frustrating games. It seems no matter what combination of settings I choose, one of the AI snowballs massively, more often than not offscreen, into this unstoppable mass. The biggest example was this Inuit game I played, on Ice Age, no less. I had a very strong start with two lush tundra rivers and a largely isolated location from which to turtle until reaching Inuit critical mass - or so I thought.

Due to the unaaq, I was able to meet nearly every civ before even reaching plantations, only to hear Sejong ping medieval era before I had even hit classical. He was across on the other continent so I shrugged it off.

My neighbors were venice, Iroquois, and siam, and with a lucky composite bowman from a relic on an unaaq, I started waging some small wars to get his experience running. I quickly trounched venice, pushing him into him into irrelevance while holding off capturing the city proper to avoid warmonger penalties. But once Classical kicked in, Siam and the Iroquois both declared on me largely without warning and started sending massive carpets of War Elephants. I had just started upgrading my own carpet of warriors into spearmen, but was faced with the problem that war elephants were night indestructible from basic archer fire and one-shot basic warriors even when they were fortified. Since everyone had completed Honor by this point, I started rapidly losing ground to these massive, 20-strength, four-promotion war elephants that were just steamrolling 1-shotting my melee defense units (And healing for doing so, natch).

The AI seemed to know how utterly broken these elephants were and was completely ignoring any and all other sources of warfare. I didn't see a single archer or bowman or catapult. The carpet of elephants that the iroquois and siam were fielding from one source of ivory each just steamrolled over my units and eventually my cities. During this time, Siam casually declared on venice and snagged the low-health capital without me even noticing in my desperate retreat.

I gave up after losing an entire river of cities and my only consistent counter to the elephants - that is, that unaaq-turned-composite-bowman who had Logistics and March and Range and 0.5 cost of movement on snow tiles - simply could not defend against the carpet of elephants. And Sejong pinging Renaissance before anyone on my island had figured out how to stick iron on the ends of sticks to make Pikemen was the final nail in the coffin.

This seems to be my experience for most Emperor games - A nearby civ happens to be on top of Ivory and goes completely ballistic. War Elephants have been overwhelmingly powerful for a while now, but I generally avoided using them as they made warfare way, way too easy. The drawback of 1 less movement and costing 15 more hammers does not in any way make up for the fact that they are a full 5 strength over any other option most civs have (Except for byzntium's Cataphracts, which are basically War Elephants without the fear and production penalty, but also cost horses so cannot be reasonably carpeted) and are quite easily capable of 1-shotting Warriors and 2-shotting Spearmen (their supposed counter) while taking barely any damage themselves (I distinctly remember having a 65HP spearman attack a 14 HP elephant and having the spearman die).

Don't know if I sound really whiny or complain-y here, but maybe my propensity for warmongering on longer and larger modes is hurting my own chances of enjoying the challenge. Just got frustrated after playing my fourth 3-4 hour game only to give up because of a dozen elephants stampeding over the continent, owned by whichever civ happened to spawn on even a single source of Ivory. And when I was that civ and spammed war elephants, it felt downright unfair.

The five hundred XP unaaq-turned-bowman was quite fun, though. Literally ran out of promotions to give him. Called him "White Walker".
About modded civs: I mean, you can post about them if you want, but it won't count for statistics and it won't be much help to Gazebo (he isn't gonna balance CBP around modded civs, and rightly so).
Well, the issues I was having were primarily with War Elephant spam from all other sources, and Korea snowballing like absolute crazy science-wise. Both of them happen with almost every setup I make, modded civ or otherwise.
Civ: Japan
Victory Type: Loss
Relative Rank: Harder (Deity)
Outcome: Loss
Version: 18/3

I was isolated on a huge landmass. I tries for a sacred sites cultural victory. I managed to get a religion with all required beliefs from the fisherboat pantheon.
However, all cities I could found together with all CS on that landmass were only 10% of total population. When I made contact with the other civs, I was way behind in everything, and had no way to ever get a reformation.
Frustrated, I quit.
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