With the first modern age reveals just around the corner what is your big wish / hope?

I hope each modern Civilization progresses different victory paths. Certain, with gradual addition of more Civilization, there will be group of similar victory paths.
Limited resources can be represented quite easily in a civ game: require that cities have one of the respective resources slotted in order to build and maintain e.g., a power plant, train station, or mechanical units, while limiting the world-wide available resources. In a way, civ VI already did this. It just wasn‘t that consequential with it.

This would also mean that, in the end, larger empires would want to have a mix of oil, coal, uranium, hydro and renewable energy, because non of them will be plentiful enough to supply the whole empire in most cases (and solar/wind will be a very late unlock).
Increased pressure to lose your colonies and have them spinoff as independent powers during the first half.
Second half more a focus on corporation and modern trade.

No instant victory conditions. Once age termination begins with crisis, everyone should see the sum of their legacy points, and they can best evaluate how to pile up the remaining and also survive the crisis.
I would like to see a progressively increasing cost of using fossil fuel for industry and energy (that is at some point impossible to maintain/continue using) and a couple of realistic alternative paths (each with its own pros/cons) for the player to choose for its Civ to adopt in order to continue being an industrialised nation (a failure would lead to losing your industrial bonuses like electricity bonuses/ extra production/amenities). In other words something related to our current very real predicament(fossil fuel is a finite resource and we are currently very much addicted to it) as a species, with meaningful and interesting alternative outcomes(not just pollution=bad so spamm solar panels and wind turbines).
Fossil fuel being a finite resource has not been an issue, (new sources constantly get discovered)….it may be worthwhile for new tiles to get resources while old ones disappear. But climate change is the bigger problem.

Which means either
1. start spamming nuclear plants/solar panels
2. start building seawalls and air conditioning
My wish is that 'Technical Upgrades' concept (proposed by @Boris Gudenuf ) is fully implemented. This is an era where technologican changes are shifty and since 1830, technological changes affects military units within a span of one or two decades. and it affects unit characteristics. one of the most important was Percussion Primer, which now permitted a bombshell that's trully exploded on impact. Another no less important was rifling, now instead of enabling new units, should instead add ranged strenghts to every pre existing units. anything that coems after will not be affected however (those that shown up after 1870s) since these were already equipped with rifled weaponry. The only good things giving 'rifle' anything unit is graphical representation, but NOT that important.

(though i've just discovered that my previous tries with 'technical upgrades' in my modding experience did not give out desired results is due to the incorrect 'modifiers' codings). i must complete this mod before the game is released but will it be possible?
To do it right, though, France would almost have to be geared towards the first half of the Modern Age: 19th century cavalry, the superb French artillery that led the way technologically right up to WWI - French WWII tanks are best described as 'quaint' - would make great graphics, but the characteristics would have to be, shall we say, 'interpreted' to make them useful in-game.
This is a big chllallenge actually. Since Sherman was 'the most produced' tanks in the world. Which explains why in many Civ games. 'Tanks' are always Shermans. (only in Civ5 that T34 took its place, which I must admit a better design).
And almost everyone in WW2 and Cold War uses Shermans. including Axis which simply looted ones to make up with weapons shortage.
While the best 'French' tanks right up to the Fall hadn't been developed further, DeGaulle's govenrment in exile were supplied primarily with American armaments (I can't recall if Brits supplied them as well, anything other than STEN SMGs), and sure. Free French Forces used Shermans with Napoleonic Flag painted to the hull.

FXis will need alot of imagination redesigning 'tank' units for France.

Basically S35 that uses 75mm main gun and being as wide as Sherman.

Another challengeing Civ here regarding to tank design is Siam. This nation NEVER produce their own AFVs until much recently (those produced were all wheeled AFVs for either APC or recon job or something like Humvee but uses locally available parts, including tyres). And NEVER operates Shermans postwar. the Pre WW2 AFV was mainly British imports (particularly Vickers 6-ton Mark E). Also design challenge but my wishlist is that Siamese 'tank' should be based on Vickers design or at least Italian Medium Tanks, but bigger and better equipped.. Chaffee (the first RTA postwar tank) is too new to my likings)


^Vickers 6ton Mark E

^ M24 Chaffee. roughtly about a lenght and width of Sherman but less tall.
  1. Ideologies return and are as important to the Modern Age as Religion and Distant Lands are to the Exploration Age
  2. Multinational mutual defensive Alliances (e.g. NATO) between ideological allies and multinational trade agreements (e.g. NAFTA)
  3. Crises based on and worsened by recklessly pursuing Victory Conditions (e.g. research labs have a chance to unleash Pandemics; high Culture can lead to fake news, misinformation, and Rioting; overspending can lead to Hyperinflation; etc.)
I'm thorn on that last idea - the mechanics of it make sense (relentlessly pursuing a specific victory condition lead to increased struggle and challenges - but I fundamentally disagree with "more culture = disinformation" (indeed, the cultural milieu and the social media and corporate media conglomerates that spread fake news are usually in stark opposition to one another), and while overuse of anitibiotics and superbacterias are real things, "labs spread disease" tend to be firmly in the speculation/conspiracy range.

All in all, it might make far better sense for an imbalance in focus to cause you to suffer from penalties in the areas you DON'T focus on. Insufficient science = pandemic catastrophe, insufficient culture = fake news, and so forth. That way you still get hardship for overfocusing on one area, but the punishment has more to do with insufficient focus on other areas than questionable notion that investing too much in one field make you likely to suffer in that field.
For a 'French' medium tank the best bet is to go post-war. They did develop some 'medium' tank models immediately after 1945, but the best - and graphically unique - would be the AMX-13:


Technically a light tank, but with the firepower of a WWII medium tank and better mobility. In West Berlin in 1967 I saw the French brigade there driving their AMX-13s at over 90 kph down the highway, about twice as speedy as any of the British Centurions or American M60A1s!
I'm thorn on that last idea - the mechanics of it make sense (relentlessly pursuing a specific victory condition lead to increased struggle and challenges - but I fundamentally disagree with "more culture = disinformation" (indeed, the cultural milieu and the social media and corporate media conglomerates that spread fake news are usually in stark opposition to one another), and while overuse of anitibiotics and superbacterias are real things, "labs spread disease" tend to be firmly in the speculation/conspiracy range.

All in all, it might make far better sense for an imbalance in focus to cause you to suffer from penalties in the areas you DON'T focus on. Insufficient science = pandemic catastrophe, insufficient culture = fake news, and so forth. That way you still get hardship for overfocusing on one area, but the punishment has more to do with insufficient focus on other areas than questionable notion that investing too much in one field make you likely to suffer in that field.
Or maybe things like too much interconnection. After all, the main reason why pandemics are a bigger threat isn't much of a lack of science but instead so much globalization that is hard to contain threats that spread fast because people are able to be a day in a country and 24 later on the other side of the world through planes.
Well, lack of healthcare spending sure doesn't help (which would fall in the broad "science" family) when your hopsitals are too full and you don't have enough doctors and nurses for all the patients.. but yes, interconnection would make sense.
I'm hoping the modern age has really impactful and varied narrative events. What I dislike about the modern age in Civ 6 it's relatively same-y compared to the early game, if I've done well then by the modern age it's just a matter of waiting to win and either I'll win before environmental effects hit me, or I'll be advanced enough to not have to worry. Because there presumably won't be an end of age crisis, I'd hope there's something which will serve to make the modern age of each game distinct in a similar way, especially when it comes to wars - world, cold and nuclear.

Theoretically a crisis could instead occur once enough civs are close to winning, with the crisis tailored to the win condition - people have mentioned pandemics tied to science, but I think that could be more suited to economic/cultural victories as it'd impact/halt trade and tourism - and it'd be great if they were designed so that even if you're behind other civs, if you're clever enough it'd still be possible to grab the win at the last moment. For instance, the entire world getting hit by a many turns-long solar flare and downing more advanced civs' technologically advanced units, allowing your low-tech units to swoop in and sieze cities with spaceports with rockets ready to go.

Might make winning fun too, having to push through one last challenge, rather than just twiddling your thumbs waiting for your space project to complete or your tourism to finally hit the required number.
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Well, lack of healthcare spending sure doesn't help (which would fall in the broad "science" family) when your hopsitals are too full and you don't have enough doctors and nurses for all the patients.. but yes, interconnection would make sense.
True, albeit those are more about how much it will hit your country and not much the reason it spreads all around in the first place.
Some kind of colonial breakaway mechanic would be cool, where some of your own cities — if you don’t look after them well enough — have a chance to become independent people.

Big global alliances would make sense to have, whether they be trade or military oriented. I think you should be incentivized to form partnerships with other civs in the Modern Age.

No countries that formed in the 20th century preferably.
As cool as this is, we just don’t have enough civs to make this work.

It could be delivered in a future dlc with say ten additional civs designed specifically for this purpose.
As cool as this is, we just don’t have enough civs to make this work.

It could be delivered in a future dlc with say ten additional civs designed specifically for this purpose.
I love the idea of break away, but there is a reason it happened in the last (Correct me) expansion of civ 4, there were dozens to choose from.

They can get it in at launch or with the first expansion, it could work if the breakaway state was only a full civ if it was large chunk of dissatisfied colonies all together ;maybe even banded together from 2 or 3 different civs, together. Then you just have singular fractured colonies becoming indepenant powers.
Or maybe even an alliance of indepenant powers, they basically become "Green Team" of indepenant powers, and then say, America full Civ breaks in a different region.
I love the idea of break away, but there is a reason it happened in the last (Correct me) expansion of civ 4, there were dozens to choose from.

They can get it in at launch or with the first expansion, it could work if the breakaway state was only a full civ if it was large chunk of dissatisfied colonies all together ;maybe even banded together from 2 or 3 different civs, together. Then you just have singular fractured colonies becoming indepenant powers.
Or maybe even an alliance of indepenant powers, they basically become "Green Team" of indepenant powers, and then say, America full Civ breaks in a different region.

It could work if they become an “independent power”, but I think that is less satisfying and does not work as well as the state becoming a true power/new civilization.
Well, lack of healthcare spending sure doesn't help (which would fall in the broad "science" family) when your hopsitals are too full and you don't have enough doctors and nurses for all the patients.. but yes, interconnection would make sense.
That's less a science issue (except for developing new treatments or vaccines) than an economical (or political) one, as that's more tied to budget priorities.
Well, yeah, but within the limited scope of civ, "lack of science development" may be the closest way we can approximate it.

The point of the proposed systems is to make it so unbalanced spending (eg, committing to one of the four victory conditions and ignoring the others) is punished. So, any pandemic crisis has to be tied with underspending on one of the modern victory conditions in order to make sense.

The point here is not to create a whole additional game system with its own measures to track and whatnot just for pandemis; that'd be a profound unnecessary addition. It's to have something that integrate directly with the existing VCs to punish you for comoletely ignoring one or more of them.
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I'm hoping for no global warming/pollution mechanic. No way to make that fun.

Make the worldwide issue be nuclear proliferation or something like that. I don't want to fight against the sun.
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