Worried about leaders' health

Oh, Roosevelt. Don't you know that sitting around all the time sipping martinis is a quick road to the grave? You need to get up, walk around a bit, play a sport, or go out dancing with your wife... what? What about Polio? Oh...... oh.

Hi, Freddy! How's it going? What do you mean what am I implying, I'm not implying anything! I just stopped by to say hello. You what now? You say you're sick and tired of people talking behind your back saying that you are a homosexual? Who'se saying that? Everybody? Who'se everybody? I've never heard anybody saying that. I have certainly never said that. But you know, Freddy, it wouldn't make me any difference if you... No, again I'm not implying anything! I was just saying. And no, there's absolutely nothing feminine about you. And that hairdo of yours is really quite... stylish.:rolleyes: No, I'm not implying anything, damn you! I agree, people can have a keen fashion sense even if they are not gay. Well, I'm glad we had this conversation. Hopefully you can sleep better now that you've proven me that you're straight.
Izzy, dear! I was just thinking about you when... yes, Izzy... yes, Izzy... yes, Izzy... yes, of course you're right, Izzy, you're always right... yes, Izzy... but can I just... yes, Izzy. Yes, I agree, your's is the one true faith... yes, Izzy, I hate those heathens too... yes, Izzy. You what now! You want to... pray for me? Sure, why not, let's see if have time on Thursday... right now? I don't know, Izzy, this is all so sudden, and I should really be going... no, no, of course I'm not questioning you! Don't call Torquemada, please! Uh, all right then, let's get it over with then. I guess I have a few minutes for that, if it really means you so much. What? No, of course it's important to mee too... yes, Izzy...
Mao... Yes, I have a copy of your red book... Yes I have read that poem... Yes I know about your march.... Dude your... Mao... MAO Calm down about the four old's dude? Think about yourself!!!.... Yes, that is capitalist... No, wait, I do accept communism... good boy, I'm a red friend... down with taiwan yes?... Ok... Now... about your wart... NO NO NO I didn't tell you to declare war on Japan! I was... YES I do work in the city... YES I DO have a computer... WHAT, send me to the freaking country.... NOOOOOOOOooooooo! Your WART Mr. MAO, YOUR WARRRRrrrrrtttttttt......
Oh, it's you, Washington. Darned glad to meet you, too. I cannot tell a lie - I've seen a picture of you wearing a make-up so thick it looks like it has been shot to your face with Homer Simpson's make-up gun. Somebody posted that picture right here in this forum, so lots of other people saw it too. So it's no use trying to hide it anymore - your secret is OUT! The paparazzi are on their way right now, just thought that I'd warn you beforehand.
Oh Zara, you really must do something about this paranoia. Yes, Yes I know their out to get you but dont you think this has gone too far? I mean 700 guards around your home will certainly keep you safe but the high rates of pay you give them to keep them on your side is draining youre country's money reser.. NO! You dont need all of them.. Yes I understand that their out to get you but the point Im trying to make is that 700 guards...Alright Alright we wont talk about that but maybe you could just keep the 50 ex Navy SEALs and..Ok. Just calm down. We wont talk about that anymore. Yes I mean it this time however I do think we should talk about that AK47 you keep under your pillow. Yes I understand that their out to get you and the AK47 is for your protection but dont you think you should turn the safety lock on? Yes I know you think you might not be able to shoot them in time but did it occur to you what might happen if it went off.. Alright we wont talk about your AK47 but what about all those family members you have working in the government. I know that women's rights activist like you for it but do really think your 4 year old niece will be able to restore order in Somalia? Yes I know their out to get you and family members are the only ones you can trust but what I was saying about your niece..What? Do we have nukes? Oooohhhh nooooo we certainly dont have nukes, is that what your intelligence agency told you? Such nonsense. We Know how you feel about nukes, and we would certainly not build any since we know you think their out to get you.. Yes yes I assure you its a completely false rumor and..

Zara:"Help! Help! Their out to get me! HELP!"

Oh dear, I see you forgot to take your medicine, again...
How do you do, ma'am, nice to meet you. My name is Continental Op... Bless you! But I didn't quite catch your name, come again? ...Bless you! Well I didn't catch it this time either, but you obviously have catched something, I hope it's not the pig flu everybody is ranting about. ...You mean that IS your name? Hapt... Hats... well I'll just call you Hatty if that's all right by you. Call me a stupid hick, but your name sounds too French for me to ever be able to pronounce it. But what is that furry thing you are trying to hide. I mean behind your back. A fake beard? Why, are you auditioning for a freak show or something? Just a ceremonial thing, you say. But why then are you trying to hide it? Are you sure you're not frequenting the same parties as my friend George W. (not Bush)? All right, have it your way. Don't get mad. I was just busting your balls.


Lou! What are you doing there, hiding behind those bushes? No, I haven't seen Marie around, why? Come on, let's go to that restaurant over there, I'll buy you a lunch. So what are you having? Some bacon and eggs, french fries, potatoes, half a dozen pork-chops and pancakes for the dessert. That sure sounds like a meal to me! So what's the problem? You seem exhausted. You're telling me that you have so much problems that you can barely eat or sleap. In fact, you can only get about 14-15 hours of sleep per night and are afraid this sleep deprivation is causing you to age before your time. So what's worrying you that much, if I may ask? Women, you say? Tell me all about it!

Let's see if I got it right. So just yesterday you were caught by your wife Marie in the middle of "diplomatic negotiations" with Cathy and been hiding since that. But that's not your only problem. You've somehow managed to form "friendly relations" with Cathy, Izzy, Bo, Hatty and Lizzy. Even Vicky is mad about you, so you say, although your not that interested in her on account that she's not really your type. That sounds really something, man, I don't know how you do it. Sure would need some advice myself. So the problem is, now all those ladies are on the warpath against each other and are demanding to join them against all the others. And you just don't know what to do, you love all of them in your own way and are now in hiding, hoping it would all just go away. That sounds like a real mess you've got yourself into. Can't say I symphatize from the bottom of my heart. With this mutt and personality I've got different sort of problems. But I can see what you mean when you say you can barely eat anymore. You left three whole pancakes in your plate!
Hi Julius! Sure, I'd love to have your salad, sounds like a healthy option after Lou's killer breakfast. So how's it going? Still running marathon every year? My god, sounds like you really don't need to worry about your health. Hey, it's the Ides of March, how about we go to a few pints to celebrate the event? You'll have to appear at the senate? All right, maybe we can get together later in the evening. I hope everything goes all right.
I'm not so sure Gilgamesh manages his time well. He seems very bored and depressed. The other day he braided his beard.

Also, I think that Willem van Oranje really needs a face lift.
What schould be the issue for everyone is whether Catherine is going to turn to Civ3-Catherine or not.
I sure hope she can stand the test of time and stay C-IV for ever.

I have some bad news. Civ3 Catherine managed to sneak in. She used a really bad disguise though. And her English is a bit rusty.



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What about Soleiman and his red eyes? Am I the only one who thinks he's been smoking too much?
Abe. Why looking so depressed and stressed out? Seems to me you are showing signs of a burn-out. You need time off work to relax. Maybe theatre! There's this pretty decent play going on in the Ford Theatre, I think you should check it out.


Suleiman! What are you doing there in the bathroom? No, I can't see any bats. And no, I'm not going to throw that radio in the bath with you. Get a grip man, you're totally out of it again. This is not the way to go. What did you say? You think you'll have to leave the country, right now? Calm down, man, I think you're getting the Fear. As your attourney I'd advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle in my shaving kit. You don't need much, just a tiny taste.
Does anyone else think of the It's Always Sunny 1776 episode where Dennis and Mac dress up as European dandies to try and convince the British of their loyalty? "Ye-eh-essh!"

That's exactly what I think of when I see Louis XIV.
Shaka. I'm not going to suggest any kind of therapy to you, I'm afraid it would only make you worse. And how's your brother these days? Ugh. I'm sorry that I asked. You're really not a nice person, you know? Sure. Blame it on your brother. Blame it on your parents. I know you are incapable of taking any responsibility for your actions. ...What? You're saying that you taught your brother a valuable lesson about life when you strangled him to death? Okay. I'm not going to argue against your logic on that one, I can see it would be pointless. Yes, I admit you won the debate. What ever makes you happy. No, I don't need a drink, I'm fine, thank you. Please keep your hands where I can see them. You're scaring me. Please let me go home now. Please?

Hey, don't badmouth Shaka! He really loved his mother. When she died he had an entire regiment of his own warriors massacred in order to alleviate the pain he felt.

The one I don't get is Ragnar. He must have the worst cold in history, and someone should tell him about handkerchiefs. And Pericles should pay for a babysitter so he can concentrate on affairs of state when other leaders come visiting. What are the children doing anyway, since he has to don a mask when he speaks to them? Are they having a food fight? Or squirting hydrochloric acid on him?

P.S. I hate Zara Yacob, but I like his track suit. He is obviously keeping fit, at least.
The funny thing about Ragnar is that he looks exactly like a friend of mine. And I bet his lifestyle is similar, too. Never cleaning the house, never doing the dishes etc. Ragnar, if you are not going to get a terrible disease or infection for living and eating in this pigsty, at least your television is going to explode for all this dust. Don't say it, I can foresee your answer - let it explode, then!
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