Originally posted by rmsharpe
Oh, please. This is getting ridiculous.
You're comparing the United States armed forces to the Soviet Union, and the Viet Cong now.
First, we're doing anything BUT torturing the detainees. We have signs pointing to Mecca for them, "culturally approved" meals, they are even allowed to converse with each other. What the hell else do you want us to do, free them?
You're right, RM, it is getting ridiculous. If the US wants to act like the USSR or the Nam, then, uh, you're damn right that's who I'll compare them...and you...to.
The US, at least the US that I had always thought of, would blast any nation publicly (unless it was a dictator we happened to be supporting at the time) that used ANY method that even came close to defying the Geneva Convention. Rather than arguing whether or not they desever the right to be treated correctly, why not just err on the side of human decency, huh?
But there are enough ignorant fools in America that obviously don't appreciate what it is I thought we stood for.
This statement makes my case for me:
Originally posted by DinoDoc
Which ones? The fact that they are human beings doesn't automatically qualify the for POW status under the Geneva Convention or would you have Germany brought before the World Court for its treatment of the Baader Meinhof Gang.
Why the F*CK would anyone make an argument that any group of people aren't deserving of what the Geneva Convention deetermined to be humane treatement??? I just don't get that kind of attitude.....its sick. And, uh, YEAH, if the Germands treated ANYBODY in a manner that would be in conflict with the Convention, I would want them punished for it. Of course. You were thinking I'd answer differently?
And if I'm the ONLY person that's actually seen anything on whether we should torture the POW's, then I'll eat my words.
But I haven't been imagining it, Dino.....maybe you've just been ignoring it?
I saw the debate two nites ago on the Alan Keyes show (he was against it, btw), and I saw it debated on the O'Reilly Factor, on your fav channel GOP News, aka Fox News. Sounded like O'Reilly was against it, as well, but he wasn't so adamant as Alan Keyes. This is just the past couple of nights...there was crap on it a few times over the weekend, too.
WTH did you think? I just made it up?????
Also, Dino, please try to debate in good faith. Don't take a sentence here, a phrase there, and just reply to them with doublespeak, semantics and technicalities.
BTW, I'll never admit to ignorance again, lol.