Would you like a PC only sequel to Starships?

Oct 25, 2014
I enjoyed Starships when it was released. It is a simple game but I got about 80 hours of fun out of it. I'd love to see a PC only sequel to the game. I think the concept is gold and a PC only version could really take things much further.

Here is what I would love in a PC only sequel:

1) Bigger strategic maps that actually represent a galaxy.
2) Instead of planets on the main map, have actual star systems with stars and orbiting planets.
3) Bigger and more realistic tactical maps with a star in the middle and various planets orbiting around.
4) More in depth ship customization. Add the ability to add different shaped components, change the shape of the ship. Have a lot more components, different types of armor, different types of shields, different types of propulstion, and more weapons. Include special super weapons too.
5) Heroes that you can assign to your fleets.
6) More empire building elements. Add government types. Planets can revolt if happiness drops too low.
7) Bigger tech tree.
8) Add alien races.
9) Add more special resources.
10) Add ruins that you can search for bonuses.
11) Add actual diplomacy.
12) Better graphics.
13) More complex combat mechanics but keep combat turn based.
There's a mod like this for Civ IV; it's really good. I know I know, not the newest base game, but it's worth checking out. I don't remember what it's called though, sorry.
There's a mod like this for Civ IV; it's really good. I know I know, not the newest base game, but it's worth checking out. I don't remember what it's called though, sorry.
Final Frontier Plus (the original Final Frontier is by Jon Shafer himself! :D)
I'd like this too :)

Things I'd definitely want changed:
- Population victory needs a much higher amount, 50% is way too easy to achieve. 65-75% would be better IMO.
- Resources are too easy to manage. Introduce some kind of maintenance cost for ships, planetary improvements. It shouldn't hurt you much in the beginning, but you should feel it once you gain a large empire.
- More diplomacy would be nice, but I wonder how that could work. Most of all, the other empires shouldn't immediately go confrontational, and declare war on you. Its ALWAYS to their detriment. Maybe at least empires with the same affinity as you should be friendly.
- Battle cards are fun, but you should have a bit of control over them. Its so annoying to get that nifty "50% damage to all enemies" card in an empty maze menace mission :( Maybe you could acquire cards as you conquer planets, or through diplomacy. Then you could choose the card(s) at the beginning of each mission, and they would have a cooldown after use (to enfore strategic use)?
- You definitely should be able to sell planetary improvements for some quick credits, in case you need some emergency repairs to your ships :)
I'm down. Of course, I'd also be happy with an expansion DLC adding RT sponsors and hybrid affinities.
Final Frontier Plus (the original Final Frontier is by Jon Shafer himself! :D)

Back in the day, I was hoping that Final Frontier was a backdoor pilot for a space-based 4X game by Firaxis. Sadly, it never came to be.
Got a chance to play a little Starships again. I do think a PC sequel should focus on the tactical turn based combat. That is where the game can stand out from the pack if it gave us really good turn based tactical starship battles. After all, we got plenty of 4X space games out there, we don't need another one. So I don't think the game needs more empire building or diplomacy features, but definitely needs more focus on the starships and the tactical map.
Got a chance to play a little Starships again. I do think a PC sequel should focus on the tactical turn based combat. That is where the game can stand out from the pack if it gave us really good turn based tactical starship battles. After all, we got plenty of 4X space games out there, we don't need another one. So I don't think the game needs more empire building or diplomacy features, but definitely needs more focus on the starships and the tactical map.
MoO or MoO2 type space combat.
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