Would you like to see the Civ II style advisors make their return?


Nov 8, 2014
Just in case you haven't played Civ II, this is what I am talking about:
Civilization II Council - Medieval

Although their advice might have been questionable at times, they provided undeniable entertainment (and immersion) value. No later Civ instalments had a High Council like this, and I'd like very much to see them back in Civ VI. And if something like ideology system is kept in the game, the variety of the advisors' clothing and behaviour styles and their speeches can be even greater.

Btw, I think, I could suggest one candidate to the council :)
Civilization V - Hidden Council!
I'm a "nursery child", watching every wondervideo I could get and every "story-input" available. I just don't understand the people considering that "waste of time" - to me it's part of "immersion". Although the advisors became repititive over time I loved them! :) But I highly doubt they will make a comeback. Which is fine by me...
Loved them at the time but they were a bit repetitive. If you could film loads of clips so their advice could be well suited to your situation then yeah but it's not a pressing concern for me. Id rather they pump development money into other areas.
The Civ II advisors were definitely memorable (which was maybe particularly good since the Civ II leaders were the least memorable IMO), but I wouldn't really want anything like that.

I'd be fine with advisors popping up in the corner of the screen with potentially humorous advice. Animated ones, not videos. But that's not Civ II style at all.
Technically they could do something similar with in-engine polygon models and record lines from VAs. It would be no different from the repetitive advice the advisors give in Civ5.

However, I don't think the will.

That said, I think advisors and info screens need a bit of an overhaul in Civ6. Civ3 still had some of the nicest looking and most useful graphs/charts/ and advisor screens in recent memory.
I always thought they should go further with that system anyway. Instead of just spamming "I disagree." the Advisors should get really personal with each other. If your empire is doing badly and everybody has a different idea on how to solve the issue they should start insulting each other and, after a while, start fighting each other (to the death) - if everything works out fine and there's less important conflict of interest then they should start getting along with each other and eventually fall in love.

Could even be a victory condition. Have two Advisors make a baby and be at good enough relations with all the other Advisors that they all send them their best wishes. :>

I know, I know... I'm mostly joking, but it would still be pretty cool.
I prefer the advisors to be useful more than funny.

I don't sure if Civ2 advisor is useful or Civ3 advisor is funny. But I pretty sure Civ 5 is neither useful or entertaining. (Besides of military guy that is useful and scientist guy who's useless to the point of being funny)

Spoiler :
I would love them, esp if they can multiple the # of videos/animations by x10000. But I know this simply won't be on their priority list. I agree with the above posters that immersion is really important though --- those wonder movies, even if I've seen them 1000 times, really help with the immersion.
Bring them back. They were truly awesome. Especially Elvis. :D
I can honestly say that I am only aware of a single game where live-action videos fit perfectly and added to the atmosphere of the game: Red Alert 2.

I started Civ with III, but these videos just don't feel right to me. Additionally, I think they would get repetitive very quickly.
Yeah. I think we're well past that point for civ to have mini skits. It does inform us as to the roots of the game though. I wouldn't rule out some voice acted advisors or rather some extra work done on the advisor side especially since they mentioned there will be a tutorial mode.
The Civ II video advisors were memorable, but not in a good way. If it weren't for nostalgia, you'd be cringing right now.

Civ V has similar advisors, but they're not worth listening to if you've been playing the game for more than ten minutes. I wouldn't want them to waste the art assets (which are considerable) for animated advisors unless they can make what they say worthwhile.
Yeah, I know you're right... Also I know that I would have problems with having the same 5 white people wearing European costumes advising every nation, which would further multiple the art needed. And then trying to diversify that would lead to stereotyping.
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