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WW1 Infantry

Looks like no one is paying attention to some of the sound files I've put in. I guess it's all eye candy then.
Well I'm a great big dummy. In all the excitement of last week.. somehow I didn't notice that I didn't even make an Australian Run animation. For some reason I just used the Kiwi over again.

And shame on the 48 poeple that downloaded it for not noticing. It's been fixed and uploaded.
If there are more people like me who download units, and store them on their hard drives, to put them in their mods at a later date, then it doesn't surprise me that nobody noticed.
Varwnos, looks like you may get your Evzone after all.
EL Justo is telling me that there is a problem with the death.wav for all the new batch of units. Anyone else getting problems in-game with them? I'll need to fix them all later tonite.
Looks like no one is paying attention to some of the sound files I've put in. I guess it's all eye candy then.


@TopGun - You're not alone. If you check my profile, you'll discover that I have 4,170 d/l-s to my credit, many of them Dr. Wyrmshadow's. :)

@Wyrm - Quite seriously, I had intended to comment on the sounds, but I'm very distracted recently by a grave r/l problem. So forgive me, I (and I'm certain I'm not alone) did very much notice, and want to thank you for making we humble modders lives that much easier & better ... Oh, yeah, BTW, great eye candy :D


get well soon Oz :D

wrt the InfantryDeath.wav file in a host of the most recent batch of units...i may be having weird issues but the .wav file and its name line up correctly in the ini file. however, it claims it as a "Missing File" during the startup. now, i've had weird issues in the past w/ certain .wav files where they just wouldn't load :confused: i try not to waste time on it from a modding standpoint (lots of units to add) and quickly link the death .wav files from another unit folder en masse.

some of the kooky sound files in this last batch are some that i've had lying around or have used in the past :) some are really funny too - guarantee you'll get a chuckle :D
3 more up.
Varwnos, I hope you got that file I emailed you.
Whoa Wyrmshadow! I havent been paying close attention to this thread because my mod has a long way to go before it reaches the ww1 period, but these units are outstanding! I especially liked the Portuguese Expeditionary Force ;)
@TopGun - You're not alone. If you check my profile, you'll discover that I have 4,170 d/l-s to my credit, many of them Dr. Wyrmshadow's. :)
I've just realised I ahve 5607 D/L :eek:

So mine is bigger than yours :D

@ Wyrm, your Evzone and Highlanders are real beauty!
@Wyrmshadow - :goodjob: Plus a fine presentation of your wit. I love the Victory.wav of the shout of, Spartans!

Damn but your work only gets better & better.

@Steph - well, at least it's a relief knowing that I'm not the most obsessive member! ;)

Best Regards To One And All,

Look in post #2. I did the Danish grey infantry. I also did the blue version but made it completely civ colored. Now it's the perfect upgrade between the standard Firaxis rifleman and the Firaxis Infantry. I hope the colors look okay in the game, I had a lot of trouble getting the right pallete colors in Flicster.
My god, man, you have been busy. I've been watching this thread with much interest, and had to say that the new standard infantry unit is absolutely great. How I wish I was working on a WWI mod.

You know, you've stepped in for Sandris while he's been away...
My god, man, you have been busy. I've been watching this thread with much interest, and had to say that the new standard infantry unit is absolutely great. How I wish I was working on a WWI mod.

You know, you've stepped in for Sandris while he's been away...
Well, to be honest already Wyrm stepped in for Sandris before he was there.
I meant in the biological aspect. Only lately has Wyrm been doing large amounts of human units.

And also he has been doing the variations of units that Sandris has really been known for, in that he recolors and adds a few props for units for different nationalities n such. That's simply put, of course, and I do know a lot more is put into both of their units than just simple palette changes.
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