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Your avatar looks much nicer now btw.
You can also upload your own avatar from your comp.
All you do is a google image search find something you like DL it resize it then upload it.

Also I only said that about your avatar because I have a bad habit of always saying what think.

P.S. O'Reilly avatar will be going soon.
Your avatar looks much nicer now btw.
You can also upload your own avatar from your comp.
All you do is a google image search find something you like DL it resize it then upload it.

Also I only said that about your avatar because I have a bad habit of always saying what think.

P.S. O'Reilly avatar will be going soon.
Well its no big deal I usually say what I am thinking too.which sometimes gets me in trouble.but like i said it was just a avatar to me with no connection with my beliefs.but none the less he was still a interesting character of ww2 and what might of happened if he hadnt conqured Germany along with the allied forces,the war would have lasted much longer,and the outcome could have been much different.my beliefs is if it wasnt for Russia,Germany may have conqured the world had not Hitler turned on them in the begining.the world would have been doomed had Russia and Germany stayed allied in the begining.The US feared Russia more then they did Germany.So in my opinion Stalin played a bigger part in ending ww2 then people give him credit for.but that doesnt excuse his attrocities to mankind.
More unique buildings and wonders would help the game I think.
But NO concentration/Death camps or gulogs.
I have been doing some more work on my mod the last few days so I decided to share it with all of you.

Please tell me what you think.

Here is a list of the changes in my mod of WW2 Global 2.4.

1.[Tweaked Libya] Put 1 Fortress unit in Tripoli. Moved the Fortress unit in Tobruk to Benghazi.
Gave Tobruk a barracks and city walls. Added Tripoli Wonder with air trade to get oil to Italy.[Moved the Libya oil into Tripoli.]

2.[Cut cities and added cities also renamed a few] Cut the following cities to free up slots.[ Puerto Acre,Olenek,Nordvik ,Norilsk, Fort Chipewyart, Broken Hill, Gao, Teffe, and Verchojansk.]
Added the following cities [ Midway, Cebu,Charleston, Palau,Wake,Tarawa,Dunquerque,Cherbourg,Dover, and Thessaloníki. Renamed [Soloman Islands to Guadalcanal, Radom to Krakow , Bagdad to Baghdad , Namur to Bastogne, and Kuweit to Basra]

3.[Tweaked Airforces] 2 ME 109s to Yugoslavia. 2 ME 109s to Switzerland . 2 ME 109s to Romania. 1 ME 109 to Hungary.
1 ME 109 to Bulgaria. Replaced Spain's Fighter and bombers with 1 ME 109 and 2 HE 111s. 1 Fighter to the Netherlands.
1 Gladiator to Belgium. 1 Gladiator to Greece. 1 Gladiator in Egypt. 1 Gladiator in Iraq. 2 I15s to natl china 1 to commie china.

4.[BEF]Added an accurate representation of the initial BEF that was created on 22nd February 1939 and deployed on the outbreak of war to France. Moved 4 Brit Infantry 1939 from UK to Dunquerque. Added 1 Brtish tank Brigade to represent the force of 50 light tanks. Also moved 1 flak and 1 artillery from the UK to Dunquerque. Added 2 Gladiators in Dunquerque. Added 4 Hurricanes to Dunquerque.

5.[Timed War triggers] Added new unit called declare war invisible and imolble def 1 atk 0. This will have a controlled sub bug effect. The timed war triggers.[Germany vs Russia week 87 aka june 15. Germany vs Norway Denmark week 33 aka April 9 1940. War v Yugoslavia week 79 war v greece week 81]

6.[Tweaked Poland]1 Light tank to Poland 1 sub to Poland. Named all the polish ships.

7.[Victory locations]Added victory locations in Manila,Cebu,Davao,Palau,Tarawa,Palembang,Batavia,
Singapore,Wake,Midway,Tunis,Tripoli,Benghazi,Tobru k,Alexandria,Cairo,Suez,Gibraltar.
Hong Kong,Portsmouth,Palermo,Malta,London,Cherbourg,Banjarmasin,Makassar,Plymouth,Oslo,Dunquerque,and Paris.

8.[Terrain tweaks]Unlandlocked Philadelphia,Anchorage, and Riga. Cut off
the tip of Dennmark @X194Y50 so sweden cant block the way to Norway.

9.[German tweaks] Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 2 turns.
Uped cost of German Security Division from 35 to 40. Got rid of German Flamethrower.
Got rid of the me262s Lethal land bombardment flag.

10.[Worker option tweaks]GOT RID OF PLANT/CLEAR FOREST, CLEAR JUNGLE, and RAILROAD.Got rid of Radar towers

11.[British tweaks]British mines in the straits of Dover.Added British Outposts on the Shetland Islands north of Scapa Flow.
US airbase in UK. Put 1 fortress in each of the coastal British Air bases.[To Stop marine attack to destroy planes]

12.[Flak]Cost of Flak uped by 1
00 to 250.[This is to represent the large investment needed to make large amounts of AAA.]

13.[Mines]Mines get 20 HP bonus AI will not charge them.

14.[Misc]Added mines west of Malmo so sweden cant attack Copenhagen. Hungary Infantry @X205Y85 is owned by Germany I fixed that now owned by Hungary. Got rid of 1 cattle 25 North of Freiburg and 1 NW of Stuttgart.[There is too much food in this Area.]

15.[French tweaks] Moved French oil to Algeria. Algiers Wonder now has air trade.

16.[Thailand] Thailand is part of the Axis.

17.[American tweaks] Added some forests around New Orleans to increase production.
Added some forests in Florida.

18.[Finland tweaks] Added fortress Terrain inprovments to help Finland's Defence.

19.[Late war and early post war Jet fighters]Added the P80,Meteor,and MIG9.[Note in the biq I use the ME262 graphics for
all of these but you can get the graphics for these from TCW.

20.Got rid of off shore oil rigs they provided unrealistic production.
I fully agree that there should be no concentration camps, but other buildings, like gestapo themed ones I liked, and wonders representing landmarks as well were good. Also, however, consider these:
-Marble as a resource: fun addition or waste of time and space?
-Resources representing each nation and tradable for all nations, like what Germany has now.
-the units in that mod, I liked them, and I think the late ones for sure made it more interesting.
and finally
-the tech tree, not in ages, but in Flight, Land, Sea, and Social sets- you are able to research every set from the start, and of course some nations have more to start with than others.
worth putting in or no?

and @Equuleus- Thailand part of the axis again? why is that?

HOW ABOUT THIS. for you own fun, make Argentina part of the Axis and Brazil part of the Allies. South American warfare!!! woo! and why not add Spain while your at it! facism vs democracy is classic. Oh, and why is there no real diplomatic functions- like I can't bring nations into war in anyway, why not? What if I want to redo WWI and try and get Mexico to invade the U.S.? You know you want to see it.
-Marble no.
-Resources maybe.
-late units I like
-the tech tree, not in ages, but in Flight, Land, Sea. No.
Fair enough. If Washington is worried about Maus and and New York is being bombed from Europe in late '45 or thereabouts, I think I'll be content...
heh.. anyway to recreate the Philadelphia Experiment to any effective means?
btw, would something like the V3 be possible to build?
The V3 was planed to bomb New York City.
Someone once told me the V4 was for West Virginia.
He said Hitler wanted to destroy West Virginia because white people and black people were having kids together there. Now this sounded far fetched to me but who knows what kind of stuff is cooked up in a mad mans mind like Hitler.In addition to Hitler being pure Evil and having several mental illnesses Hitler was also on meth and about 50 other drugs. Click this link to learn about Hitler's Doctor and his Drug abuse.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Morell#Substances_given_to_Hitler
1 thing Morell gave Hitler and I'm not making this up guys was something called "Dr Morells anti gas pills" and 1 ingredient the pills was Bulgarian peasant feces.

Here are some of the things Hitler was on
* Potassium bromide
* Nux Vomica (a form of strychnine)
* Atropine
* Sodium barbitone
* Oxedrine Tartrate
* Chamomile
* Testosterone
* Prophenazone
* Caffeine
* Belladonna
* E. coli
* Dihydroxycodeine
* Sulphonamide
* Cocaine (via eye drops)
* Enzymes
* Vitamins
* Amphetamines
* Methamphetamine
* Proteins and lipids derived from animal tissues and fats
Hitler would have done great with the Rolling Stones.
As for bombing WV, why not? even if he managed the range, he'd probably hit some mountains. maybe John Denver. I think the V5 was for bombing Iowa because he hated corn by-products. V6 was just the drug-induced idea that he could bomb things sooo far back in time it would end up being in the future, and he could use alien weapons and chuck norris to his aid.
Maybe the Amerika bomber
If the war did go on to like 1950 I dont think the Maus would ever have been used widely, it was too slow and cumbersome .
As we speak I am DLing an E Book from soulseek called Secret Wonder Weapons of the third Reich. After I read it I will come back with some ideas.
I haven't played your mod yet so these comments are purely theoretical

1.[Tweaked Libya] Put 1 Fortress unit in Tripoli. Moved the Fortress unit in Tobruk to Benghazi.
Gave Tobruk a barracks and city walls. Added Tripoli Wonder with air trade to get oil to Italy.[Moved the Libya oil into Tripoli.]
UK air force might destroy the city walls and barracks early on nullifying the stumbling block.

10.[Worker option tweaks]GOT RID OF PLANT/CLEAR FOREST, CLEAR JUNGLE, and RAILROAD.Got rid of Radar towers
No railroads will make it certainly more interesting but no radar towers ... I feel sorry for Italy and France already (bolster their defences by pre-placed ones perhaps)

15.[French tweaks] Moved French oil to Algeria. Algiers Wonder now has air trade
Very good, yet this means in conjunction with the abandoned radar tower that holding continental France is not expected nor desirable, playing as France with only Northern Africa (and no offshore facilities) is rather pointless

20.Got rid of off shore oil rigs they provided unrealistic production.
Yep, that will reduce BB production

All the best
A lot of good changes Equuleus. However...
Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 2 turns.
I think one every two turns is too many. In my game, I had a city producing one every three turns, and I still had more than I needed. I think one every five or six turns would be better.
Can anyone help with stats for the P40.
This plane should be in the scenario.
13,738 were made.
I'm going off the Wikipedia page for info on the plane, but range should be just under 2x what the spitfire has.... Rather low A (enough to take out most bombers), respectable D (enough to win against fighters on occaision), and a good bombardment number... Say, 20, RoF of 2 or 3....
Do you think the wild cat stats should be lowered?
I think the P40 should be stronger than the wildcat.
Also what do you guys think about Russia making P39s?
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