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@ Equulues,

I tried out your mod, and i have one big thing with your system to begin wars.
The problem is that the AI still asks for peace during war. So these wars are rather short.
Please tell me how it played what nation you took etc.
I had started a play test as Germany but the creepy factor was to high.
I will do a test of my mod as France SID.
@The Loser
How did the mod play out did you like it?
This sounds like fun! How many land troops did the OKW allocate to the invasion (tanks, infantry, arty, garrisons, workers)? How will you supply your "Amerika Korps" with fighter aircraft?

Make sure to save several steps prior to taking DC, the chance of survival of the Trade Wonder might not be 100%.

Good luck (if needed)

Yes it is quite fun! I started a little too early I think, sending the troops to America, I only have 10 transports in total, 6 of which will arive simultaneously, the other four about 2 or 3 weeks later. There are 3 more transports that are waiting for more tanks to be produced, they will be sent within a week or twoI didn't research the convoys, in order to get to the better tanks faster. The first wave mostly has Panzer IVs, Panthers, 1943 SS tanks and some Stugs not very much infantry, most of those will come later. I didn't bring any workers at all, because I build the workers in the captured cities to pacify them a little easier. There is no use for citizens of cities who will be unhappy anyway, especially in long wars, and enough of them make a good workforce.
One of the carriers has only fighters, the other two mostly Ju 88s, with an occasional fighter thrown in. Another carrier is on the way, though. I was finally able to get a spy in the US, and their army sucks, there are hardly any bombers or fighters at all. New York has abot 20 tanks and infantry stationed in it, but other cities are not as well defended. This is probably due to the fact that New York seems to be the staging point for their convoys, which are always destroyed as soon as they leave New York harbor. America has lost a big part of their army to my submarines, apparently, and their Atlantic fleet has been destroyed long ago.
Also I started playing on a lower difficulty level, one above the middle one I think, which seems to have been a mistake, because now it is Christmas 1941 and I already have 1944 SS tanks. And no country is left that is any kind of match for me at all. I will play for another year or so, take the US, and the Soviet Union, and then start again at a higher difficulty level.

I just checked, I have over 200 tank divisions in total. It's getting ridiculous. But it's still fun! I really like this mod, it is awesome, Thank you Rocoteh!!
@ Equulues,
I started as Japan. the many islands mean i have to splitt up my forces bigtime.
I din't play that long, but after soviets declared war they soon offered peace to one of the minor axis.
It should be a lasting war, is there a way to disable peace?
Japan was vary hard because of the amaricans with their many bases.
I had to make choises wich island to attack, and wich island to leave alone.
Dunequerc or whatever its named slowed the Germans down, but was razed early on. Italy hold on to their African city's much longer, they even took a yougoslav city.

thats all, suggest some changes for Japan to adjust to the changes. They will get it hard when a AI-player takes its roll.
Thank you The Loser.

"Japan was vary hard because of the amaricans with their many bases.
I had to make choises wich island to attack, and wich island to leave alone."

This is good in real life the Japanese Islands could not support each other.
I think the Islands add an element of better naval warfare.

"Italy hold on to their African city's much longer"

"Dunequerc or whatever its named slowed the Germans down, but was razed early on. "
Get the no raze patch.

I hate that when an ally makes peace.
Dont know any thing to fix it.
Now that I've managed to get my slightly different version to work, I'm doing quite well (as germany). Just took Paris and for once feel good about the western front not being under constant attack. The British navy is by far the best I've ever seen, but thanks to a little tatic i call run, hit, get the hell outta there, I've been able to 'reduce' its size quite nicely, by hiding ships in cities to heal or just wait then lash out when brits are close enough. Now most of their leftover ships are hanging in London, and doing what I did to them but attacking cities, and, luckily, a garrison that just keeps healing... for now. What really scares me about them are there battleships, huge, monsterous things, but at one point, one was left by itself, and with bombers and bombardments- which hardly ever hit them BTW, I was able to take it out with that.. that class with the weird name.. so that made me happy. As for the east front, I have a enough troops, I hope, to hold a possible Soviet attack and I hope I will be able to respond thereafter in force. troops presently apporach Brest, Bordeaux and Lyons, mainly from bases in Paris and Cherbourg. good stuff.

Thank you for the report and comments.

"I am half way(end of 41) through the scenario, and doing quite well als Germany. A few things that I have observed during my game.

The US constantly attacks Hiroshima, takes it for a few rounds, then loses it again to the Japanese. Japanese are doing quite well, constantly battling in China and on the various islands, mainly with the CW and whats left of NEI. So Pacific AI seems quite OK, besides the Hiroshima thing (landing on the Japanese Islands should be much harder). Besides in the Pacific, the US is no threat, well at least not for the Axis(I must add here, that I have reached Sea superiority with the KM very early (about mid 1940) . They are sending to few warships to Europe and transports alone are sunk very easily."

It seems like AI always will attack some cities and areas.
Thus Sardinia will nearly always be ínvaded by US-AI.

"At some point(early in 1940), when I was ending my French campaign, the Soviets declared war on Japan, forcing me to go after them aswell. Until they started producing T34/76 they were no match, even to my very few Panzer IIIe and IIs, and my Infantry simply outclassed them. After that, the story got a little more difficult, but maybe not difficult enough (one might consider to give even the early T34 more edge). Kiew, Sewastopol and Odessa were very hard to conquer, and I am not talking about Stalingrad(Occupied in late 1941) or Moskwa. Without the HQs and heavy artillery, I wouldn't have come far in my wild Barbarossa. Its a little like in my last WiF Game, ..."

No doubt T34/76 is a key unit for Soviet early in the scenario.

"The UK is a tough nut to crack, and I hesitated a long time to start Sea Lion. I bombed London and all southern UK cities for nearly a year and waited for Graf Zeppelin to be unleashed, until I dared to land and take London. The conquest of the Isles is still not complete in the end 1941(Scotland and Ireland are still controlled by the CW). Reaching air superiority over the UK was very tough and it cost me dearly. Same is true for reaching Sea superiority in the North Sea and North Atlantic."

Its possible that Britain become somewhat to strong when the large-map
version was introduced. However in the first versions (with the small map)
Sealion was to easy.

"Spain and later Gibraltar were taken out easily, North Africa took a while, but is finally secured including Egypt and Suez. But Italy is more then weak, and a bad partner. It actually didn't partake in any campaign, and was utterly useless(a sitting duck). Romania, Bulgaria and Hungaria were doing little but being anoyingly in the way. Worst thing happened, when Bulgaria took Zagreb just after I had it cleared for my own troops. Now I always have to pass a corridor on my way down to Athens. The Fins are good partners and doing well on all fronts. Argentina is friendly but not willing to join in the war (here the diplomatic possibility to drag Argentina and or another power e.g. Spain, Turkey or Brazil into the war is really missing)."

Overall diplomacy is a weak part of the Civ 3 game-engine.

Concerning suggested changes:

Notes have been taken.
I will have them in mind for the next version of WW2-Global.

Flamethrowers were removed when I worked with version 2.5
some time ago.
These units are not relevant on this scale.

Thank you and welcome back.

When you recover will you be working on a future scenario?
And if so what kind of a scenario will it be?
I have been doing some more moding and had some good ideas about how to simulate the BEF. I did some research and made some changes. Now there is a historically accurate representation of the the BEF that was deployed to France in September 1939. This should really slow down any attack in Belgium in 1939.

1.Put fortress in Tripoli. Barracks in Tripoli. Moved Tobruk Fortress Unit to Benghazi.
Gave Tobruk a barracks and city wall to simulate the fortress.
2.Cut the following cities to free up slots.[ Puerto Acre,Nordvik ,Norilsk, Fort Chipewyart, Broken Hill, Gao, Teffe,
[Note this does not afect borders that much]
Added the following cities [ Midway, Cebu, Palau,Wake,Tarawa,Dunquerque,Cherbourg.
3.Renamed Soloman Islands Guadalcanal, Random renamed Krakow , Bagdad renamed Baghdad.
4. 2 BF109s to Switzerland 1 to Yugoslavia.
5. 2 I15s to natl china 1 to commie china.
6.1 Light tank to Poland 1 sub to Poland.
7.Added new unit called declare war invisible and imolble def 1 atk 0. This will have a controlled sub bug effect.
8.Added victory locations. Manila,Cebu,Davao,Palau,Tarawa,Palembang,Batavia,
Hong Kong,Portsmouth,Palermo,Malta,London,Cherbourg,Plymouth,Dunquerque,Paris.
9.Unlandlocked Philadelphia Anchorage and Riga.
10.Added mines west of Malmo so sweden cant attack Copenhagen and cut off
the tip of Dennmark @X194Y50 so sweden cant block the way to Norway.
11. Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 2 turns.
Germany always wastes its resources on them I think this way is best.[GET THE NO RAZE PATCH.] Düsseldorf Wonder auto produces ME109E every 4 turns. BTW this helps to simulate the industry in the Rhur. IMHO I THINK THIS WILL HELP THE GERMAN AI X2 and it does not need speicial AI version. IMHO THE MAIN GERMAN AI PROBLEM IS it wastes all its resources on 88s.
12.Mines get 20 bonus AI will not charge them.
14.US airbase in UK.
15.Hungary Infantry @X205Y85 is owned by Germany I fixed that now owned by Hungary .
16.Thailand part of axis.
17.Added Dunquerque owned by Great Britain.[This is to get the BEF on the continent]
18.Added Tripoli Wonder with sea and air trade to get oil to Italy.[Moved the Libya oil to Tripoli]
19.Named all the Polish Ships.
20.Put 1 fortress in each of the coastal British Air bases.[To Stop marine attack to destroy planes]
21.Timed war triggers! Germany vs Russia week 87 aka june 15. Germany vs Norway Denmark week 33 aka April 9 1940. War v Yugoslavia week 79 war v greece week 81 China v Commie China week 1.
22.Got rid of Nordvik to get rid of the off chance the soviets send a transport an screw up the trigger.
23.Got rid of German Flamethrower
24.Put British mines in the straits of Dover.
25.Moved Belgium garrisons to protect Dunkirk.
26.Uped cost of German Security Division by 20 to 55
27.Got rid of Radar towers.
28.Added British Outposts on the Shetland Islands north of Scapa Flow.
29.Thailand not part of axis
30.Düsseldorf Wonder does not auto produce ME109s this was a mistake to do so.
31.Cost of Flak uped by 100 to 250.[This is to represent the large investment needed to make large amounts of AAA.]
Changes in 1.3
32.Replaces French Infantry with Garrison in the War Trigger.
33.Uped number of special fortrsses in Dunkirk from 1 to 3

Changes in 1.4
34.Added 2 Gladiators in Dunquerque.[The Brits sent 2 squadrons of Gladiators to France in September 1939.] 1 Gladiator to Belgium[They had 22] 1 Gladiator to Greece[They had 25] 1 Gladiator in Egypt [They had 40] 1 Gladiator in Iraq[They had 20] Added 4 Hurricanes to Dunquerque[The Brits sent 4 squadrons of Hurricanes in September 1939][Note the British had 18 squadrons of Hurricanes at the start of the war. I only count 9 this is why I have no problem just adding them.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawker_Hurricane#Battle_of_France ]
35.Replaced Special Fortress Units in Dunquerque with a much more accurate representation of the initial BEF that was created on 22nd February 1939 and deployed on the outbreak of war to France.
Moved 4 Brit Infantry 1939 from UK to Dunquerque and added 1 conscript Brtish tank Brigade to represent the force of 50 light tanks that was deployed. Also moved 1 flak and 1 artillery from the UK to Dunquerque .
36.Cut Verchojansk. Added Dover. Added Thessaloníki.

If you feel well enough can you tell me what you think about my ideas?
Come on people make with the yakity yak yak.
Please people post!
If people stop posting this forum will die!
If you are reading this and you have never posted please do!
Ive been away from this peticular mod thread. playing still but not posting ive got several games going Japan,USA.and Germany the latest. this is still my favorite mod to play. just needed a break from posting. but still read all the posts concerning Rocoteh"s and El Justo"s mods they both rock.:goodjob:
I haven't found much time to play recently. Takes a huge amount of time to move hundreds of infantry divisions around every turn... and I've hardly even started Barbarossa yet! ;)
Real Life has interrupted my gameplay so I have not posted my continuing 2.3 game. I am still lurking about reading some posts but spending only a limited amount of time on gameplay.

to be continued>>>>>>>>>>
I started a Sid level game as Germany, the old one was getting too boring, as the difficulty level was way too low. Russia was pretty much destroyed, and the war basically won, there really was nothing challenging to do anymore.
Anyway, in my new game, it is now the beginning of 1940. Poland, as always, was taken within the first two weeks of the war, and immediately after that the Netherlands and Belgium, Verdun and Lille were conquered. That took about 6-8 weeks, a little longer than it should have, but the bulk of our troops had been in Poland, and needed to march over to the western front. In addition, the french needed to be repelled at Strasbourg, where they had broken through. The attack on Paris has been going on for 2 weeks now, and nothing has come of it yet, but with mass production of Panzer IIIe's just started, it shouldn't take too long to take it. British aerial bombardment is scarce, it seems the battle of England has already been won, however, we do not know how many bombers and fighters the Brits have stationed on their Island, or are moving there. American transport fleets have been largely destroyed by U-Boot and Deutschland-class fleets, so at the moment, they are no threat to us.
In fact, our U-boats have been quite busy and effective, sinking three or four British carriers, which might also explain the complete lack of aerial bombardment in the last 3 weeks.
I have contemplated declaring war on Turkey, in the hope they might prove to be stronger than Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, so I might take the Balkans entirely for myself, but if I decide to do that, it will have to wait until France is conquered, and the threat from England is minimal. We have been losing a great number of Infantry at the western front, and production capacity does not allow us to replace them entirely, however, the tanks should be able to replace a great part of the firepower lost. Research is incredibly slow, I cannot research any technology under 40 weeks, but that also makes for a great increase in income, with which tanks and crucial industrial infrastructure are hurried.
We are not ready for a war against the Soviet Union, accordingly I have set up trade agreements, in the hope Stalin will want to keep his imported Rhinish and Franconian wines. They are quite good you, know, much better than that inferior Georgian mish mash.
On the negative side, we are deeply sorry to report that both the Gneisenau and the Scharnhorst have been sunk, by Battlecruiser bombradments on Amsterdam. They had both been severely damaged, and needed repair, however, they could not escape the massive nautical artillery by England. The new Battleship Bismarck is under construction however, and should be finished by oktober, the latest. With it, we can give the domination of the Channel and North Sea a new try.
More reports as the war progresses.

"When you recover will you be working on a future scenario?
And if so what kind of a scenario will it be?"

My first project will be a special AI-version of WW2-Global.
With regard to new scenarios I will give priority to a WW3-Global scenario.

When I write this I am many miles away from my old house.

Will reach my new house within some days from now.
Health is recovering, so I hope to be back in business soon.

I have got info that says my Internet-connection will start to
work Mid-March.

I hope you will continue to post comments and reports during
the days I will be off-line.

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