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"I haven't tried the AI version yet because I wanted to try to "capture the world" with Russia. Once I finish my Soviet game (as it seems like I do have the upper hand), I am torn on if I am going to try the AI version or take on the challenge of Brazil on 1.8 SID." allin1joe

Brazil must be close to impossible!

"I have pushed west to the Suez Canal and now hold it with a T34/76 Army and 2 KV1s. I plan to reinforce that garrison with 2 more KV1 divisions as they are built. I have taken all of Iraq, but decided to leave Saudi Arabia for later. Especially since the southern 2 cities are not connected by a road, so it would be impossible for me to get my tanks down there right now. They also hold Bushire but not for long. On this front, I have pushed as far east as Lahore with my troops on the doorsteps of Kashmir and Quetta." allin1joe

It sounds like you have established a good strategic situation.

"So far, this war is going much better then I expected. I hope to have Asia completely controlled by the middle of 1941. I'll then make my push into Africa" allin1joe

A very interesting playtest. I am looking forward to follow it.

Thank you for the report and welcome back.

allin1joe said:
Ok, you talked me into it :) After I am done, or bored, with Russia, I'll move on to Brazil.


I am looking forward to follow the playtest.

Since South America have reduced economic value in version 1.8
compared with earlier versions it will be really hard to play as Brazil.

Rocoteh -

I fear you misunderstood my statement - "Don't think I will ever play this scenario to the end again." I will restate with appropriate emphasis -

Don't think I will ever play this scenario TO THE END again. That is that the late stages of the game (as with most CIV games) is boring. I doubt many players have taken the scenario to the end. This in no way minimizes how wonderful your scenario truly is. The very fact that you have "house rules" for victory demonstrates all this. I wanted to go to domination just to do it.

I still enjoy the scenario and will play it on occassion and certainly will try any new versions. Keep up the good work on this and other scenarios.
Bob1475 said:
Rocoteh -

I fear you misunderstood my statement - "Don't think I will ever play this scenario to the end again." I will restate with appropriate emphasis -

Don't think I will ever play this scenario TO THE END again. That is that the late stages of the game (as with most CIV games) is boring. I doubt many players have taken the scenario to the end. This in no way minimizes how wonderful your scenario truly is. The very fact that you have "house rules" for victory demonstrates all this. I wanted to go to domination just to do it.

I still enjoy the scenario and will play it on occassion and certainly will try any new versions. Keep up the good work on this and other scenarios.


OK, I understand how you mean.
Thank you.

Welcome back.

Germany vs AI

~wk 23 1940 (cant remember)

Ok so I had a ton of time this weekend to play. I wiped france off the European Continent a few weeks before 1940 (had paris in 8 weeks--tad behind real life) Also took Greece and belfast(?) as well. I decided that the first 6 months of 1940 would be dedicated to N. Aftrica and assisting the Italians. I based out of Gibralter and Crete, and bombed and transport 2 units at a time which resulted in nothing but utter humility for me! So, I redistributed 80-90% of the luftwaffe to Crete and pounded the hell out of Egyptian cities tell I could walk in. Did the same from gibralter into Algiers and took it. Encountered heavy counter attacks in both theatres but held them. Expanded my control to all of egypt minus Mutt.

Russia took out Norway around wk 18 and that spurred me to check up on them. 180inf, 110 t-26's and 130 moto info plus about 80 aircraft. They were involved in a war with Turkey in which they were bombing the heck out of them with air. I scoped their locations with my black see fleet. I repositioned an overwhelming majoring of my luftwaffe, rested them all and began an offensive in about wk 23. Hoping to simulate the real world scenario, a good push then russia will upgraded t-26's to t-34's and the tide will hopefully swing a little. Not to mention, a 100+ t-34's would mean game over for me. My air offensive netted approximately 20 aircraft. I had a hair under 40 Panzer III g's, however, about 10 of those were commited to Moroco and Egypt. My initial push into russia was quite successfull, with only 1-2 offensive losses. Took 5 russian cities I think and hit some aircraft in a city and a few at an air field.

I only saw one turn off the russian counter offensive which was "pathetic" to say the least. I only saw 20 rat tanks (t-26's) and maybe 15-20 motor inf. I believe the rest are "in route" though. The north saw next to nothing, they hit one Panzer that was redlined. The south were all my luftwaffe is saw everything, they hit the garrisons, radar towers and only attacked the city with the luftwaffe a couple of times.

Now my dilemna is, redirect the some of the northern Panzer force to counter the russians in the south or try to let the luftwaffe handle the south and continue my northern push. I am leaning towards the latter.

Now onto observations.

Japan is tearing it up, all of mainland china, all of thailand (chinese took out thais) 2 islands including manila of the philipines. Then they drove a spear head right through india all the way to the middle east. Completely chopped the head off of india. Circumvented the two mountainous cities in western India and drove West really fast. I think/hope part of their success was due in part to my actions in Egypt. That was my goal to break that link from africa to india. However, their success is extremely impressive. There was some serious fighting in AFrica, not to mention serious losses due to luftwaffe bombing.

Also, Britain bombed my northern minefield and succesfully destroyed it. saw another post that you are working on it, just wanted to chime in on it too.

oh yeah, the north atlantic, got a bismarc, aa cruiser with type xii and ix on patrol tearing up the convoys leaving Britian. I run convoys of subs through the english channel pretty successfully. I also just got a second bismark, we'll call her the Tirpitz!

I like the air war over europe, Britain bombs moderately attacking my me 109's Seems like a good even battle. i state this cause someone mentioned the 109's were two week. seems ok to me, so far!

Think that is about it. It'll probably be next weekend before i can play again so fyi.

Oh and I never play the scenario to the end, when I feel that victory is enevitable and all decisive battles are over I quite. The rest is just cleanup and there is not strategy or thought needed for that!
German vs AI SID
week 22 41.
I have take Darwin, NY and Ottawa and 2 towns in Brazil. My laseness cost me 3 transports with 18 Panters. Just 13 civs remain. France have only caledonia Russina have 2 towns on Kamchatka and will be dead soon.
I think territory requirments unrealistick.I have 45% land 73 % population the british and US have 16 territory and 16 population.

"Ok so I had a ton of time this weekend to play. I wiped france off the European Continent a few weeks before 1940 (had paris in 8 weeks--tad behind real life)"

Its a surprise that its still possible to crush France so early in the game.

"Russia took out Norway around wk 18 and that spurred me to check up on them. 180inf, 110 t-26's and 130 moto info plus about 80 aircraft. They were involved in a war with Turkey in which they were bombing the heck out of them with air. I scoped their locations with my black see fleet" oljb007

Soviet AI still like to go for Turkey early in the scenario.

"Japan is tearing it up, all of mainland china, all of thailand (chinese took out thais) 2 islands including manila of the philipines. Then they drove a spear head right through india all the way to the middle east. Completely chopped the head off of india. Circumvented the two mountainous cities in western India and drove West really fast. I think/hope part of their success was due in part to my actions in Egypt." oljb007

Still this is a great surprise!

"Also, Britain bombed my northern minefield and succesfully destroyed it. saw another post that you are working on it, just wanted to chime in on it too." oljb007

Yes, I will see what I can do to solve this problem.

"Think that is about it. It'll probably be next weekend before i can play again so fyi."

Thank you for the report and welcome back.

vlad1917_a said:
German vs AI SID
week 22 41.
I have take Darwin, NY and Ottawa and 2 towns in Brazil. My laseness cost me 3 transports with 18 Panters. Just 13 civs remain. France have only caledonia Russina have 2 towns on Kamchatka and will be dead soon.
I think territory requirments unrealistick.I have 45% land 73 % population the british and US have 16 territory and 16 population.


Thank you for the report.

I will look over the territory requirements. Its possible they should
be changed.

Welcome back.

Rocoteh said:

"Russia took out Norway around wk 18 and that spurred me to check up on them. 180inf, 110 t-26's and 130 moto info plus about 80 aircraft. They were involved in a war with Turkey in which they were bombing the heck out of them with air. I scoped their locations with my black see fleet" oljb007

Soviet AI still like to go for Turkey early in the scenario.


Not only the Soviet AI, but the Soviet human player too. I thought it was very important for me to take Turkey early to keep it from falling into either of the 2 power's hands. Also, taking Istanbul released my Black Sea fleet from it's imprisonment. Ankara turns into one heck of a city too, producing KV1s in 2 turns. Russia still has an easy enterance over the mountains to the SE. I was able to go in through this back door, and avoid all fortresses. If you really want to stop Russia from going after Turkey, you will have to close that back door.

"On allied jet fighter comparable with Me-262:

Maybe as a what-if option."

Both the Americans and British developed jet fighters by war's end. They did not field them until 1950, because there was no pressing need to. They thought WWII was the end of wars as we know it.

The cold war started around 1948, but politically nothing was translated into further military development other than pressing forward on research on the H-bomb.

The shock of meeting the Mig-15 in the skies over Korea forced the rapid development of the Saberjet, the Banshee, etc.

The upshot of my message is: Both the US and Britain could have had jet fighters in early 1946.

The fielding of the Russian Mig-15 was well along by 1950, and probably could have been ready by 1946 if the Russians had wanted to. They were also militarily exhausted by that point, and they were very much into restoring their country. Had the war continued... If you wanted to have an Air 1946 for the US, British, and Russia, you could.

Very respectfully,

Germany vs AI - Sid Level
Week 22, 1941

Operation Barbarossa begins!

Me and the Russian AI have only played one turn each but they were loooonnggg! I have managed to infiltrate Russian intellingence with my spy and was somewhat shocked at their production (although I shouldn't really be). Yet, I have managed to take quite a few cities and have managed to hold on to them (atleast in the first turn).


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    Week 21, 1941 G vs AI2.JPG
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Germany vs AI - Sid Level
Week 22, 1941

Operation Barbarossa begins!
Russian counterattack seems to be massive! 174 T-34 and 51 Kv-1 to start out with. They managed to take back Adana and Trabzon in Turkey. However I have taken Trabzon back in my turn. It seems to have stalemated in Turkey now I think. Can't see how I am going to expand there. And the terrain doesn't allow for massive Russian movement either. The Russians have taken one city in finland and it doesn't look good for them. Actually it won't look very pretty for me if I can't destroy their force.


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    Week 22, 1941, G vs AI1.JPG
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    Week 22, 1941, G vs AI2.JPG
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Germany vs AI - Sid Level
Week 23, 1941

The stalemate in Turkey continues. I haven't gotten a chance to heal my tanks this turn because of the massive Russian infiltration. The Reds managed to take Kharkov in their turn but I have liberated it again. I just hate it when I lose a city I lose 98 gold with it and when I take it back I only get 23. anyways. Last turn my tank strength was 96. This turn it has come down to 86. However, and to my surprise, The Russians now only have 99 T-34 compared to 174 last turn. And they have 35 Kv-1 compared to 51. This is good news for my battered army which can afford some rest time (atleast the really battered tanks). My airforce has done well weakening their tanks so that I can hit them with my tanks. Having said that I will need to get peace as soon as possible because it is becoming increasingly harder to kill their tanks with my weakened ones. There hasn't been much movement expect for Kharkov but next turn seems to be more promising in that aspect. No pics for this turn though. Will get more pics after about 4 turns.

In the Pacific, the Brits have hit back and have taken four cities from the Japs. They are also threatening German Crete with 6 matildas. Crete might be lost. The Japs have however taken back Marcus Is from the Americans, which is pretty surprising. Either their navy still lives or the American navy has been weakened or both.

That's it for now. More later.

"Its a surprise that its still possible to crush France so early in the game." Rocoteh

--I like the way france falls now, its very close to actual history. Not to mention it took all my luftwaffe and every able body to accomplish that!

However, Russia seems to have to much offensive so early on. in my game it was week 21 1940 and she already had amassed nearly 110 T-26's. and that is after taking Norway and hammering on Turkey. Are T-26's upgradeable to T-34's? I believe they are, but cannot recall for sure. if so, it seems a tad strong. Possibly a starting force of t-26's that are not upgradeable, then a t-26 that can be built that can be upgraded. or no upgrade at all but i am not sure about this idea yet

in my game if she upgrades those 100+ t-26's Russia will go from just "****", to "the ****" in a heart beat.

just some more thoughts for you.

As for Japan, ya the AI is amazing with Japan. Lets see what happens with the Russian front! Now that I have opened that can of worms.
The Soviets going after Turkey makes at least some broad historical sense. There has often been a Russian nationalistic idea that the Russian nation ought to have control of Constantinople as heir to the Eastern Orthodox tradition. The Crimean War was fought partly for this reason.

Thus, while it is ahistorical (in WWII terms) for Russia to go to war early, keeping them at peace may not be possible, and war with Turkey probably makes the most sense.

Just a few thoughts to consider before wholesale changes are made to affect Russia AI habits.
Adler17 said:
Rocoteh, I would agree to introduce a Me 262 comparable unit. However none of the US prototypes were able to do so. So I think IF we introduce that unit it should be VERY late. However then there should be also new German fighters like the Go 229 or that Me Project which also lead to the F 86 Sabre after the war. The allies were on the technological level mostly far behind the axis. Only Radar (partly) and the nuclear bomb are exceptions. Everything else, tanks, planes, Uboats, they were way behind.


If I`m not mistaken I belive the Brits developed a jet fighter called "Gloster Meteor" which was operative in July 1944. However it didn`t see much action .

"The Gloster Meteor Mk. I made its first flight on 15th May, 1941. It had a maximum speed of 415 mph (667 km) and had a range of 1,340 miles (2,156 km). It was 41 ft 3 in (12.58 m) long with a wingspan of 43 ft (13.11 m) and armed with four 20 mm cannons."
The Meteor saw only action in shooting down German V 1 cruise missiles. They were never used to fight against the heavier armed and faster Me 262. A wise decision. However there was indeed no plane in service or planned to be able to cope the Me 262, which was the top fighter until 1950. Oh, the F 86 Sabre is based on German plans...

allin1joe said:
Not only the Soviet AI, but the Soviet human player too. I thought it was very important for me to take Turkey early to keep it from falling into either of the 2 power's hands. Also, taking Istanbul released my Black Sea fleet from it's imprisonment. Ankara turns into one heck of a city too, producing KV1s in 2 turns. Russia still has an easy enterance over the mountains to the SE. I was able to go in through this back door, and avoid all fortresses. If you really want to stop Russia from going after Turkey, you will have to close that back door.


After all, I think Soviet going for Turkey is not a problem.

Still it would have been positive with a "never declare war"
option in the editor.

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