WW2 Mod, Including Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, new Units etc...

Wait lol Spain is more aggressive than the UK? Talk about buying into the propaganda. But cool mod anyway
Can we please stop bumping this? Saying that the mod is a good one is not a legit bump. I mean, even the screenshots of the tech tree have been missing for quite some time.
Hello, friends. I have a problem with this mod

I"m searching for WWII good mod, please if somebody know someone really good to send to me on PM.
This is a very old mod, and the file might be corrupted by now. Instead, try Moff Jerjerrod's WWII mod: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=365068

This mod is very good, and this will hopefully stop replys to this thread.

EDIT after General 666's post: I give up.
Can this mod run on a mac version of Civ 5

Are you asking if this Civ 3 Conquests modded game can be run in the Civilization 5 game? No, You would need to have Civ 3 Conquests to run this (it may run on Civ 3 vanilla or PTW, don't know). Similarly, you can't run Civ 3, 4, or 5 mods on Civ 1 or 2. Different engines, different game mechanics. Goes for every game. :)
I Attempt to load it but it says Missing Entry in text/Pedialcons.txt:Tech Amphibous War
The game will now exit.
The World War 2 Mod

This is a mod that changes All the civilizations in the game.
All the civs have new special units, or so called UU's (Unique Units).

List of Civilizations

Fascist Italy
Traits: Militaristic and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

Traits: Indoustrious and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Traits: Religious and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Nazi Germany
Traits: Militaristic and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

Soviet Union
Traits: Militaristic and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

Nationalist China
Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Communistic China
Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

U.S.A. (Replaces America)
Traits: Industrious and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

The Empire of Japan (Replaces Japan)
Traits: Militaristic and Religious
AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)

Traits: Industrious and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Traits: Expansionist and Religious
AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)

The Neutrals
Traits: Commersial and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 1 (1-5)

Traits: Expansionist and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Great Britain
Traits: Expansionist and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Please come with creative critisism against this MOD, do you want to change any of the Unique Units? What ever, please tell me.

I would also appreciate some help with graphics. Leader Heads are needed and Units would also be nice to have some graphics of their own.

Version 3.00
Creator: Fredrik Henriksson A.K.A. Grey Fox

- Put the bic-file in your Scenarios Folder.

- Download the file: units.zip
- Extract the "units-folder" into CIVILIZATION III\Art\

- Start the game as a Scenario!

Version 3.0
- A new Era of techs is added. The second era is also redecorated.
- Changed Chezcoslovakia to Finland.
- Changed Greece to Turkey.
- Changed Town limit to 8 and City limit to 16.
- Changed growth rate, a citizen now eats 1 food instead of 2.
- Made Cultural Flips harder.
- Ages changed to: "Start of Ind... Ages", "Ind... Ages", "Middle of Ind... Age" and "Late Ind... Age"
- Added Bombard to Submarines.
- Added Fascism Government (Comes with Nationalism).
- Added 48 new Tanks. 3 per Civ, many are the same but were put in individally anyway (For future changes).
- Added Commandos (12-4-1) All terrain as roads, [Submarine] (Invisible) + Can see other [Subs] (Commandos) + amphibious,
- Brittish Commando (14-6-1) all other the same...
- Added Black Devils, the American Commando. (16-10-1) The Elite of the Elite. More expensive, but definately worth it. Replaced Navy Seals.
- Added American Carrier. Can carry 12 planes instead of 8.
- Added Heavy Infantry. (8-16-1)
- Added B-17. Bombard: 10, range: 8.
- Added PPS-15 Radar + can see subs. (Graphics too, made by pesoloco) A thread about it can be found here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15756 )
- Added Yamato Class Battleship (Yamato Class Battleship). (28(16)-18-4) It's more expensive then normal B-ship. Graphics made by TVA22 Thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17320
- Added Ski Infantry. (8-10-1) All terrain as roads. Finland only.
- Added Luftwaffe JG 26. (4(3)-3-1) Range: 6. Germany Only
- Added Luftwaffe Focke 190. (8(4)-4-1) Range: 7. Germany Only
- Added Luftwaffe Me 262. (14(4)-6-1) Range: 8. Germany Only
- Added German Submarine. (10(8)-5-5) Range: 3. Germany Only
- Added Hurricane. (6(3)-4-1) Range: 5. Brittain Only
- Added Spitfire. (3(2)-3-1) Range: 4. Brittain Only, cheaper then the Hurricane.
- Added Advance Submarine. (18(14)-8-5) Range: 4.
- Added Jeep (8-4-1) All terrain as roads. Transports 2 Foot soldiers.
- Added Large Truck (6-10-3) Transports 6 Foot soldiers.
- Added Grenadier (10(6)-6-1) Can Bombard.
- Added Flamethrower. (12-1-1).
- Added Brittish Destroyer (16(10)-10-5) Range:2... Instead of Brittish Battleship. +can see subs.


- Panzer (As it is in the game.) GERMAN.
- Panther (22-10-4) GERMAN.
- Tiger Tank (24-12-4) GERMAN.

- KV-1 (15-7-2) SOVIET. A little cheaper too.
- KV-1S (22-12-3) SOVIET.
- T-34 - Stalinets (26-12-4) SOVIET.

- Matilda (Normal Tank) BRITTISH.
- Churchill (Normal Medium Tank (20-10-3)) BRITTISH.

- TunderBolt (Normal Tank) AMERICAN.
- Hellcat (Normal Medium Tank) AMERICAN.

Version 2.0
- Alot of changes have been made.
- The tech tree is totally remade. Now the game starts in the late Middle Ages. Early Industry Age.

Version 1.75
- Fixed the bug, when the game crashes when you end your turn.

Version 1.51
- Fixed the bug with settlers unable to build cities.

Version 1.50
- Musketeers changed to Resisant (4-6-1) +All Terain treated as roads, Replaces Rifleman.
- Changed Austrias Leader to Kurt Schushnigg, Spains to Franco, Britains to Churchill, Frances to De Gaulle...
- Added Nationalist, and Communist China and therefor deleted China.
- Added The Neutrals, and therefor deleted Sweden and Switzerland.
- Added the "Border Patrol"-unit as The Neutrals UU. Replaces Rifleman (4-7-1) +ZOC
- Fixed som bugs, including units.
- Changed the British unit to British Battleship. (20(10)-14-5)
- Added this Readme

I would like to thank:
TVA22 - For making the Yamoto Class Battleship.
pesoloco - For making the Ground Radar Unit.

Team Members

Head of MOD - Grey Fox
Head of Units(Tanks) - Kentonio
Head of History - Shaitan (On CFC)

We will need a Head of Units(Planes) too. (havelock is a candidate)
We will need a Head of Units(Ships) too. (TVA is a candidate)


- Changes in the next version. (Not definate)

German Tanks will probably be:
PzKpfw II / PzKpfw IV / Tiger / Panther

British Tanks will probably be:
Matilda I / Sherman Mark V / Firefly

Soviet Tanks will probably be:
KV-1 / T-34-76 / T34-85 / IS1

and American:
MDR, Stuart / Sherman / Pershing.

British Plane chain:
Hurricane / Spitfire Mk2 (SU) / (Hawker Tempest or later the Hawker Typhoon)

Wildcat / Corsair / Hellcat(SU)

havn't got anymore time... so I'll update later


The Tech trees:



This is Version 3.00 of the WW2 MOD

Or here Units.zip(Same file) (1.5 Mb)

Leaderheads can be downloaded here: Leaderheads
Thank to you I can't play the game anymore because the units folder is corrupted because of this mod.I couldn't even start the mod when I extracted the Unit files. Thank you for destroying my game.
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