The World War 2 Mod
This is a mod that changes All the civilizations in the game.
All the civs have new special units, or so called UU's (Unique Units).
List of Civilizations
Fascist Italy
Traits: Militaristic and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)
Traits: Indoustrious and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)
Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)
Traits: Religious and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)
Nazi Germany
Traits: Militaristic and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)
Soviet Union
Traits: Militaristic and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)
Nationalist China
Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)
Communistic China
Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)
U.S.A. (Replaces America)
Traits: Industrious and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)
The Empire of Japan (Replaces Japan)
Traits: Militaristic and Religious
AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)
Traits: Industrious and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)
Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)
Traits: Expansionist and Religious
AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)
The Neutrals
Traits: Commersial and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 1 (1-5)
Traits: Expansionist and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)
Great Britain
Traits: Expansionist and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)
Please come with creative critisism against this MOD, do you want to change any of the Unique Units? What ever, please tell me.
I would also appreciate some help with graphics. Leader Heads are needed and Units would also be nice to have some graphics of their own.
Creator: Fredrik Henriksson A.K.A. Grey Fox
- Put the bic-file in your Scenarios Folder.
- Download the file:
- Extract the "units-folder" into CIVILIZATION III\Art\
- Start the game as a Scenario!
Version 3.0
- A new Era of techs is added. The second era is also redecorated.
- Changed Chezcoslovakia to Finland.
- Changed Greece to Turkey.
- Changed Town limit to 8 and City limit to 16.
- Changed growth rate, a citizen now eats 1 food instead of 2.
- Made Cultural Flips harder.
- Ages changed to: "Start of Ind... Ages", "Ind... Ages", "Middle of Ind... Age" and "Late Ind... Age"
- Added Bombard to Submarines.
- Added Fascism Government (Comes with Nationalism).
- Added 48 new Tanks. 3 per Civ, many are the same but were put in individally anyway (For future changes).
- Added Commandos (12-4-1) All terrain as roads, [Submarine] (Invisible) + Can see other [Subs] (Commandos) + amphibious,
- Brittish Commando (14-6-1) all other the same...
- Added Black Devils, the American Commando. (16-10-1) The Elite of the Elite. More expensive, but definately worth it. Replaced Navy Seals.
- Added American Carrier. Can carry 12 planes instead of 8.
- Added Heavy Infantry. (8-16-1)
- Added B-17. Bombard: 10, range: 8.
- Added PPS-15 Radar + can see subs. (Graphics too, made by pesoloco) A thread about it can be found here: )
- Added Yamato Class Battleship (Yamato Class Battleship). (28(16)-18-4) It's more expensive then normal B-ship. Graphics made by TVA22 Thread:
- Added Ski Infantry. (8-10-1) All terrain as roads. Finland only.
- Added Luftwaffe JG 26. (4(3)-3-1) Range: 6. Germany Only
- Added Luftwaffe Focke 190. (8(4)-4-1) Range: 7. Germany Only
- Added Luftwaffe Me 262. (14(4)-6-1) Range: 8. Germany Only
- Added German Submarine. (10(8)-5-5) Range: 3. Germany Only
- Added Hurricane. (6(3)-4-1) Range: 5. Brittain Only
- Added Spitfire. (3(2)-3-1) Range: 4. Brittain Only, cheaper then the Hurricane.
- Added Advance Submarine. (18(14)-8-5) Range: 4.
- Added Jeep (8-4-1) All terrain as roads. Transports 2 Foot soldiers.
- Added Large Truck (6-10-3) Transports 6 Foot soldiers.
- Added Grenadier (10(6)-6-1) Can Bombard.
- Added Flamethrower. (12-1-1).
- Added Brittish Destroyer (16(10)-10-5) Range:2... Instead of Brittish Battleship. +can see subs.
- Panzer (As it is in the game.) GERMAN.
- Panther (22-10-4) GERMAN.
- Tiger Tank (24-12-4) GERMAN.
- KV-1 (15-7-2) SOVIET. A little cheaper too.
- KV-1S (22-12-3) SOVIET.
- T-34 - Stalinets (26-12-4) SOVIET.
- Matilda (Normal Tank) BRITTISH.
- Churchill (Normal Medium Tank (20-10-3)) BRITTISH.
- TunderBolt (Normal Tank) AMERICAN.
- Hellcat (Normal Medium Tank) AMERICAN.
Version 2.0
- Alot of changes have been made.
- The tech tree is totally remade. Now the game starts in the late Middle Ages. Early Industry Age.
Version 1.75
- Fixed the bug, when the game crashes when you end your turn.
Version 1.51
- Fixed the bug with settlers unable to build cities.
Version 1.50
- Musketeers changed to Resisant (4-6-1) +All Terain treated as roads, Replaces Rifleman.
- Changed Austrias Leader to Kurt Schushnigg, Spains to Franco, Britains to Churchill, Frances to De Gaulle...
- Added Nationalist, and Communist China and therefor deleted China.
- Added The Neutrals, and therefor deleted Sweden and Switzerland.
- Added the "Border Patrol"-unit as The Neutrals UU. Replaces Rifleman (4-7-1) +ZOC
- Fixed som bugs, including units.
- Changed the British unit to British Battleship. (20(10)-14-5)
- Added this Readme
I would like to thank:
TVA22 - For making the Yamoto Class Battleship.
pesoloco - For making the Ground Radar Unit.
Team Members
Head of MOD - Grey Fox
Head of Units(Tanks) - Kentonio
Head of History - Shaitan (On CFC)
We will need a
Head of Units(Planes) too. (havelock is a candidate)
We will need a
Head of Units(Ships) too. (TVA is a candidate)
- Changes in the next version. (Not definate)
German Tanks will probably be:
PzKpfw II / PzKpfw IV / Tiger / Panther
British Tanks will probably be:
Matilda I / Sherman Mark V / Firefly
Soviet Tanks will probably be:
KV-1 / T-34-76 / T34-85 / IS1
and American:
MDR, Stuart / Sherman / Pershing.
British Plane chain:
Hurricane / Spitfire Mk2 (SU) / (Hawker Tempest or later the Hawker Typhoon)
Wildcat / Corsair / Hellcat(SU)
havn't got anymore time... so I'll update later
The Tech trees:
This is Version 3.00 of the WW2 MOD
Or here file) (1.5 Mb)
Leaderheads can be downloaded here: