WW2 Mod, Including Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, new Units etc...

Grey Fox

Master of Points
Dec 19, 2001
The World War 2 Mod

This is a mod that changes All the civilizations in the game.
All the civs have new special units, or so called UU's (Unique Units).

List of Civilizations

Fascist Italy
Traits: Militaristic and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

Traits: Indoustrious and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Traits: Religious and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Nazi Germany
Traits: Militaristic and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

Soviet Union
Traits: Militaristic and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 5 (1-5)

Nationalist China
Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Communistic China
Traits: Militaristic and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

U.S.A. (Replaces America)
Traits: Industrious and Expansionist
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

The Empire of Japan (Replaces Japan)
Traits: Militaristic and Religious
AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)

Traits: Industrious and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Traits: Scientific and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 2 (1-5)

Traits: Expansionist and Religious
AI Aggresion Level: 4 (1-5)

The Neutrals
Traits: Commersial and Industrious
AI Aggresion Level: 1 (1-5)

Traits: Expansionist and Commersial
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Great Britain
Traits: Expansionist and Scientific
AI Aggresion Level: 3 (1-5)

Please come with creative critisism against this MOD, do you want to change any of the Unique Units? What ever, please tell me.

I would also appreciate some help with graphics. Leader Heads are needed and Units would also be nice to have some graphics of their own.

Version 3.00
Creator: Fredrik Henriksson A.K.A. Grey Fox

- Put the bic-file in your Scenarios Folder.

- Download the file: units.zip
- Extract the "units-folder" into CIVILIZATION III\Art\

- Start the game as a Scenario!

Version 3.0
- A new Era of techs is added. The second era is also redecorated.
- Changed Chezcoslovakia to Finland.
- Changed Greece to Turkey.
- Changed Town limit to 8 and City limit to 16.
- Changed growth rate, a citizen now eats 1 food instead of 2.
- Made Cultural Flips harder.
- Ages changed to: "Start of Ind... Ages", "Ind... Ages", "Middle of Ind... Age" and "Late Ind... Age"
- Added Bombard to Submarines.
- Added Fascism Government (Comes with Nationalism).
- Added 48 new Tanks. 3 per Civ, many are the same but were put in individally anyway (For future changes).
- Added Commandos (12-4-1) All terrain as roads, [Submarine] (Invisible) + Can see other [Subs] (Commandos) + amphibious,
- Brittish Commando (14-6-1) all other the same...
- Added Black Devils, the American Commando. (16-10-1) The Elite of the Elite. More expensive, but definately worth it. Replaced Navy Seals.
- Added American Carrier. Can carry 12 planes instead of 8.
- Added Heavy Infantry. (8-16-1)
- Added B-17. Bombard: 10, range: 8.
- Added PPS-15 Radar + can see subs. (Graphics too, made by pesoloco) A thread about it can be found here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15756 )
- Added Yamato Class Battleship (Yamato Class Battleship). (28(16)-18-4) It's more expensive then normal B-ship. Graphics made by TVA22 Thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17320
- Added Ski Infantry. (8-10-1) All terrain as roads. Finland only.
- Added Luftwaffe JG 26. (4(3)-3-1) Range: 6. Germany Only
- Added Luftwaffe Focke 190. (8(4)-4-1) Range: 7. Germany Only
- Added Luftwaffe Me 262. (14(4)-6-1) Range: 8. Germany Only
- Added German Submarine. (10(8)-5-5) Range: 3. Germany Only
- Added Hurricane. (6(3)-4-1) Range: 5. Brittain Only
- Added Spitfire. (3(2)-3-1) Range: 4. Brittain Only, cheaper then the Hurricane.
- Added Advance Submarine. (18(14)-8-5) Range: 4.
- Added Jeep (8-4-1) All terrain as roads. Transports 2 Foot soldiers.
- Added Large Truck (6-10-3) Transports 6 Foot soldiers.
- Added Grenadier (10(6)-6-1) Can Bombard.
- Added Flamethrower. (12-1-1).
- Added Brittish Destroyer (16(10)-10-5) Range:2... Instead of Brittish Battleship. +can see subs.


- Panzer (As it is in the game.) GERMAN.
- Panther (22-10-4) GERMAN.
- Tiger Tank (24-12-4) GERMAN.

- KV-1 (15-7-2) SOVIET. A little cheaper too.
- KV-1S (22-12-3) SOVIET.
- T-34 - Stalinets (26-12-4) SOVIET.

- Matilda (Normal Tank) BRITTISH.
- Churchill (Normal Medium Tank (20-10-3)) BRITTISH.

- TunderBolt (Normal Tank) AMERICAN.
- Hellcat (Normal Medium Tank) AMERICAN.

Version 2.0
- Alot of changes have been made.
- The tech tree is totally remade. Now the game starts in the late Middle Ages. Early Industry Age.

Version 1.75
- Fixed the bug, when the game crashes when you end your turn.

Version 1.51
- Fixed the bug with settlers unable to build cities.

Version 1.50
- Musketeers changed to Resisant (4-6-1) +All Terain treated as roads, Replaces Rifleman.
- Changed Austrias Leader to Kurt Schushnigg, Spains to Franco, Britains to Churchill, Frances to De Gaulle...
- Added Nationalist, and Communist China and therefor deleted China.
- Added The Neutrals, and therefor deleted Sweden and Switzerland.
- Added the "Border Patrol"-unit as The Neutrals UU. Replaces Rifleman (4-7-1) +ZOC
- Fixed som bugs, including units.
- Changed the British unit to British Battleship. (20(10)-14-5)
- Added this Readme

I would like to thank:
TVA22 - For making the Yamoto Class Battleship.
pesoloco - For making the Ground Radar Unit.

Team Members

Head of MOD - Grey Fox
Head of Units(Tanks) - Kentonio
Head of History - Shaitan (On CFC)

We will need a Head of Units(Planes) too. (havelock is a candidate)
We will need a Head of Units(Ships) too. (TVA is a candidate)


- Changes in the next version. (Not definate)

German Tanks will probably be:
PzKpfw II / PzKpfw IV / Tiger / Panther

British Tanks will probably be:
Matilda I / Sherman Mark V / Firefly

Soviet Tanks will probably be:
KV-1 / T-34-76 / T34-85 / IS1

and American:
MDR, Stuart / Sherman / Pershing.

British Plane chain:
Hurricane / Spitfire Mk2 (SU) / (Hawker Tempest or later the Hawker Typhoon)

Wildcat / Corsair / Hellcat(SU)

havn't got anymore time... so I'll update later


The Tech trees:

This is Version 3.00 of the WW2 MOD

Or here Units.zip(Same file) (1.5 Mb)

Leaderheads can be downloaded here: Leaderheads


  • ww2 mod v.3.0.zip
    16.5 KB · Views: 25,359
Kurt Schuschnigg must be the Austrian lesder. He was the last prime minister before Hitler annected Austria.
I would love to see a WW2 scenario, like in Civ2. This is one of my most read periods.
Leader of Japan "Emperor HIROITO" and leader of Great Britain "Churchill" ...

I need help, i downloaded ur zip, i saved the scenario in the scenario place but where do i save the unique units folders?

Also can u do something to eliminate global warming? its really annoying when the terrain messes up because of the global warming, also i agree with kring, in civ2 they had a WW2 scenario it was really great, i spent 2 years playing the same scenario but with different civs... if u make something like that it will be great.
I will make Sweden and Switzerland one Civ, a Neutral CIv instead.

And I think I will also add Communist China and Nationalist China.
So can someone tell me whicg will get which cities?
(As I can't make any straigtforward Scenario, I have to make it a Mod were you play from 4000BC right now)

And might also add:
- Ireland
- Iran
- Yoguslavia
- North Africa (OR should I split them up, or only use Egypt?)
- India (were they such a big part of the war?)
- Which should I add more?

Spain = Franco
Great Britain = Churchill (Why did I miss that)
Japan = Hirohito (I already had that, in fact...)
France = De Gualle
Austria = Kurt Schushnigg

And I also have some questions to kring, who I hope will help me a lot on this Modification!

- What do you mean by Commonwealth? (Canada and ???)
- Do you think I should have more then one Unique Unit for every civ? (then one special that triggers the golden age maybe)

Does anyone know if I can move cities with the save-game editor?

Can I change the year, give civs techs, give them cities, units. Change wich civs they are at war with, change wich they are Gracious, Furious with?

If I can do that with the save-game editor, then I might be able to do a scenario.

And why I made the Soviet Tank bad, was becuase I wanted it to be cheap so I had to lower it's attack point (But since it's a UU that might not be necesary?), Cheap because they had a lot of tanks during the war.

And Yes I know that the Italian tanks suck during the WW2, but I had to made them different then the other tanks.

More Feedback please.

And you extract the unit folders into CIVILIZATION III\Art\Units\

Sorry to not have mentioned this before... I will add that information to the first post.
French Leader : De Gaulle (or Général De Gaulle)
And... I don't think that French musketeers would be very usefull in WW2 :confused:... French UU should be something like Resistant (4-6-1) with "all terrain as road" ability
Originally posted by Schee
French Leader : De Gaulle (or Général De Gaulle)
And... I don't think that French musketeers would be very usefull in WW2 :confused:... French UU should be something like Resistant (4-6-1) with "all terrain as road" ability

Yes I know, all that is to be changed in version 1.5 of the Mod.

All out there who are about to download, please wait as the Version 1.5 of the Mod will come very, very soon! (Minutes)
Version 1.5 Is now released!

You can find it in the first post.


Thanks to everyone who helped with the changes!
(Now I'm just gonna edit the first post to...)
I don't mean to be nick-picky but the UU for the United States really should be the Marine. There were no Navy Seals during WWII. Also, no other nation had a force quite like the U.S. Marines. Sure, they had forces that were called marines, but they weren't really trained for amphibious assaults (like U.S. Marines) as much as they were trained to serve as troops aboard ships.

This looks like a very ambitious mod...keep up the good work!
Originally posted by Ed O'War
I don't mean to be nick-picky but the UU for the United States really should be the Marine. There were no Navy Seals during WWII. Also, no other nation had a force quite like the U.S. Marines. Sure, they had forces that were called marines, but they weren't really trained for amphibious assaults (like U.S. Marines) as much as they were trained to serve as troops aboard ships.

This looks like a very ambitious mod...keep up the good work!

Yep I know, but I called them Navy Seals 'cus there are already a unit called Marines.
A little sneack preview at the future of the WW2 mod.

The Tech Tree is currently under heavy re-construction, when complete the game will start in the pre-industry / Industry age, and stay in that during the whole game.

That means MANY new techs and MANY new Units. (Every Civ might have about 5 different Tanks)

And I might Cripple some civs. Like Poland, and the Neutrals. I might make it so that the Neutrals can't produce Naval, Air and Offensive units... etc.
Seems like their is an error in version 1.5.

Haven't anyone here noticed that you can't build cities?

Is it just my .bic file that is wrong?

Well anyway, I have updated to version 1.51... Check out the first post to download it.
Britain would be better with the fighter as a UU their BB's were not that good Germany and the US had better ones.Most liokely the Japaneese had better ones also. Britains were WW1 issue for the most part.
I started the mod like this..

Americans, Huge Map, Chieftain, patch v1.17

Only got through building Washington, setting to build warrior, moved scout, moved worker. Then the game crashed :mad: seemingly when it was on the AI's turn. If anyone can help that would be great cause i'm so anxious to try out this mod!
Originally posted by titansfan216
I started the mod like this..

Americans, Huge Map, Chieftain, patch v1.17

Only got through building Washington, setting to build warrior, moved scout, moved worker. Then the game crashed :mad: seemingly when it was on the AI's turn. If anyone can help that would be great cause i'm so anxious to try out this mod!

I don't really know what the problem can be...

Which version are you playing?

It could be that some of the colors are not allowed and the AI, has a color that is not allowed by the game... therefor it crashes.

I'll look into it.

I'm currently working on version 2.0 and I am having great troubles on that version. But if I can get that version to work everyone can play and everyone should be glad...

Off to debug!
Now I have fixed all bugs I'm currently aware of.

This version should be playable, at least it was when I tested it.

VERSION 1.75 is here!

Check out post 1 to Download.
tried it again. same exact thing! have no idea what caused this. maybe its because the actual scenario file is still named "naziMod V.1.51"?:confused:
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